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Μυνημα στην εναρξη


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


χρονια πολλα σε ολου7ς την περασμενη εβδομαδα οταν ανοιξα το PC ΡΙΙΙ 5ΟΟ me XP SP1 στν εναρξη στην ανιχνευση των δισκων μου εγραψε διπλα απο τον καθενα 'installed as 80 h στον ενα και στον αλλο installed as 81h τι ειναι αυτο?μπορει να βοηθησει καποιος




INT 13h Device Controller Installation




When an INT 13h device controller installs its INT 13h support, it typically snoops the BDA to detect if any hard drives are currently installed. If so, the controller will make its hard drive number one greater than the maximum drive number currently used. For example, if two ATA drives are installed (80h and 81h) and a BCV gets called to install support for a drive, the BCV will make its INT 13h drive number 82h. This precludes it from being an IPL device since only drive 80h is bootable. The result of all this is that the first INT 13h device controller that successfully installs will have its first drive assigned number 80h and will represent the Hard Drive BAID in the IPL Table and IPL Priority.




One of the keys to controlling the order of the installation of the INT 13h device controllers is selectively calling different option ROMs at specific times. It is critical that the BIOS allow the installation of controllers in any order. The three types of controllers found in the BCV Table are: those with on-board ATA support; those with Legacy option ROMs; and all of the BCV devices that were found. Each of these types of controllers has a different method for installing their INT 13h support. The ATA support is a call into the BIOS, the Legacy card support is also a call into the BIOS that simply calls the remaining option ROMs that dont have the PnP Expansion Header, and the BCV devices are controllers that each have a special entry point within their PnP option ROM.




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