privateer Δημοσ. 10 Ιανουαρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 10 Ιανουαρίου 2003 Den xreiazesai kanena kleidi :grin: :grin: Pyrobolhse to tzami pou xwrizei ta dyo dwmatia kai mbes mesa :cool:
sniper_206 Δημοσ. 11 Ιανουαρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 11 Ιανουαρίου 2003 Thanx megale den to eixa proseksei!!! To exeis termatisei to paixnidi? An nai mallon pws tha se ksanaxreiastw :)
privateer Δημοσ. 11 Ιανουαρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 11 Ιανουαρίου 2003 Nai to exw teliwsei edw kai kairo Rwta oti 8es
sniper_206 Δημοσ. 11 Ιανουαρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 11 Ιανουαρίου 2003 Loipon 3anakollisa! Apostoli Shogun pou prepei na skotwseis ton Kinezo sto kastro. Pia taktikh prepei na akolouthisw gia na mh me $%@%$#% soun?
sniper_206 Δημοσ. 12 Ιανουαρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 12 Ιανουαρίου 2003 Pou exeis xathei privateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrr??????? S O S please help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! Den mporw na to perasw me tpt!!!
privateer Δημοσ. 12 Ιανουαρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 12 Ιανουαρίου 2003 Pou akribws eisai?Prepei na anebeis ston teleutaio orofo gia na skotwseis ton strathgo.Ena orofo prin yparxei porta me lazer.Gia thn anoixeis prepei na pareis th karta apo thn yphretria.Gia na ton skotwseis yparxoun diaforoi tropoi.Egw ebala bomba sto elikoptero pou einai sto isogeio kai otan baresa ton synagermo aytos etrexe na mbei sto elikoptero.Akousa to elikoptero na einai ston aera kai pyrodothsa ta ekrhktika. Prin bareseis ton synagermo na pas sto ypogeio na pareis to guidence sytme giati alliws otan feygei o strathgos paei kai to pernei kai 8a xa8ei otan anatinaxeis to elikoptero Pare kai ena walkthrough gia thn pista. Wow. Big, complicated map. There's a ton of ways to do this. Once you understand the basics of how to get around and how the costumes work, you shouldn't have much trouble beating this mission. Tips- 1. The rafter-dwelling ninjas don't seem to be as psychic as their friends. 2. If someone starts to follow you, you can usually lose them by changing floors and/or going around a corner. 3. Disguises work here, but you need to follow the usual rules for blending in. 4. The map of the courtyard and wings is that same area. Neither map shows all the guys in the area. Don't be fooled into thinking an area is bereft of guards by only look- ing at one map. 5. The floor of the first floor will squeak unless you walk along the beams. 6. For no adequately explained reason, the Target on this mission counts as an enemy for the purposes of the mission rating. 7. Generally, you can get away with annoying a few guards. The problem is, the more times you make the SAME guards suspicious, the more likely they are to open fire. This is the whole key to the mission. People have trouble when trying to get out, but they don't realize it's because of things they did going in. FIRST CHALLENGE- Blending in ----------------------------------- METHOD A-the shirt off his back Head through the secret passage to the right, and up the stairs. When the patroller in the next room has his back turned, creep out of the doorway and sneak up behind the nearest pillar, keeping it between you and him. When he next turns his back, shoot him in the head with your silenced 9mm. Take his clothes and drag his body behind some nearby boxes, being careful not to squeak. You will now be able to walk by most guards with relative ease. Head down the stairs, then through the secret passage. Grab the keycard. Walk toward the room with the (!) on it. Sneak through the room where the two ninjas are playing a game, or praying, or admiring the table, or whatever it is they're doing. Disable the lasers with your new keycard, and grab the bomb, remote, and as much ammo as you want. Sneak back out. METHOD B-ninja laundry Head through the secret passage to the right, and up the stairs. When the patroller in the next room has his back turned, creep out of the doorway and sneak along the wall. Hide behind boxes or pillars when he turns around, and head down the stairs as soon as possible. Be careful not to squeak! Walk down the stairs, the turn around and go through the secret panel. Watch the map to make sure nobody is the next room, then step in, and grab the keycard. Continue in the same direction, and, at the end of the hall, hug the left wall and sneak. There's a patroller that goes around the next part in a circle. Sneaking, you can follow him. Err to the outside of the loop, so that he doesn't see you out of the corner of his eye when he turns a corner. Doing this, you can follow him to the right hand door to the next hall, without ever passing near the rafter ninja. In the next hall, do the exact same trick, and you'll be in the hall with three small rooms on the side. Sneak along to the end, and save in front of the door. When ready, open it, and grab the spare clothes. Sometimes, the ninjas in here see you, and some- times they don't, hence the save. When dressed, sneak back out. Head back down the hall to the earlier door. Sneak through the room where the two ninjas are playing a game, or praying, or admiring the table, or whatever it is they're doing. Disable the lasers with your new keycard, and grab the bomb, remote, and as much ammo as you want. Be sure to grab a SMG since you don't have one yet. Sneak back out. METHOD C-a prayer for pants If you follow method B until the keycard, you can ambush and drug one of the guards who come in to pray in the shrine. However, in my experience, that costume doesn't work as well as the black outfit. SECOND CHALLENGE- The guidance system ------------------------------------------- Pay attention! This part is key. Don't skip it just because you know how to get the system. Head back around the halls, past the shrine, through the passage and up to the squeaky room. See tip 7 for this mission? The two guys past that laser fence are key to doing this mission stealthily. You have to go past them two or three total times, and if you make them too suspicious this FIRST time, they'll shoot at you every time when you're trying to escape. If the Suspici-O-Meter gets any wider than a third, load and do it over, especially if you plan to kill Hayamoto with the bomb, or try to get you-know- who out. Head up the stairs onto the first floor. Stick to the beams, walk near the boxes in the middle of the room. Now, run over to the left, in the direction of the stairs. The squeaks will bring out the two guys by the door, who will walk over to the middle of the room. Using the beams, walk over, deactivate the lasers, and drop down the stairs to the basement. Once in the basement, if you managed to do that without them seeing you at all, you're good. If they did, and the suspicion meter got larger than a sliver, you probably want to do it again. Getting this part is tricky, but the idea is to make them investigate a squeak without coming too near you. Once down, go through the door across the way, down to the museum. Turn off the lasers and take the .22 SD pistol and guidance system. Leave the way you came in. Calmly walk past the guards at the laser fence up to the 2nd floor. If either of them follows you even partway up the stairs, you aroused too much suspicion on your last pass, and they WILL sound alarms the next time they see you. I'll repeat it; If either of those guys follows you up the stairs at ALL, they WILL sound alarms if they see you again. THIRD CHALLENGE- Hayamoto must die ----------------------------------------- METHOD A-up close and personal Go on up through the rather bland 2nd floor to the 3rd floor. Keep going up without doing anything on floor 3. Check the map to make sure you won't run into the concubine, and head up to the 4th floor. Duck behind the screen in the concubine's room (it's the one through which you access Lei Ling) and wait for her. When she turns around, move out and chloroform her. Stealth isn't really an issue, since it's pretty much a given that she'll see you, but she doesn't run fast, and has no weapon, so you can just chase her down and grab her before she even gets to the door. Take her card, and tuck her back into her room, if she got out. Head up the stairs on this side. Turn off the laser and move in a bit, then run back out, run around in the stairs, etc. Your goal is to get the guy in that room with the gun (the guys with the swords don't check your ID) to move toward you. When he's gone about 3 steps, run down two sets of stairs to the third floor (with the security system.) Run through here, and back up to the fourth floor. Don't worry, those guys on floor three won't cause problems for you. Run partway up the stairs to the fifth floor, then walk. Turn off the laser. The guy with the gun should be all the way over by the other door. With him distracted, you should have no trouble getting up to the top floor. If Hayamoto is at his table, sneak and hang out on the stairs until he goes to the window. Sneak up behind him. If you haven't shot anyone yet, you can drill him with the silenced 9mm, or you can wire him. Be aware that as soon as you do this, the ninjas on the lofts will try to kill you. Grab Hayamoto's katana (if you want it) and hop out the window. Keep moving, and the idiot ninjas will stay on the 6th floor without alerting anybody else. Follow the path along the ledges, and you can drop down right in front of the exit. Stroll out between the last few guards. METHOD B-kaboom In order to use this method, you must plant the bomb on the chopper BEFORE you go to the basement and museum. Just walk up to it and select "PLANT BOMB" from the menu. The odds are, someone will get suspicious, but not enough to cause any problems. Go on up to the 3rd floor. There's a patroller here who walks in a U shape. Wait til he's over by the sleeping ninjas, and make your way to the security console. Push the big, tempting button, and run back down to the third floor. Once here, go around to the right hand side of the area, and walk up to the corner so you can see the stairs down, but nobody can see you. Wait just a bit to see if anyone comes running up, and then stroll down the stairs. Turn off the lasers, and (sticking to the beams) make your way to the passage through which you entered. Go to the end of it, but not through the door. If you where sufficiently stealthy the last two times you passed these guys, you should be fine. Watch the map and track Hayamoto to the museum, and then up again to the courtyard. You'll be automatically kicked out of map view when he boards it. Count about 10 or 12 seconds, and then detonate the bomb. As long as it's IN the chopper, and not just NEAR it, you'll be fine. If you detonate it too early, the blast will kill several guards, and several other guards will find their corpses, and the alerts will pile up, hurting your rating. METHOD C-kaboom v2 Follow method b for pretty much everything, but, when you steal the guidance system, back up a step and drop the bomb. When Hayamoto goes in here to get the system when he flees, nobody accompanies him, and nobody thinks to go down and look after the bomb goes off. Just watch him on the map, and when he gets near enough, pop the bomb. This eliminates the problems in method b of alarms going off after he's dead. Stroll out at your leisure. METHOD D-kaboom v3 Follow method a, and bring the bomb with you. Drop it anywhere in Hayamoto's room, and then get back to the safe area of your choice. Detonate the bomb. The problem with this plan is that it will inevitably cause a lot of alerts, as all the guards take turns discovering Hayamoto's corpse, and the corpses of all the ninjas who died. If you hide behind a pillar til he sits at the table, you can use the window to exit, then detonate the bomb from outside. Otherwise, you can use the usual exit. METHOD E-bonk and kaboom I included this just because it's fun. Plant the bomb on the chopper ala method B, and follow method A to reach Hayamoto. Creep up behind him and... BONK him on the head with the butt of your SD6. No, really. Now, quickly get past him and climb out the window. Head down a bit so you can JUST see the helicopter. Since you attacked him, he'll run straight to the chopper, and quite quickly too. Follow method b's advice re the bomb, and method a for exiting. The perk here, is that, not only do you get to SEE the helicopter explode, but you get to revel in the silliness that you trekked through mountainous tundra, dodged snipers and dozens of highly trained ninjas, defeated the best security system money could buy, and infiltrated a massive ancient fortress... all to bonk a guy on the head.
sniper_206 Δημοσ. 12 Ιανουαρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 12 Ιανουαρίου 2003 To oti arxizw tin apostoli xwris katholou opla para monon to fiberwire sou thymizei kati Giati edw to walkthrough leei na skotwsw to frouro me to 9mm. An eixa 9mm edw tha imoun twra??? Stin arxi ftanw.Exw katalavei oti paw deksia apo to passage alla to gam1d1 to patwma trizei kai me katalavainoun kai oi3 frouroi... Any suggestion???
sniper_206 Δημοσ. 12 Ιανουαρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 12 Ιανουαρίου 2003 Entaksei tin ksanaarxisa kai eixa ta opla mou!!!?? Mallon bug tou paixnidiou itan prin! Evala tin bomba alla xanw sto simeio pou paw ston 6o na skotwsw ton kitriniari!!! Tespa elpizw na ta kataferw next time
omicr0n Δημοσ. 13 Ιανουαρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 13 Ιανουαρίου 2003 <blockquote><font class="small">Quote sniper_206:</font><hr> To oti arxizw tin apostoli xwris katholou opla para monon to fiberwire sou thymizei kati Giati edw to walkthrough leei na skotwsw to frouro me to 9mm. An eixa 9mm edw tha imoun twra??? Stin arxi ftanw.Exw katalavei oti paw deksia apo to passage alla to gam1d1 to patwma trizei kai me katalavainoun kai oi3 frouroi... Any suggestion??? <hr /></blockquote> Για να μην τρίζει φρόντιζε να περπατάς με stealth όταν είσαι κοντά σε κάποιο φρουρό και να περπατάς στο σκούρο ξύλο (σχηματίζει τετράγωνα στο πάτωμα). Αυτό φαίνεται είναι πιο καινούργιο και δεν τρίζει. Τη βόμβα τη βάζει στο ελικόπτερο και αργότερα όταν θα μπει ο Ιάπωνας μέσα θα το τινάξεις. Δεν χρειάζεται να ανέβεις στον 6ο να τον σκοτώσεις. Αρκεί να πας τέρμα κάτω στο μουσείο να πάρεις το gadget που έχει και μετά να πας στον 3ο να βαρέσεις συναγερμό και να τρέξεις αμέσως από εκεί που ξεκίνησες το παιχνίδι. Μόλις βαρέσει συναγερμός ο Ιάπωνας από τον 6ο κατεβαίνει στο μουσείο βλέπει ότι λείπει το gadget του τρέχει στο basement και μετά στον έξω χώρο μπαίνει στο ελικόπτερο. Τότε είναι που πατάς το bomb remote τον τινάζεις και απλώς μετά είσαι δίπλα στην exit (αν βέβαια έχεις φροντίσει να κάνεις αυτό που σου είπα - να επιστρέψεις στο σημείο της αρχής του παιχνιδιού αφού βαρέσεις τον συναγερμό). Αυτά
Toufas Δημοσ. 13 Ιανουαρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 13 Ιανουαρίου 2003 ego eixa kolisei tote pou se afinei stin rosia xoris opla kai perneis mono to sniper (2i fora pou pas sto idio meros an thimame)alla to thema ienai oti to sniper (dragunof) den skotone tipota..gia afto to afisa to hitman
bug Δημοσ. 13 Ιανουαρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 13 Ιανουαρίου 2003 <blockquote><font class="small">Quote Toufas:</font><hr> ego eixa kolisei tote pou se afinei stin rosia xoris opla kai perneis mono to sniper (2i fora pou pas sto idio meros an thimame)alla to thema ienai oti to sniper (dragunof) den skotone tipota..gia afto to afisa to hitman <hr /></blockquote> Για ποια αποστολή λες; Θύμισέ μου τα objectives για να σε βοηθήσω (αν θες).
UserX Δημοσ. 13 Ιανουαρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 13 Ιανουαρίου 2003 <blockquote><font class="small">Quote Toufas:</font><hr> ego eixa kolisei tote pou se afinei stin rosia xoris opla kai perneis mono to sniper (2i fora pou pas sto idio meros an thimame)alla to thema ienai oti to sniper (dragunof) den skotone tipota..gia afto to afisa to hitman <hr /></blockquote> KAI EGO antimetopisa to idio problima!! Bug tou pehnidiou isos... Mpeno sto apenanti ktirio gia na fao ton arxigo pou itan sto akribos apenanti ktirio, barao mia, den ton skoton, defteri tpt, triti tpt... leo ti pehnike re gmt mipos einai kanena kadro kai brisketai allou o arhigos... telika katalaba oti itan bugaki kai perasa tin pista me cheat (i opoia einai i proteleftea parepiptontos) kai piga stin teleftea, mesa sto nao pou einai psilogamisi!
privateer Δημοσ. 13 Ιανουαρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 13 Ιανουαρίου 2003 Ti bug re paidia.Afou se prodwse h yphresia sou kai sou edwse asfaira
privateer Δημοσ. 13 Ιανουαρίου 2003 Δημοσ. 13 Ιανουαρίου 2003 Milaw sobara.Gia ayto den mboreis na skotwseis kanena!
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