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ti simainei otan lete corrupt bios...?


exei vrei kaneis kana update tou bios gia tin m/b auti?

kanei poli xrono gia na bootarei...


distixos meta apo mia astoxia tou paliou mou trofodotikou (kai mias mlks dikias mou pou piga na ekkiniso to pc eno eixe kaei to trofodotiko...ekapsa tin palia mou mobo asus)...peira tin mitriki auti...edo kai 1 mina den mou exei bgalei provlima...alla sto panel pou exei mprosta deixnei sinexeia FF (opos mou eipan apo tin etairia den einai lathos alla oti einai se leitourgia i mitriki...bebaia sto manual to dinei san lathos to kodiko FF...alla mou eipan oti egine lathos sto grapsimo tou manual...perierga pragmata...)


to raid kai tin ensomatomeni karta ixou den ta xrisimopoio,ola ta alla omos nai,USB2,firewire,lan,kai ola paizoun kala kai stathera kai grigora.

exo balei stin mitriki 2x512 ram...den exo parapona akoma,alla to site tis etairias einai aisxos,kathos kai i ipostiriksi se drivers kai firmwares.


kai ena telefteo,evo exo kanei disable to modem kai tin karta ixou (exo balei sound blaster) tis mobo apo to bios...den exo kataferei me kanena tropo na min kano ta win xp na briskoun tin onboard karta ixou kai na zeitane setup (tin exo kanei disable,alla mou tin dinei to x pou vlepo mesa sto devixe manager)...apo tin alli ean tin kano enable kai tin egkatastiso tote ta win xp den mpoutaroun ,stamatane sto logo kai den proxoraei allo...

  • Απαντ. 34
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

Pedia exw tin 7NJS zenith ke tis exw riksei pole psaksimo.I mitriki ine poli kali alla exei merika mikroprovlimatakia logo bios.exw grapsei ena megalo arthro me ta provlimata tis sto amdmb.com. ane thelete diavaste ta parakato:


7NJS Conclusions-Chaintech Guys and 7NJS owners MUST read this thread!


After having a lot of experience with my 7NJS i decided to write this thread which is about Chaintech 7NJS Zenith performance/stability hints and problems:


1) Performance/Stability:

200MHz FSB:

Something important is that the 7NJS board can easily hit 200MHz FSB with no problems only if you have DDR 400 memory modules or other memory that can hit 200MHz (400MHz DDR). In order to have a stable system, memory should run only in SYNC mode with the FSB. If your memory is for example DDR266 and you set 200MHz FSB and memory asynchronously at 133MHZ (266MHz DDR) you will experience various hangs (i experienced a lot!).



Another thing is that when memory is working on sync mode is faster than working asynchronously. Look some memory benchmark results from sisoft sandra 2003 (cpu at 1800Mhz in all cases):

FSB 200MHz,Memory 150MHz (async): 2130/1950

FSB 150MHz,Memory 150MHz (sync): 2238/2083

FSB 164MHz,Memory 164MHz (sync): 2407/2225


Memory Timings:

I have also run some more memory tests with sandra 2003 in order to see the difference in memory timing settings available from 7NJS bios.Look at the results, they are pretty interesting (cpu at 1833Mhz in first 3 cases,at 1800Mhz in the last 2 cases):

FSB 166MHz,Memory 166MHz (sync,timings 7 - 4 - 4, CL3.0): 2407/2204

FSB 166MHz,Memory 166MHz (sync,timings 7 - 4 - 4, CL2.5): 2410/2221

FSB 166MHz,Memory 166MHz (sync,timings 6 - 3 - 3, CL2.5): 2456/2273


FSB 164MHz,Memory 164MHz (sync,timings 5 - 3 - 3, CL2.5): 2407/2225

FSB 164MHz,Memory 164MHz (sync,timings 4 - 3 - 3, CL2.5): 2408/2226

As you see from the results the first memory timing seting has less affect in performance than the last two memory timing settings.Also CL (cycle lenght) noticeably affects performance. In all memory settings the lowest value you set the better performance you get.



2) Problems That Should Be Fixed (with a new bios version and updated drivers/software):


a) wrong temperature readings (when overclocking)

B) wrong cpu and memory MHz display in boot screen (when overclocking)

c) cpu voltage lower than it should be

d) if you flash/reset cmos and set custom cpu voltage the setting will work only after turning of the pc and power up again,will not work after reset.

e) when overclocking bios may hang when pressing "save and exit". this is very dangerous, my first 7NJS died beacause of this. i suggest you install the latest bios from www.chaintechkorea.com . i also experienced this "bug" with the new bios 1/15/2003 but (thank God) my second 7NJS didn't die.

f) lower permormance (than in sync mode) and LOTS of hangs when using memory in asynchronous mode with the FSB.

g) Dimm voltage setting doesn't work (it works only with the unofficcial 1/15/2003 bios)

h) sometimes after reseting cmos and power up the pc,i can't get into the bios because it doesn't display the first boot screen but goes to the second boot screen (in which it searches for RAID devices and after that loads windows).in order to get into the bios i should turn off the pc,set jumper at 100mhz FSB and power up again.

i) no more than 200MHz fsb selection

j) incompatibility with some NEC memory modules

k) THE DIGIDOC IS AWFUL and needs a lot of improvement. That's beacuse IT CONSUMES A LOT OF CPU POWER when you run it (around 70% cpu power every 1 second! You can see this by running digidoc in background and opening system monitor).You should definitely not have the DigiDoc utility running, not even in system tray, if you run applications that need cpu power.



I can't remember other problems at this moment,if i remember any i will update the thread. If anyone has to add opinions/suggestions or has faced other problems post them here.

I hope that somebody from Chaintech will read this post. Chaintech should soon release a new bios version which will fix all these problems.

I also hope i helped a little 7NJS owners...



sorry pedes varieme na kano tin metafrasi pali,aksizei na ta diavasete ola afta omos.ontos ekapsa mia 7njs logo provlimatikou bios.omos sti nea 7njs mou molis tin pira ekana amesws flash ke etsi ti glitosa.ipogrammizo pos to bios tis mitrikis kollise ke axristeftike pano stin prospathia overclock.to telefteo bios apo tin chaintech einai arketa kalo (oxi teleio) alla exei provlima me to voltage tis mnimis(den to rithmizei).exei vgei ena pathed bios pou diorthonei afto to provlima.to xrisimopoio ke den exo provlimata alla den einai official.

i 7njs einai poli kali mitriki,antexei aneta 200fsb ke sigoura aksizei ta lefta tis.tin sistino se olous anepifilakta,xaris to nforce2 pou foraei einai apo ta taxitera mobos gia amd.arkei na vgei ke kana kalitero bios...





prospathisa na vro akri sto site pou edoses gia ta firmware alla ...distixos den ta katafera logo glossas (den exoun kai kapoio link gia english version)...mipos mporeis na me boithiseis na vro tipota gia tin CHAINTECH EJS1 ZENITH ?



profanos tha ennoeis oti thes links gia bios.sto site chaintechkorea iparxei mono bios gia tin 7NJS Zenith:


to neotero officcial bios gia tin chaintech 7NJS zenith tha to vreis edo (imerominia 29-11-2002): http://www.chaintechkorea.com/Pds/IPN002.php?sBrdCd=IPN300&sMsgID=228


to patced bios gia tin 7NJS Zenith sto opoio exei ftiaxtei to provlima me ti rithmisi tou voltage tis mnimis tha to vreis edo (afto to bios einai unofficcial alla ego to xrisimopoio ke den exw kanena apolitos provlima, mexri stigmis fisika...) (imerominia 15-1-2003): http://intermega.com.br/hardwarereviews/7njs0115.BIN


vasika me mperdepses ligo ke den kserw an ennoeis oti thes bios gia tin chaintech 9ejs1.an milas gi'afti ti mitriki,den iparxei bios sto site chaintechkorea alla iparxei mia ekdosi sto site www.chaintech.com.tw ,i opoia ekdosi einai mallon i monadiki pou exei vgei ke afti pou idi exei i mitriki sou,an exeis tin 9ejs1 telika...


se euxaristo sibi.

nai pragmati exo tin 9ejs1,kai to panelaki mprosta deixnei ena sinexomeno FF,den mporo na kano unistall tin on board karta ixou (tin briskei kathe fora eno tin exo kanei disable sto bios)...tespa den exo kapoio simantiko provlima me tin mobo ,aplos eipa mipos eixes vrei kapou kati gia tin diki mou mitriki.


to panelaki tha stamatisei na deixnei FF an egatastiseis to programma tis chaintech pou kanei monitor sti thermokrasia ke sta voltage.mono otan exeis afto to programma anoixto tha sou deixnei sosti endeiksi sto panel (an kleiseis to programma i endeiksi thermokrasias tha meinei sto panel alla den tha allazei).pantos an krino apo to antistoixo programma pou exei i 7njs,tha sou sinistousa na min egatastiseis to programma afto giati otan trexei apasxolei kata poli ton epeksergasti.an thes egatestise to ke trstare to me to system monitor ton windows.


tin onboard karta ixou gia na tin apenergopoiiseis tha prepei na allakseis ena jumper,simvoulepsou to manual tis mitrikis ke vres poio jumper einai afto.


erwthseis sxetika me thn enlogo mobo&chip

xerete paidia an tha exw kamia asymbatothta an balw thn nforce2&mia karta ati radeon 9000pro?

oso gia to dual chanell pou exei gia tis mnhmes kalo einai ala emeis pou exoume 3*256 ddr logika de tha mporoume na to xrhshmopoihsoume e?kamia nforce2 me dyo zeygh ypodoxwn gia mnhmes yparxei?


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