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WinXP Pro kai mple othoni!


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Paidia opoios mporei as me bohthisei


Ebala se enan filo mou ta WinXP kai molis teleiwse h egkatastash kai phgan na ksekinhsoun gia prwth fora mou ebgale to ekshs mynhma:


STOP:C0000218 {Registry File Failure}

The registry cannot load the hive (file):

or its log or alternate.

It is corrupt,absent, or not writable


Ksanaekana egkatastash kai pali ta idia...!

Kserei kanenas tipota? :confused:



When you install Windows NT or Windows NT Advanced Server from a CD to a machine whose C drive is a SCSI drive with a DTC3290 SCSI controller, Setup may fail, displaying the STOP message:


STOP: c0000218 {Registry File Failure}

The registry cannot load the hive (file):


or its log or alternate.

It is corrupt, absent, or not writeable.


During the installation process, Windows NT expects to read certain information from the SOFTWARE registry hive. Due to a hardware problem, this cannot be done.


This problem was not reproducible at Microsoft. If you run into this problem, the following steps may help:



Use only hardware listed on the hardware compatibility list (HCL).

Ensure that the SCSI bus is properly terminated at both ends.

Try a different SCSI cable.

DTC has a firmware upgrade that fixes certain over-run problems


Σύμφωνα με αυτά που σου λέει ο φίλος privateer, και με αυτά που θυμάμαι από το setup, στην αρχή-αρχή του install, πριν ξεκινήσει κάν να διαβάζει τα αρχεία του setup από το CD, λέει press F6 (νομίζω) if you have a SCSI driver you need to install. Δες το λίγο, εκεί πρέπει να είναι το πρόβλημά σου...


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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