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Istories kathimerinis trelas...


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Kala paidia, bravo gia to topic (kirios se sena blackman), exo kairo na klapso apo ta gelia...<BR>Exo ki ego na sas po diafora, pros to paron arkoumai se mia mi prosopiki istoria pou exei kikloforisei edo kai kairo, einai apo tin ameriki kai tin exo afisei sta agglika giati etsi einai pio freskia. Tha epaneltho, me tis prosopikes mou istories. Njoy :<P> This is a true story from the Word Perfect Help line, which was transcribed from a recording monitoring the customer care department.<BR>Needless to say the Helpdesk employee was fired; however, he/she is currently suing the Word Perfect organization for "Termination without Cause."<BR>Actual dialogue of a former WordPerfect Customer Support employee (now I know why they record these conversations!)<BR>"Ridge Hall computer assistance; may I help you?"<BR>"Yes, well, I'm having trouble with WordPerfect."<BR>"What sort of trouble?"<BR>"Well, I was just typing along, and all of a sudden the words went away."<BR>"Went away?"<BR>"They disappeared."<BR>"Hmm. So what does your screen look like now?"<BR>"Nothing."<BR>"Nothing?"<BR>"It's blank; it won't accept anything when I type."<BR>"Are you still in WordPerfect, or did you get out?"<BR>"How do I tell?"<BR>"Can you see the C: prompt on the screen?"<BR>"What's a sea-prompt?"<BR>"Never mind, can you move your cursor around the screen?"<BR>"There isn't any cursor: I told you, it won't accept anything I type."<BR>"Does your monitor have a power indicator?"<BR>"What's a monitor?"<BR>"It's the thing with the screen on it that looks like a TV. Does it have a little light that tells you when it's on?"<BR>"I don't know."<BR>"Well, then look on the back of the monitor and find where the power cord goes into it. Can you see that?"<BR>"Yes, I think so."<BR>Great. Follow the cord to the plug, and tell me if it's plugged into the wall."<BR>"Yes, it is."<BR>"When you were behind the monitor, did you notice that there were two cables plugged into the back of it, not just one?"<BR>"No."<BR>"Well there are. I need you to look back there again and find the other cable."<BR>"Okay, here it is."<BR>"Follow it for me, and tell me if it's plugged securely into the back of your computer."<BR>"I can't reach."<BR>"Uh huh. Well, can you see if it is?"<BR>"No."<BR>"Even if you maybe put your knee on something and lean way over?"<BR>"Oh, it's not because I don't have the right angle - it's because it's dark."<BR>"Dark?"<BR>"Yes - the office light is off, and the only light I have is coming in from the window."<BR>"Well, turn on the office light then."<BR>"I can't."<BR>"No? Why not?"<BR>"Because there's a power failure."<BR>"A power... A power failure? Aha, Okay, we've got it licked now. Do you still have the boxes and manuals and packing stuff your computer came in?"<BR>"Well, yes, I keep them in the closet."<BR>"Good. Go get them, and unplug your system and pack it up just like it was when you got it. Then take it back to the store you bought it from."<BR>"Really? Is it that bad?"<BR>"Yes, I'm afraid it is."<BR>"Well, all right then, I suppose. What do I tell them?"<BR>"Tell them you're too fucking stupid to own a computer. Have a nice day!'

  • Απαντ. 69
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

Deite kai ayto:<BR>Enas filos douleyei se magazi pou emporeyontai upologistes.Paei mia mera enas typos kai agorazei ena PC.O typos asxetos apo PC kai opws eipe htan o prwtos toy upologisths.Meta apo 2 meres to palikari pairnei thlefwno sto magazi kai tous leei oti ola kala me ton upologisth alla tou espase h vash tou kafe!!!!!!!Mataia prospathousan na ton peisoun oi pwlhtes oti den yparxei vash kafe panw sto PC.Me ta polla tou lene na tous to paei apo ekei na to doune.To paei o typakos kai ti na doun!!!!Oi pio polloi fantazomai tha to exete katalavei hdh.......<P>...........<P>...........<P>nai einai alhtheia,o typos xrhsimopoiouse to CD-ROM gia na akoumpaei ton kafe toy!!!!!<P>Eipate tipota?????????


Kai allo ena pou molis thymithika:Sthn etaireia pou douleya xrhsimopoioyme ena programma pou leitoyrgei se perivallon DOS kai htan kai polu astathes.Mia mera loipon ekei pou douleye enas synadelfos toy kolaei to programma.Prospathwntas na to ksekollhsei patage diafora koumpia alla mataia kai oxi mono ayto alla arxise na toy vgazei kati trela symvola panw sthn othonh.O sunadelfos ta eide aperiorista giati kati tetoio den toy eixe ksanasymvei kai panw sthn apognwsh toy ti ekane lete......Poly apla esvhse..... <P>thn othonh!!!!!!!!


Afto den einai tipota ego ksero logisti pou pernaei posa sto Excel kai anti na kanei sum gia na bgalei to apotelesma to kanei me to calculator. Alla to poio oreo to ksexasa na sas to po. <BR>Kapote doulevase magazi me ipologistes. Erxete enas tipos fernei to mixanima tou gia format tou vazo kanonika windows meta mou leei kai kati alla programata pou ithele ta vazo erxete ta vlepei. Opos paei na sikosi to pc gia na figei mou leei Tora pou valame kai kanourgia programata varine perisotero


auti i istorioula isws einai ligo poly gnwsti, afou tin exw akousei 2-3 fores. tin lew opws akrivws tin exw akousei (posa kai opoiesdipote leptomereies isws diaferoun apo tis kanonikes, den to epatha egw auto gia na to pw opws akrivws egine ;p ):<P>prin peripou 2 xronia imoun me ena filo mou o opoios einai pwlhths sto X katastima stin patisiwn, kai ksafnika xtipaei to tilefwno. To sikwnei autos:<BR>-parakalw<BR>-kalispera sas endiaferomai na agorasw enan ypologisti...<BR>me ta polla, tou petaei kati 800rides athon me 256ria SDRAM, 20G skliro, 17ra othoni, DVD, recorder, printer, scanner, kai genikotera mazemena ta kerata tou:<BR>-i kaliteri timi pou mporw na sas kanw auti ti stigmi einai 750.000<BR>-euxaristw poly ... kai kleinei<P>ksanaxtipaei meta apo ligo kai tou dinei kainourio configuration me kapws ligotera "addons" vgazontas tous printer+scanner+dvd kai me mia 14ra othoni: <BR>-i kaliteri timi pou mporw na sas kanw auti ti stigmi einai 400.000<BR>-euxaristw poly ... kai ksanakleinei<P>swsta katalavate, ksanapernei meta apo ligo, PALI dinontas kainourio configuration me athlon sta 700, 128 ram, 14G skliro, klp klp<BR>-mporw na sas to vgalw stis 340.000 peripou<BR>-euxaristw poly ... kai nai, ksanakleinei!<P>kathws milagame loipon kai mou elege o pwlhths pws kati tetoioi typoi tou spane ta nevra kathe mera, <B>ksanapernei</B> tilefwno...akolouthei o eksis dialogos:<BR>-parakalw<BR>-kalispera, eixa parei kai pio prin..<BR>-nai, peite mou<BR>-exw 130 xiliades, ti mporw na parw?"<P>e tou apantas katallhla twra, i den tou apantas?<P>(up'opsin to olo skiniko diadramatistike mesa sto xrono pou xreiazetai enas logikos anthrwpos na kapnisei dio tsigara...)


den kserw gia esas alla egw fantazomai oti to apopanw post einai plaka...<BR>otherwise malon 8a prepei na apantisei kai kapoios stin agelia "zitountai anor8ografoi"<BR> grin.gif" border="0 grin.gif" border="0 grin.gif" border="0 grin.gif" border="0 grin.gif" border="0 <P>pantws egw to poio ekswfreniko pou exw akousei apo "gnwsti" pciwn einai oti "den daneizei cd epeidh fovatai min kolhsoun kanan io apo to pc pou 8a boyn"<P>o nown nohtw...


Ααχαχαχαχαχα wink.gif" border="0 smile.gif" border="0 smile.gif" border="0 smile.gif" border="0Blackman συνεχίζεις την ΑΡΙΣΤΗ παράδοση που έχεις στο να μας κάνεις να σπάμε πλάκα wink.gif" border="0<P>Το δικό μου σας το είπα;<BR>Με είχαν καλέσει να δείξω κάτι στο Excel...<BR>"Λοιπόν", του λέω,"Βάλε μέσα τη δισκέτα και θα βρεις το αρχείο σου"<BR>ΚΑΙ ΜΟΥ ΑΠΑΝΤΑ:<BR>"ναι, αλλά εγώ το αρχείο το είχα γράψει πριν αρκετή ώρα...Τώρα εσύ πως θα γυρίσεις πίσω την δισκέτα;;;;;;;;;;;;;"<P>ΑΚΟΜΑ ΕΝΑ:<BR>Εγώ: "Χμμμμμμ το Cd αυτό έχει ιό...Μην το ξαναβάλετε στον υπολογιστή σας"<BR>ΑΠΑΝΤΗΣΗ SOCK: "Απαγορεύεται τώρα και να το βάλω κοντά στα άλλα CD γιατί θα κολλήσουν και αυτά!!!!!!!!!!!;;;"


Pedia prepei na diksete katanohsh se tetoia pragmata...<BR>mhn mou peite oti osoi eiste odhgoi kserete ta panta panw sto amaksi sas?<P>Mhpws kserete oloi ti einai to kathe lampaki sto tamplo?Emena o aderfos mou pou einai mhxanikos aytokinhtwn kai egw pou den eimai pantelos asxetos apo autokinhta...me exei gia adah me ta amaksia giati ekeinou einai h douleia tou.<P>"Ma kala re blaka...den akous ton thorybo pou kanei?"..."Mhn bazeis nero...baze paraflou!" (auto to kserw ...doksa to theo lol)...klp klp klp<P>synepws katalabete oti o kathenas ston tomea tou...kai oxi to oti douleyoun ena PC eginan kompiouterades...ligo katanohsh na diksoume.<P><BR>Loipon na pw kai allh mia istoria...<P><BR>Istoria 21<P>Xrhsths: Giorgo ela ligo na deis to pc giati den anoigei...<BR>...<BR>..<BR>paw...ontos den anige to PC...patousa koumpi tipota...kai sto motherboard kai ths othonhs...apolytos tipota.<P>Xrhsths:Re gamoto mou ti epathe twra kai den douleyei?<P>...to pc kai h othonh htan syndemena me ena UPS...koitaw to UPS kai htan kleisto...to anoigw kai opws htan fysiko othonh kai motherboard phran reyma...<P>Egw grin.gif" border="0en htan tipota,kapoios ekleise to UPS...<BR>Xrhsths:A egw to ekleisa giati mou ekane ena spastiko mpip mpip...<P><BR> shocked.gif" border="0 wink.gif" border="0 shocked.gif" border="0 wink.gif" border="0 shocked.gif" border="0 cool.gif" border="0


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kabouras:<BR><STRONG>den kserw gia esas alla egw fantazomai oti to apopanw post einai plaka...<BR>otherwise malon 8a prepei na apantisei kai kapoios stin agelia "zitountai anor8ografoi"<BR> grin.gif" border="0 grin.gif" border="0 grin.gif" border="0 grin.gif" border="0 grin.gif" border="0 <P>pantws egw to poio ekswfreniko pou exw akousei apo "gnwsti" pciwn einai oti "den daneizei cd epeidh fovatai min kolhsoun kanan io apo to pc pou 8a boyn"<P>o nown nohtw...</STRONG><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P><BR>τι θες κιριε καβούρα θες κατι; δε ντραιπωμε να πω εχο μηνει πολες φορες στιν ηδια ταξι ενταξι. εσυ τι θελης και ανακατευεσε;; αντε ασαι μας τορα και γηρνα στα προβατα σου..


Mpravo re blackman mas ekanes kai gelasame...<BR>Kai me ola afta thimithika mia paromia istoria, pou etixe se mia gnosti mou (afti itan o asxetos xristis).<BR>Meta apo 21 xronia apo tin genisi tis apofasise na agorasei epitelous ena apo afta ta mixanimata, pou ta lene pi si i kapos etsi. Paei loipon kai agorazei tin teleftaia leksi tis tehnologias (gia ton kairo tis, 3-4 xronia prin) mias kai o mpampas tis eixe lefta. Afou sindeei ta kalodia kai ta loipa. Pataei to koumpi gia na anoiksei alla tipota. To ksanapataei, alla pali tipota. Pernei panikovlimeni ton texniko tis etairias tilefono, tou eksigei alla o texnikos den eixe poli fantasia kathoti mikros kai apiros. Etsi loipon paei apo to spiti na dei ti simvenei. Mpainei sto domatio pou ipirxe o PCs, ton koitaei, pernei to kalodio tis trovodosias kai to vazei stin priza. KAI DOULEPSEEEEE.<BR>Ti sou einai vre paidi mou i texnologia e?<P>Telos panton. Oraia einai na gelame me tis gafes ton xriston, alla kai oi texniki den pane piso.<P>Akouste afto (pou an itan diko sas mixanima den tha to vriskate poli astio)<BR>Mpaino se ena magazi, apo afta pou agorazeis ipologistes. Agorasa ena modem 14400 (prin 5 xronia) pao spiti kai den douleyei me tipota. Girnao stin etairia giati to tilefono tous sinexeia milouse. Mpaino mesa tous leo ti simvainei kai mou lene na pao pano ston texniko tous na rotiso ekeinon. Pao kai ego sto ergastiri tou texnikou kai ton vlepo na troi crouasan pano apo mia motherboard pou molis ixe vgalei apo enan ipologisti, kai san na min eftane afto estakse ena aksiosevasto poso sokolatas pano ston epeksergasti...<BR>NAI kai ego piga na ton rotiso ti na kano gia na doulepsei to modem. Pali kala pou mou dosan kainourgio kai den mou eipe to alipso me voutiro kai meli.<P>Aftaaaaaaaaa.


xexe...kalo kai ayto...<P><BR>pedia na sas pw kai allo ena koryfaio...shmerino<P>Istoria 22<P>(synexeia apo thn 20)<P>Shmera phga na allaksw to PC tou typou pou sas eipa sthn Istoria 20...<P>paw kai fernw allo PCaki kai bazw ekei...<P><BR>Xrhsths:Me to allo to kompiouter telika ti tha ginei?<P>(tou eixa pei oti eixe xtyphsei o SKLHROS)<BR>...<P>Xrhsths:Ti tha kaneis me ton KSERO?<BR>Egw:Me ton poio?<BR>Xrhsths:Me ton KSERO disko...ti tha kaneis?<P><BR> shocked.gif" border="0 shocked.gif" border="0 shocked.gif" border="0


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Blackman:<BR><STRONG>Xrhsths:Ti tha kaneis me ton KSERO?<BR>Egw:Me ton poio?<BR>Xrhsths:Me ton KSERO disko...ti tha kaneis?<BR></STRONG><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Βάλτον σε μια λεκάνη με νερό και άστον να μουλιάσει λίγη ώρα grin.gif" border="0 grin.gif" border="0 grin.gif" border="0 grin.gif" border="0


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Free:<BR><STRONG><P><BR>τι θες κιριε καβούρα θες κατι; δε ντραιπωμε να πω εχο μηνει πολες φορες στιν ηδια ταξι ενταξι. εσυ τι θελης και ανακατευεσε;; αντε ασαι μας τορα και γηρνα στα προβατα σου..</STRONG><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>as mi dwsoume kalitera sinexeia<BR>einai krima na xaramistei tetoio topic<P><BR> cool.gif" border="0 cool.gif" border="0 cool.gif" border="0 cool.gif" border="0


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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