marios1957 Δημοσ. 10 Δεκεμβρίου 2002 Δημοσ. 10 Δεκεμβρίου 2002 ʼντε παλληκαράδες μου ψαχτείτε,αργεί ακόμη η ώρα για το dvdr και τα cdάκια παραμένουν ακόμη 24 η κατοστάδα...
trustfm Δημοσ. 10 Δεκεμβρίου 2002 Μέλος Δημοσ. 10 Δεκεμβρίου 2002 file Kserolas auta pou grafei o tupas einai pantelws la8os sto site ... apla sto dwsa gia na sou deixw oti uparxei ontws problhma. Oxi mono me to napa alla kai geniktera ! To napa fusika kai den einai problhmatiko !!! polu apla an kaneis ena vcd encode me to panasonic sto napa paizei mia xara an to kaneis me to Tmpeg paizei xali mauro ! De fteei o player apla o player exei mikres anoxes sta GOP auto exw katalabei kai auto leei kai autos sto site ! . 8elei ena pio sobaro as poume vcd ... Apla to Tmpeg ftiaxnei vcd amfibolou compatibility. Twra mhn me rwtas giati o panasonic ta ftiaxnei swsta ... de xerw ... exei sigoura na kanei me ton algori8mo pou ginetai h metatroph. Teliwnontas 8elw na sou pw oti ena vcd den xaratirizetai mono apo tis parametrous : 25 ftps / 1150 kBit/s kai foumara ! Ayta einai xontrades ! Uparxoun kai alloi paragontes pou ka8istoun ena vcd a norma (GOP sequence kai Matrix file ) ! Kontologhs ... mhn entupwseiasteis an pas se kana filo sou me kana vcd diskaki sou encoded me Tmpeg h CCe kai de paizei eno uposthrizei vcd format . Apla pragmata... to Tmpeg ftiaxnei kapoio STOIXEIWDES vcd oxi omws me ton apoluto tropo vcd. Telos na sou 8umisw oti to vcd exei norma (den einai au8ereo format san to divx) to opoio xrhsoimopoieite kata koron kina ktl . KOINWS uparxoun VCD pou poulioutai san videokasetes original pragmata . (Yparxoun kai on line katasthmata). Kai gi auto ta exw parei sto kranio me tous mpeg1 encoders giati kanenas apo aytous (plhn tou panasonic) DEN paragoun vcd opws 8a eprepe.
Kserolas Δημοσ. 10 Δεκεμβρίου 2002 Δημοσ. 10 Δεκεμβρίου 2002 File mou tha diafoniso mazi sou! To Video CD einai STANDARD! kai o Tmpeg encoder exei template gia standard video cd! O CCE oxi. Loipon an grapso ena standard video cd logika prepei na to paizei opoiosdipote player pou mporei kai diabazei cdr-rw. An oxi tote den ftaiei o encoder alla kati allo. Dokimase me allo Burning software, px: RecordNow Max H dokimase me to Nero se xamili taxytita kai me alles rythiseis! To les kai monos sou: "Telos na sou 8umisw oti to vcd exei norma (den einai au8ereo format san to divx)" Ara einai standard, to opoio mporeis na to ftiakseis me sxedon opoio encoder thes!
trustfm Δημοσ. 10 Δεκεμβρίου 2002 Μέλος Δημοσ. 10 Δεκεμβρίου 2002 O tmpeg exei kapoioes prodiagafes oxi oles . Gi auto allwste ta vcd mou anaparagontai kala me ton panasonic kai oxi me to tmpenc . Psa3ou kalutera ... epanalambanw exw kanei apeires dokimes ... Auta me ta cd recoders sthn arxh ta eixa labei sobara upopsin mexri pou ekana dokimes se 3 doiaforetia recorders ... gi auto asto kalutera kai akoume ... mono o panasonic paizei swsta . Twra an paizei kai o allos encoder pou les 8a to dw kai 8a sou pw . Alla eidika gia ton tmenc mhn epimeneis ektos bebaia an mou breis thn swsth matrix kai to swsto GOP !!!!!! Thx gia to guide sou ... kanw test twra :D
Kserolas Δημοσ. 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2002 Δημοσ. 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2002 Apo tin mia les oti ta exeis psaksei ola kai apo tin alli les na sou bro pou einai to matrix kai to swsto GOP sto Tmpeg! Katarxin anoikse to Tmpeg kane load ena template kata pritimisi to "unlock" katopin pigene sta settings kai tha deis "Gop Structure" kai ta "Quantize Matrix"! Tora pali les to video cd einai standard alla mono o Panasonic kanei standard! Loipon ksanaleo kai den to exo bgalei apo to miallo mou, Gia Video CD thes mpeg1 arxeio me sygkegrimenes prodiagrafes! To video Cd player den kserei me poion encoder to eftiakses, to mono pou koitaei einai na pliri aftes tis prodiagrafes! Etsi an pas kai ftiakseis me opoio encoder thes ayto to mpeg kai meta to beleis na to grapseis me to Nero H to RecordNow Max san vcd kai ayta ta programmata sto perasoun gia standard kai den xreiastei na to kanoun re-emcorde tote tha exeis ena standard vcd to opoio tha paizei se ola ta players pou diabazoun cdr-rw! Mporei tora to diko sou player na min einai symbato me ta sygkekrimena cdr-rw H na exei ginei lathos stin egrafi H ....kati allo, ayto omos den simainei oti ftaiei o encoder efoson mporeses kai to egrapses gia standard vcd! Den thelo na diafoniso mazi sou apla thelo na toniso kapoia pragmata gia na min dimiourgounte lathos entyposeis. Etsi loipon leo oti mpeg1 arxeio symbato kai etoimo gia egrafi san vcd mporeis na kaneis ma polous encoder!
trustfm Δημοσ. 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2002 Μέλος Δημοσ. 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2002 file mou ta exw koitaxei exw kanei oles tis dokimes ,... ti allo na sou pw ? posa matrixes exw allaxei? panw apo 100 !!! Den exw brei to swsto matrix akoma !!! egw sou lew ena pragma kai esu de to pisteueis ... De to suzhtaw allo eisai apolutos se kapoia pragmatakia. Epimeneis gia ta diskakia enw sou lew oti exw grapsei se 3 diaforetika cdrs 8es na sou brw alla 100 sites pou lene gi ayta ta provlimata pery smoothest vcd ! Oso gia ths entupwseis tis dimiourgeis esu ! Egw de dhmiourghsa kammia entupwsh . Egw eipa kai to 3analew : o monos encoder pou kanei swsta vcds einai o panasonic ! des edw : Sto blockness einai exelent o panasonic kai gi auto paizei fluid kai de kanei blocks . Pare kai ena thread kai to 8ema ligei edw apo to idio to forum tou tmenc !!!! : Peter ( Mail ) 2002/09/09 (Mon.) 02:42 ( IP: ) [ Edit / Delete / Reply with quotation ] I am just wondering if Tmpgenc is a 100% vcd compliant. I have a portable vcd player (napa dav-311) and it is apparently very picky about which encoder have been used when encoding the mpeg files. For some reason it doesn't like tmpgenc at all, and the playback gets all jerky when playing the vcds. So far the only encoder i have managed to find that make smooth playing mpegs are the "video impression" program that ships with roxio easy cd creator. That program sucks because it is too slow and doesn't produce nearly as good images as tmpgenc does. Does anyone know what to do??? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B_Racer 09/09 (Mon.) 10:11 ( IP: ) [ Edit / Delete / Reply with quotation ] What do you use for burning the VCDs? The Files, TMPGEnc creats ARE compliant, maybe the burner-software is the problem. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASHY 09/09 (Mon.) 14:45 ( IP: ) [ Edit / Delete / Reply with quotation ] No TMPG does not produce 100% VCD compliant MPEG files. This is why you are having problems. The reason is due to the way TMPG multiplexes the streams together. The solution is to download Phillips Video cd 2.0 toolkit and use the multiplexer to re-mux the MPEG. De-multiplex the MPEG to seperate video and audio streams with TMPG then use the VCD toolkit multiplexer to re-multiplex them together. This should create a 100% vcd 2.0 compliant MPEG which your player should be able to play fine. ASHY Eides ti grafei opoios thn exei psa3ei thn douleia ? No TMPG does not produce 100% VCD compliant MPEG files. To gegonos oti de sou exei tuxei ena problhma de shmainei oti den uparxei kiolas etsi ? Pare kai ena teliotiko thread : ( )
Kserolas Δημοσ. 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2002 Δημοσ. 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2002 ΕΝΤΑΞΕΙ..... ΠΑΡΑΔΙΝΟΜΑΙ!!!!!!!!! LOL :grin: Δεν εχω ορεξει να ψαξω στο vcdhelp και οπου αλλου θες να σου βρω τα συγκριτικα αποτελεσματα σε χρονο και ποιοτητα του Panasonic με αλλους encoders! Αλλα σου λεω ενα, μην λες οτι μονο ο Panasonic κανει τα σωστα και καλυτερα mpeg επειδη αρεσουν σε εσενα, γιατι η πλειοψηφια χρησιμοποιη αλλους encoders και δουλευουν μια χαρα και εχουν καλυτερη ποιοτητα απο τον Panasonic! Πως το εξηγεις αυτο? Και μια ερωτηση: τα vcd που κανεις και δεν παιζουν σε εσενα, δοκιμασες αν παιζουν αλλου? Αν παιζουν τοτε ειδες οτι φταιει το player, και αν δεν παιζουν ειδες οτι το λαθος ειναι καπου αλλου.
trustfm Δημοσ. 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2002 Μέλος Δημοσ. 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2002 Ta vcd paizoun se alla susthmata ALLA uparxoun alloi players (de 8umamai markes twra) poou exoun ta idia sumptwmata ! Den einai mono to napa. Mhn xexnas oti egw exw to 309 kai oxi to 311 ... Genika 8elw na ftiaxw ena guide pou na einai 100% vcd compliant . O panasonic apo ta test pou exw kanei einai pio kalos apo to tmpenc kai to uposthrizoun kai alloi. Alla sernete kai einai pio 8ampo apo to tmpenc . Sigoura 8a uparxei kai allos encoder pou 8a kanei swsth douleia apla mou thn spaei pou akoma de briskw akrh . O xing kai autos bgazei kalo fluid mpeg alla xali mauro se poiothta ... LATER ..... Dokimasa to canonpus !!!!!! W.O.R.K.S XWRIS SPASIMATA !!!! De to kana akribws opws to guide sou ebala frameserving mesw vfapi . works ! kanw pereterw dokimes ! Yeah :D thx Eides pou to napa den exei probs oute to cdr ????? :P
Kserolas Δημοσ. 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2002 Δημοσ. 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2002 Eides pou o Panasonic den einai o monos encoder? O Canopus einai o The Best gia Video CD kai afou doulepse kai se esena tote :grin: :grin: :grin: Se perimeno sto kainourgio thread pou tha abnoikso gia to Procoder! :smirk:
trustfm Δημοσ. 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2002 Μέλος Δημοσ. 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2002 xm ... nai alla me ton hxo ti ginetai ? 8elei fasaria na mpei ... apo poiothta 8a sou pw pantws panw katw einai sugkrisima me ton panasonic ... Ton panasonic 2.5.1 ton exeis doulepsei ?
Kserolas Δημοσ. 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2002 Δημοσ. 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2002 E oxi min eisai kserokefalos, min sygrineis tora ton Panmasonic me ton Canopus! Exo doulepsei kai ton 2.50 kai ton 2.51 kai to kainoyrgio standalone kai plugin mpeg1/2 encoder v1.10! Oso gia ton kainoyrgio sou synisto min to baleis, freeze kai crash synexeia kai an doulepsei den exei diafora apo ton 2.51! Gia des kai edo ti leme gia ton Panasonic: Test Panasonic
trustfm Δημοσ. 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2002 Μέλος Δημοσ. 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2002 xmmmmm ok alla h guide sou exei duo meionekthmata ... Etsi opws bazeis ta vobs me aplo rename 1on den pianei se oles tis tainies ([px tainies me extra skhnes mplekontrai sta vobs kai 8es ifo parsing) 2on de mpores na baleis subs an exeis pollapla vobs (fat32 system). Epishs to megalo meion tu canopus einai oti de pernei avs / oute vdr frameserving para monaxa vfapi pou einai kai to xeirotero apo ola grrrrrrrrrr gamw thn atuxia mou !!!!!!
Kserolas Δημοσ. 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2002 Δημοσ. 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2002 Piarnei to Premiere video server plugin . Exo kanei frame server apo to DVDx sto Canopus kai sto Tmpeg kai sto CCE. Dokimase na kaneis fram server katetheian apo to claddvd XP.
trustfm Δημοσ. 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2002 Μέλος Δημοσ. 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2002 gia dwse perisoteres info ... epshs akousa polu kala logoa gia ton MainConcept 1.3.1 mpas kai ton exeis full ?
Kserolas Δημοσ. 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2002 Δημοσ. 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2002 Den ton exo kan doulepsei alla exo akousei kai ego kala logia. Loipon pigaine sto : bres to Guides and Docs kai ekei tha breis olous tous dynatous tropous gia frane serving. Ekei einai kai to premiere frame server plugin!
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