hashashin Δημοσ. 31 Ιουλίου 2011 Δημοσ. 31 Ιουλίου 2011 Καλα τι να πεις.Μολις τελειωσα ενα παιχνιδι και η ομαδα μου ηταν ολοι Ρωσοι.Δεν νιωθανε τπτ.Μονο τα kills του ενοιαζαν αφου ημασταν 51-30 και μας το γυρισαν. Τους εγραφα "all together,dont go alone plz" και με γραφανε στα @@ τους.Ο καθενας εκανε οτι του καπνιζε.Ο ενα την επεφτε σε 3 ατομα ενας αλλος καθοτανε και κοιταγε τον trynda να μας κανει backdoor και ενας αλλος κυνηγαγε τον shaco σε ολο τον χαρτη.Ζωαδια, φαγανε ομαδικο ρεπορτ. Οσο για Wukong κατα την γνωμη μου δεν ειναι και imba.Απλα καλος.Την ullti την χρησιμοποιω πιο πολυ για το knock up παρα για damage.Πρεπει να την ανεβασουν λιγο.
Daemonos Δημοσ. 31 Ιουλίου 2011 Δημοσ. 31 Ιουλίου 2011 Εγώ κέρδισα ένα Ranked 20/55 εις βάρος μας! !!!! χαχαχα! Γιατί είμαι καλοοοοοοοοοςςςςςςς!!!
Tobajara Δημοσ. 31 Ιουλίου 2011 Δημοσ. 31 Ιουλίου 2011 Ας αφήσουμε το grieving στην άκρη για λίγο και ας μιλήσουμε για κάτι άλλο. Ξεκίνησα να ασχολούμαι λίγο πιο σοβαρά με τη Morgana. Η πρώτη μου απόπειρα ήταν AP build αλλά δεν έμεινα ικανοποιημένος γιατί δε μπορούσα να χρησιμοποιήσω σωστά το ulti της. Σκέφτομαι να δοκιμάσω ένα hybrid build (ό,τι και να παίξω hybrid καταλήγει...) με τα εξής Rod of Ages Boots Rabadon's Deathcap Void Staff Banshee's Veil Abyssal Sceptre όχι ασφαλώς με αυτή τη σειρά, αλλά γενικά δε μπορώ να ταιριάξω επαρκή άμυνα ώστε να μην πεθάνω με το ντου ακολουθούμενο από ulti. Προσπάθησα να χωρέσω κάπως τα Morello's Evil tome και Zhyonia's Hourglass αλλά δεν μπόρεσα, οπότε κατέληξα σε αυτό. Οποιεσδήποτε σκέψεις, προτάσεις για builds, στρατηγικές κλπ δεκτές.
hashashin Δημοσ. 31 Ιουλίου 2011 Δημοσ. 31 Ιουλίου 2011 Φαινεται καλο αλλα αν η αντιπαλη ομαδα ειναι ad τοτε στην θεση του Abyssal Sceptre βαζεις φυσικα Zhyonia's Hourglass.Επισης σκεφτομαι μηπως ενα Rylai's θα χωραγε καπου για πιο πολυ ζωη. Εχωντας παιξει μοργκανα παλαιοτερα δεν τα ειχα παει καλα γιατι την επαιζα σαν AP nuker,φουλ καμικαζι δηλαδη πραγμα λαθος αφου υπαρχουν καλυτεροι για αυτο. Παντως ετσι και αλλιως στα teamfights πιστευω δεν πρεπει να χωνεσαι πρωτος για ulti οποτε τα αντικειμενα που λες μια χαρα αντοχη σου δινουν. Οσο για Morello's Evil δεν βρισκω λογο να το παρεις.
Daemonos Δημοσ. 3 Αυγούστου 2011 Δημοσ. 3 Αυγούστου 2011 Εγώ παίζω AD οπότε δέν μπορώ να προτείνω κάτι για το φίλο Tobajara
Pankar95 Δημοσ. 4 Αυγούστου 2011 Δημοσ. 4 Αυγούστου 2011 Lol παιδιά εγώ σήμερα συνειδητοποιησα ότι για να ενεργοποιησης το UNIQUE active των αντικειμένων πρέπει να κάνεις κλικ πάνω τους
savealekos Δημοσ. 4 Αυγούστου 2011 Δημοσ. 4 Αυγούστου 2011 οχι απαραιτητα,μπορεις να πατησεις και 1-2-3-4-5-6 αναλογα σε ποιο σλοτ εχεις βαλει το ιτεμ
Pankar95 Δημοσ. 4 Αυγούστου 2011 Δημοσ. 4 Αυγούστου 2011 οχι απαραιτητα,μπορεις να πατησεις και 1-2-3-4-5-6 αναλογα σε ποιο σλοτ εχεις βαλει το ιτεμ Thats not the point. Eγώ δεν ειχα καταλάβει καν πως αυτο το Ακτιβ που λεει το ενεργοποιούσες ο ιδιος. Νομιζα πως γινόταν απο μόνο του σε κάποιες περιπτώσεις και δεν ειχα ενδιαφερθει και πολυ κιολας. Άστα να πάνε.
klainmaingr Δημοσ. 4 Αυγούστου 2011 Δημοσ. 4 Αυγούστου 2011 http://www.eurogamer.net/videos/league-of-legends-dominion-trailer New map/New game mode trailer. Dominion! Hell yeah!
Zimbroghie Δημοσ. 4 Αυγούστου 2011 Δημοσ. 4 Αυγούστου 2011 http://www.eurogamer.net/videos/league-of-legends-dominion-trailer New map/New game mode trailer. Dominion! Hell yeah! Δεν με τρελαίνει το new mod καθόλου!
Zimbroghie Δημοσ. 4 Αυγούστου 2011 Δημοσ. 4 Αυγούστου 2011 Ναι κάτι σαν capture the flag που θα drain hp από το Νexus
klainmaingr Δημοσ. 4 Αυγούστου 2011 Δημοσ. 4 Αυγούστου 2011 Απο ότι καταλαβαίνω θα είναι 3 ομάδες στο game και με ψήνει άσχημα (έχεις 3 spot για να κάνεις capture στο map). Τέλος πάντων ας κυκλοφορήσει και βλέπουμε... Expect the unexpected indeed. edit: Τώρα είδα ένα ποστ του Phreak που λέει οτι είναι 5v5. Άκυρο. Είδα που λέτε ένα ποστ στο φόρουμ το οποίο μου άρες πάρα πολύ μιας και λέει basic πράγματα τα οποία σχεδόν κανένας δεν κάνει οπότε είπα να το φέρω εδώ με c/p. Είναι απο τον χρήστη Azeraith του west forum. Hi, I've got an idea to lower the amount of noobs. Since the loading screen is fairly useless apart from seeing some summoner spells which you can analyze in about 10 seconds. Why not display random advice? Stuff like 'don't forget to buy some wards for your team' But now comes the most important part /Signed HOTSHOTGG (or) Phreak. All noobs know them. This will surely help a bit 'Don't rely on your teammates for calling ss's, you can also check the map yourself' Everytime you're at the loading screen display one of these tips. Good idea? Yes? No? Opinions (imo it can't harm.. so I say why not?) Also, tips can be based on the enemy team. For example if they have a malzahar there could be a tip 'Try not to fight malzahar solo at level 6. He can kill almost anybody with his combo.' or 'Quicksilver sash is a cheap way to get out of malzahar's nether grasp' List of current tips: Jungling: -Always protect your jungler -Dragon respawns 6 minutes after he's killed. -Blue golem and Red lizard respawn after 5 minutes after they're killed. -Support the solo lane if you're jungling. -Dragon is worth more than the opponent's jungler fighting dragon. If an opponent is taking dragon, try to focus dragon and not the jungler. You might be able to get him afterwards anyway. -If you've got a jungler, put the soloing champion top. This enables bot lane to protect dragon easier. -Remember to kill all the monsters in a jungle camp for the bigger monster to respawn. -Baron Nashor respawns 7 minutes after he's died. (lol, thanks for pointing this one out intency xD) -Always gank a lot as a jungler. -Smite is important for a jungler. Even if your champion can survive without. It gives you way faster jungling, allowing for more ganks. -With proper timing from smite you can steal buffs and prevent your own to be stolen. With a little bit of practice you can do this with baron and dragon as well. Utility: -Try to buy some wards troughout your games. (-All champions but carries buy wards.) Flamewars in games? -Buying potions early game is a good idea. It helps you stay in your lane, getting more experience and gold than your opponent(s). -Elixirs can be a lifesaver, for example a red elixir for a nidalee sniping you off, or a karthus casting his ultimate. -A ward at dragon might get you a game winning gank. A well planned 5v3 fight wins games. Counters: -Counter a team with lots of healing with executioner's calling and ignite. -Counter hp stacking champions like vladimir with deathfire's grasp and madred's bloodrazor. -Master yi's ult makes him immume to slows, but not to binds and stuns. Stun him while he's in his ult! -Tryndamere can easily be stopped by a stun or bind -Buy a quicksilver sash if you're constantly getting stunned or suppressed -Try to stay closer to your tower when twisted fate gets his gate ability. -Every item, skill or champion has a counter. (Except for vayne's true damage hp percentage skill thingy. It's uncounterable ) -Even suppressions are cancelled by quicksilver sash and cleanse. Though cleanse does not protect you from mordekaisers children of the grave (moar skills it doesn't counter?) -You won’t get stunned in veigar’s wall. Only when you touch the edges, stay inside or blink over the walls. -There's more than only cleanse and mercury's threads to save you from stuns. Quicksilver sash and banshee's veil help a lot as well. -Don’t kill an enemy when he has zilean’s revive ultimate spell active. Wait for it to wear off before finishing off the opponent. General tips: -Never give up, even a hopeless match can be turned around with good teamwork. Surrender is a Worst Case Scenario only. -Don't rely on your team to call misses. The minimap is there for a reason. -Be careful when chasing a low-hp opponent, it might be a bait/trap. Or he might turn around and nuke you! -You might consider going to a different lane if yours isn't going too well. -Better not facecheck bushes when opponents are missing. -Because a player is playing bad this match, doesn't mean he's a bad player overall. He might be tired, or it's just not his match. -Always pay attention to the minimap. Especially when split pushing. -If your team is winning and you're going for a big tower push. Consider sending one of your allies into a different lane. It's called split-pushing and it's very effective. -Don't rely on your team to call misses. The minimap is there for a reason. -Flaming won't get you a victory. -Try not to autoattack minions, this will push the lane and you're now an easy gank. And if you're doing this for whatever reason check the map extra carefully. -Don't go too far in to the lane with low health. You're an easy gank. -Farming is good. When the enemy has destroyed some of your turrets, be mindful when farming. Observe the minimap and be sure not to farm too far out of your team's "safe-zone". Every turret lost decreases your safe-zone significantly. -Do not overextend, be aware of your teammates positions -League of Legends is a game based around teamplay, do not wander off alone, communicate with your team and always help eachother. -There is no such thing as killstealing -Try not to tower dive opponents with a stun, fear, knock-up, taunt or reliable heal (like fiddlesticks's) -Try to find the balance between farming and harassing in your lane -Supports don't need kills, assists are enough. Though, getting kills isn’t a bad thing -Don't rely on your support to save you in a 1v5 fight. -Don't be mad at your tank for having lots of deaths. They're supposed to soak up as much damage as possible. This includes dieing. -Always buy one survivability item, for example banshees veil for survivability. You will dish out more damage by surviving than with the one extra hit from the phantom dancer you would have gotten. -A kill is not worth dying for. -When playing a tank, don't only build health items. Armor and magic resistance are usually way more effective. Try to find the balance between health armor and magic resistance. -It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice. (it's not game related, but it's not suited for bull**** either ) -After a won teamfight, it's generally a good idea to push towers. Even though you might be low on health, there are no opponents to kill you, know when to go back though. -Remember the goal is to destroy the nexus, not to get the most kills! Runes and masteries: (I need a lot more tips for this section, but I think it deserves it’s own section :>) -Runes and masteries make a big difference early game -If you're unsure what kind of runes to get. Armor penetration runes work for most ad characters. Magic pen for casters, and flat hp for pretty much all champions. These runes will help generally help you most. -Unsure what runes to get? Seals flat armour will help a lot early game. Glyphs Magic resistance/level is good. Don't take flat magic resistance since you don't need a lot of magic resistance early on. -For casters it's better to take ap/lvl for glyphs since from level 6 on you already have more ap than you would have with flat ap. However this is not the case with quintessences. -Each color has it's own speciality. Marks are mostly offensive. Glyphs are mostly for magic related stuff. Seals for defense. And quintessences are work best with everything. Teamfights: -It's not always the tank who has to initiate, but in most cases it is. For example ashe's enchanted crystal arrow might be a better initiation than malphite's unstoppable force. -Try to get as many harass off before a teamfight starts. This will definately help winning the fight. -Even though a tank might be at 1/3th hp in the beginning of a teamfight, still try to ignore him and get the more important targets first. Random fyi tips: -The closer a tower is to the nexus, the stronger it gets. -Towers hurt and may cause serious trauma, be aware of your position -Buy magic resist against casters and armor against physical damage -All the luck in this game is: Dodges, crits, bounces, lag and bugs. -You can instantly cast spells on yourself by holding Shift or alt + q/w/e/r. This only works with heals and buffs. -Be aware that some champions are Manaless and use Energy, Health or nothing at all to cast abilities. Summoner’s spells: -Clairvoyance is very useful against junglers, roamers and ganks. Also to check whenever a buff is up or not. -Exhaust is very useful in many situations: Chasing, teamfights (try to target the melee ad dude), escaping and more -Try not to use flash to jump right ahead of you, try to jump over a wall. It can also be used as a total surprise initiate. -Ghost can be used for initiating and escaping. -Flash can get you out off the strangest or worst positions. Be creative with flash, you could as well use it as a bait. -Heal can be used for baiting enemies early game. It is less useful later game though. -Revive is used in some jungling builds, we suggest you not to use it unless you really know what you’re doing. -Smite is required for jungling. It allows for faster jungling for those who can already survive without, for example warwick. -Teleport can help you split-push well. As well as helping you stay as long as possible in lane early game. Especially useful for solo laners. It also allows for co-ordinated ganks and supporting others in lane. -Cleanse is used to counter any kind of crowd control like stuns and binds. Try not to use it for that one kassadin silence but for the dangerous rammus taunt or taric's stun. It doesn't work against suppressions though. -Fortify can be used both offensively and defensively. Offensively by baiting enemies to tower dive you, the tower will deal way more damage than the enemy would have likely expected. Defensively by making your tower invulnerable. -Clarity can be nice for early game mana heavy champions, it’s especially nice for supports with high mana use, like zilean. -Ignite is used to get maybe a few early game kills, and counter healing champions like vladimir and supports. -Rally is nice for pushing towers and might help in a teamfight. But it has a long cooldown, it’s not recommended unless you know what you’re doing. Bull**** tips: - Careful with veigar, he's evil - Don't eat yellow snow (seriously, don't o.O) - You have to lift heavy weight with your legs, not with your back. /singed - Mundo goes where he pleases, except the girl's locker room. - Don't run with scissors. - Jesse Perring > Chuck Norris.
Super Moderators Thresh Δημοσ. 5 Αυγούστου 2011 Super Moderators Δημοσ. 5 Αυγούστου 2011 ελπίζω από Σεπτέμβριο...
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