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League of Legends Topic v1

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Παντα ετσι ηταν ο heimer , δεν εγινε ξαφνικα op μετα το rework


Δεν κερδιζεις το lane , τον κωλο σου να χτυπας κατω vs heimer αλλα αυτο εχει κ τιποτα αλλο


Η συγκριση με Jinx ειναι σαν να λες καλα τα μηλα αλλα προτιμω τα λαχανα

  • Απαντ. 26,4k
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Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

Δημοσιευμένες Εικόνες


Δεν συγκρινα τον heimer με jinx αλλα δεν πειραζει που κανεις οτι δεν καταλαβαινεις αυτο που εξηγησα επακριβως στο προηγουμενο ποστ μου.


Για το poke μιλησα , οτι οποιοδηποτε poke champ εχει πλεονκετημα early vs το 90% των top laners (η jinx ηταν ΠΑΡΑΔΕΙΓΜΑ και οχι συγκριση). Αν επιμεινεις λιγο ακομα θα ανοιξω mspaint να στο ζωγραφισω.


Βρε ανοιξε οτι θες κ κανε κ εργο τεχνης , αμα εισαι ταλεντο σε προωθω κ στα τσοτσιαλ μιντια

Απλα συνεχιζεις κ λες random πραγματα . Anyways


Παντα ετσι ηταν ο heimer , δεν εγινε ξαφνικα op μετα το rework


Δεν κερδιζεις το lane , τον κωλο σου να χτυπας κατω vs heimer αλλα αυτο εχει κ τιποτα αλλο


Η συγκριση με Jinx ειναι σαν να λες καλα τα μηλα αλλα προτιμω τα λαχανα

πως φαίνεται ότι δεν έχεις ιδέα :P
πια λαχανα ρε το παιχνίδι είναι 5vs5 αυτό τα λέει όλα θαρρώ χωρίς πολλά πολλά

Για το poke μιλησα , οτι οποιοδηποτε poke champ εχει πλεονκετημα early vs το 90% των top laners (η jinx ηταν ΠΑΡΑΔΕΙΓΜΑ και οχι συγκριση). Αν επιμεινεις λιγο ακομα θα ανοιξω mspaint να στο ζωγραφισω.


Για το poke μιλησα , οτι οποιοδηποτε poke champ εχει πλεονκετημα early vs το 90% των top laners

Δεν υπαρχει αυτο που λες,τα περισσοτερα top λανερς ,κανουν πλακα σε range ,ειδικα αν εχουν gap closer.Ο αλλος εχει stun[πες μου ποιος αλλος εχει stun]με το που τον πλησιασεις και αρχιζουν και σε βαρανε 3 κανονια,ειδικα στο 6 με το μεγαλο ,αντιο ζωη.


4,5 Patch Notes


Πολυ πραμα λεμε


Rengar/Gragas reworks αλλα κ το mini της MF

Μπολικα nerfs στους fotm champs , δικαιολογημενα imo 

2 νεα items

Αλλαγες σε runes , items , boot enchantments και summoner spells


Και Twitch VU για οσους δεν το ειδαν εδω


Οσοι εχετε rune pages με Armor seals κ HP Quints αλλαξτε τα , βαλτε armor quints κ hp seals

4 free armor 


Θα δοκιμασω soon κι ενα page με armor marks κ hp seals σε support


Επισης οσοι mid laners δεν θελετε armor seals , βαλτε τα hp

Στο lvl 10 ξεπερνανε τα armor σε EHP


PS Τα runes ειναι σε sale μεχρι τελη Απριλιου


Σε όλα τα rune page είχα το 9χarmor seal standard... :/


Υ.Γ. 'ηταν που ήταν op o rengar στο very early game... Άσε να μαντέψω, τώρα θα παίρνει Insta-kill στα 3 lvl με ένα dorans...


@attalos: Στο adc τι προτείνεις? Αφήνεις τα armor seals? παίρνεις τα scaling armor seals ? hp ή scaling hp?


Ακομα οκ ειναι τα armor seals , απλα σε καποιες περιπτωσεις τα hp θα υπερτερουν 


Ολοι μιλανε για nerf στον Rengar , dunnoz

Εγω στον PBE που εβλεπα τον OnlyRengar να παιζει , εκανε max E κ εκοβε κομματια . Δεν ξερω βεβαια αν εχουν πειραχτει τα νουμερα του


Το rundown του SV για το patch



TL:DR στο spoiler




Rengar: You have to build more damage to deal damage, scrapping potential is down in lane because E is now a skill shot and can be missed/dodged/blocked
R is now primarily for engaging, worse for escaping and ultimate is nerfed for competitive/high ELO because of the built in 1000 range alert

Gragas: Unsure how he feels about rework. Passive seems worse for long term sustain, Q feels like a nerf overall, doesn't like new W at all. Doesn't like idea of bruiser style gragas. E seems just nerfed altogether, but it has a stun (sort of) so it might be ok. Doesn't like idea of AP disruption type champion, thinks Grag will be a top lane champion and no longer mid. Could be okay, or just terrible but it seems like the changes are a nerf.

Graves: Good changes, doesn't think it'll push graves to the top but it's a nice change.


Heimer: Early nerf to turrets, late game buff. Ulti turret nerfed, changed to a siege/long fight tool as opposed to burst


Kha: Doesn't like changes, doesn't think it'll put kha'zix where he needs to be. Nerfs to ult make it slightly harder to get away. Thinks the damage reduction on ult and movement speed should have been nerfed


Lee: Makes it easier to catch lee sin if he's your jungle, the changes will be very rough on lee sin. Big mobility nerfs. They want safeguard to be used more to protect champions/combat utility rather than insecing (You will likely trade kills if you insec)


Leona: Nerfs are warranted, too tanky


Lulu: Can't get 2 glitterlances off in a row with high CDR which is a big nerf to mid Lulu, doesn't like E nerf on Lulu (base damage on E+can no longer shield minions). Could have nerfed Lulu in other ways, but Lulu was OP so these are pretty good nerfs


MF: Big tweak to MF, Double up is now a big harass tool because it's cheaper. Q buff makes her scrapping potential a lot better, but harass potential a bit weaker. Impure shots buffed. Likes Make it rain slow buffs, feels a lot like Kogs ooze. Ult will now heavily increase her auto damage, making it a great counter engage tool. AD ratio slightly nerfed but impure shots being applied makes it scale in a bit of weird way


Renek: Nerf to his lane bullying (ult weaker at 6, stronger at 16), but a buff to his late game. Would have liked to see # tweaks on other abilities but this is fine for now


TF: PAC duration buffed for pick/holding, thinks TF needs a bit of love


Wukong: Surprised about Wukong nerfs, early shred got nerfed by 20%, big nerf to top Wu. Thinks Wu ult needed the AD ratio nerf, seems ok.


Ziggs: Likes auto attack nerf on ziggs, "Good, ziggs is broken"


Sotel nerfs: Warranted, it was way too good on champions like Vi because it massively bumped up your clear time compared to sotag


Feral Flare/Wriggles: It does everything that wriggles needed to do, gives Wriggles late game scaling. Nocturne or a champion like Shyvana who want to power clear might make a come back with this item. Udyr could be good with this . Has to see how the gold generation is to know how he feels but he thinks it'll be in line with other jungle items


Wota: Doesn't know, nobody really uses the item right now and spell vamp champions aren't popular right now. "Kind of irrelevant changes"


Aegis/Locket: buffed, better build path. Extra magic resist, health, removed armor should be better now. Overall buff


Glacial: Likes the changes to glacial shroud


Frozen heart: Unsure how he feels, better offensive item but worse defensive item (20% IAS->15% reduction)


Alacrity: Likes the buff


Captain: Captain is very undervalued, might see it more often with the buff to 10% MS. Might see it on Karma in MS comps


Distortion: beast boot enchant, distortion changes are fun, will be good for clutch plays. Great changes


Furor: Lowered the cost, doesn't really care. Get it on ADC I guess


Homeguard: Homeguard healing nerfed


Runes: Scaling runes will be a lot better (especially CDR). I didn't write down everything here


Dragon: It'll nerf champs like Elise/Fiddle that can ignore the current AS debuff, drag stronger late game
I missed some of the notes but I think these are most of the important ones (I missed the summoner changes) Will probably edit post later to get the parts I missed but I have to go out for a few


Twin shadows : makes it a stronger scouting tool, better item overall (More AP, has CDR)


Talisman : Nerf buff, old path had no power gain until the talisman, it now has CDR in the build via forsaken idol but it costs more.


Frost queens : Not a big change


Face of the mountain : Better late game item even though it got bumped up in cost, extra 125 health is worth.


EXHAUST : Better tool against casters, was only good against champions like kha/zed before, now it has more range and can be used aggressively to heavily lower damage. Likes the change


Heal : MASSIVE buffs, lower CD, removes healing debuffs, going to be a very good tool to save people. Going to be amazing


ignite : big whoop



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