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The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings


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Κι εγώ θα θελα ένα σάντουϊτς τζατζίκι-σκορδαλιά.Μεταξύ μας κοροϊδευόμαστε;Ποιά άλλη εταιρεία είναι τόσο ειλικρινής με τους πελάτες της στο χώρο και τόσο γενναιόδωρη;Μην τρελαθούμε εντελώς.Ντάξει οι επιθυμίες του ανθρώπου είναι απύθμενο πυθάρι, αλλά ε...

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Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

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Συνέντευξη με τον Adam Badowski, development director της CD Projekt στο Rock Paper Shotgun με αφορμή την 2.0 έκδοση.

Πέρα από την 2.0 έκδοση μέσα στο 2011 δεν περιμένουμε κάτι άλλο πρόσθετο για το Witcher 2. Στο πρώτο τρίμηνο του 2012 μαζί με την έκδοση για το XBox 360 θα βγει κάποιο DLC θα "συγχρονίσει" (όχι με την κακή έννοια) την έκδοση στο PC με την νέα έκδοση στο Xbox.

Υπάρχει πιθανότητα για expansion, το οποίο για το PC θα είναι δωρεάν DLC (δεν υπάρχουν επίσημα σχέδια ωστόσο). (Αυτό κατάλαβα από την απάντηση -νομίζω ότι το payable απευθύνεται στο Xbox μόνο).


RPS: Do you have any other update and DLC plans to follow this update? Is there still more to do in improving The Witcher 2 experience?


Badowski: Of course we plan to do more. We always do! But nothing big is likely to come out this year. As we have already revealed, the Xbox 360 version will include some features that will also be added to the PC version simultaneously with the Xbox release. One of those will be a new, four–minute CGI intro by Oscar nominated and BAFTA winning animator Tomasz Bagiński, who was also responsible for the intro and outro of The Witcher 1. So, you can expect this to appear as an update somewhere during the first quarter of 2012 along with some other features. But I feel it’s far too early to talk about them – we’re still working them out.


RPS: What is CDP’s feeling towards DLC generally? Is it a positive trend within games? What do you see as the problems with it?


Badowski: We don’t see the idea as wrong, but we definitely don’t like to see gamers treated like dairy cows that are primed for milking. All too often, DLC is seen as an additional revenue opportunity. That’s not bad in itself – we’re not only in this industry to make games, we’re also here to do business. But we shouldn’t look at it exclusively from the latter angle, because that sometimes leads to decisions that could leave a bad taste in one’s mouth. If you only think about the business in terms of the money it can generate, I think you could come awfully close to forcing players to buy something additional in order to enjoy fully a game they just bought. And that’s simply not fair. Of course, it’s not always like that. There is interesting DLC out there, featuring a lot of new content (new areas, opponents, quests and so on), as well as DLC that is entirely optional, not needed to enjoy the game itself but valuable to the biggest fans. And it’s hard to blame game authors for charging for such things


Anyway, our approach is different and relatively simple. All DLC for the PC version is and will remain FREE. That’s not likely to be the story for the Xbox version, because of certain Microsoft policies that need to be followed. But on PC, once you buy our game, you don’t need to worry about any additional costs – we will provide all updates, including those featuring new content, for free. I think it’s reasonable than when you buy our product, you can expect us to service it for you quite a long time after release, though less intensively as time goes by. Any payable DLC that appears is likely to be a more classic expansion pack along the lines of, say, Baldur’s Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast. But this is a purely theoretical discussion at this point, as we have yet to confirm or even plan any official expansion packs.


Πηγή: Which Witcher Is The Witcher 2, 2.0?

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  • Super Moderators

Είναι εντυπωσιακή η προσέγγιση των ανθρώπων: έκαναν μια επιτυχία, αναγνωρίζουν αδυναμίες, κοιτάζουν να τη βελτιώσουν. Και tutorial με επιπλέον περιεχόμενο.


Μπράβο τους, πολύ απλά.

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Κάτι που δεν είδα να αναφέρεται με σαφήνεια ή δε το πήρε το μάτι μου. Η ver 2.0 θα είναι σαν δωρεάν download upgrade - patch ή θα πωλείται μονο standalone ;

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Free upgrade φυσικά. :)


Ωραία. Ξες αυτά τα "φυσικά" που για άλλες εταιρίες είναι "παραφυσικά" (φαινόμενα!) αρχίζουν να με αρέσουν :D

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Για τη CD Project και τη συμπεριφορά της σαν εταιρία: SHUT UP AND ΤΑΚΕ ΜΥ ΜΟΝΕΥ!!!


Για τη v 2.0: με πειράζει λίγο που δε θα έχω το upgrade σε υλική μορφή αλλά σε τελική ανάλυση μπορώ να το γράψω σε ένα DVD και να το φυλάξω μέσα στη συσκευασία. Είναι μέσα στο ρίσκο των pre-orders - first day buys.

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Το DRM είχε αφαιρεθεί απο προηγούμενο update απ' όσο θυμάμαι.

Θεωρητικά δεν θα υπάρχει πρόβλημα, αλλά περίμενε μήπως και βγεί απο καμία ομάδα.

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New Game Modes


Arena - is a new gameplay mode that is separate from the main adventure and narrative of The Witcher 2. In this mode, Geralt of Rivia duels a variety of foes to the death in a gladiatorial arena located in an unnamed town somewhere in the Northern Kingdoms. In addition to winning gold and valuable items, players also receive points for their wins. They can then post their point totals on-line to compare their achievements against those of other blood sport enthusiasts around the world. Geralt can encounter both foes and allies in the arena. He can recruit the latter for a fee to assist him during his most challenging clashes.

To post your point totals to the forum, you must be registered and have a forum account! Register and establish your account directly through the game launcher or go to www.thewitcher.com. You can then log in to your account via the launcher.


IMPORTANT: Players using mods to alter their character attributes and statistics will not be able to post their point totals from the arena to the server. This is a necessary precaution to prevent any attempts at distorting competition or misrepresenting player achievements.


Tutorial - The game tutorial takes the form of a brief adventure during which players learn how to use a range of game mechanics and functionalities. Assuming the role of game protagonist Geralt of Rivia, players save a wounded knight named Bolton of Ironford while learning game controls as well as the basics of combat and alchemy. This transpires step by step as the tutorial guides players through a series of minor missions. Upon completion, based on demonstrated abilities, the tutorial recommends the difficulty level which the player should choose in embarking on the main adventure of The Witcher 2.


Dark Difficulty - The ‘Dark’ difficulty setting is the most demanding difficulty level in gameplay terms. Under this setting, each and every foe represents a significant challenge. In addition to raising the difficulty bar, the module includes several new sets of equipment/items that are linked through a dark legend detailed in the Journal. Once all their components have been collected and donned, the Blasphemer’s, Oathbreaker’s and Kinslayer’s outfits provide great advantages in combat. The swords included in the outfits strip opponents of Vitality while supplementing the witcher’s. However, given that they are cursed, the swords provide no benefit and harm Geralt by sapping him of Vitality as long as the outfits to which they belong remain incomplete.


Corrections and improvements to combat:


Numerous improvements have been made in the targeting system.

Parrying is now unlimited (even when Vigor is completely depleted), though parries no longer cancel all damage (maximum 50% reduction once the relevant ability has been acquired).

Responsiveness of game controls has been improved. This includes but is not limited to casting Signs, parrying, and attacking immediately after evading an opponent’s assault.

Geralt’s attacks are no longer interrupted by attacking opponents. Attacks are now contiguous and foes cannot interrupt Geralt’s attacks by landing a blow.

Assorted fixes now prevent opponents from incessantly attacking Geralt after he has been knocked down. Geralt can no longer be knocked down repeatedly in quick succession. Also, he rises quickly while evading subsequent attacks.

Geralt no longer attacks opponents located behind other opponents positioned nearer to him.

The target locking system has been improved. Preference is now given to previously highlighted targets.

Target selection has been improved. Priority is now given to foes affected by a critical effect facilitating the completion of a finishing move.

The additional two steps Geralt took after mounting an attack with the W, S, A or D key depressed have been eliminated.

Attacks can now be continued even when a key controlling Geralt’s movement (e.g. W, S, A, D) is depressed.

Attacks can now be continued if the attack key is depressed immediately after the final strike of an attack animation sequence.

Geralt can now pivot 180 degrees immediately after completing an attack.

Assorted problems with key responsiveness have been resolved. Keys no longer need to be depressed twice or more to trigger a given action.

A distance attack problem has been resolved. Geralt now mounts distance attacks (lunge with sword in hand in the Fast style) when opponents were located at a suitable distance from him.


Other corrections and amendments:


Casting several bombs no longer blocks further inputs.

An option has been added to the configuration tool enabling aspect ratio to be set independently of resolution.

The amount of disk space required for game patching has been reduced.

The loading of selected Witcher 1 game saves no longer causes the game to crash.

A greater number of monsters now appear in the cave leading to Loc Muinne.

Improvements have been made in the manner in which monsters are spawned in the mist in Chapter 2.

The visual effect accompanying Adrenaline use no longer disappears prematurely.

Archers now draw their swords more quickly when Geralt approaches.

Mages no longer automatically cast shield spells when Geralt casts daggers at them.

The game is now paused when Geralt executes a finishing move in combat.

The troll in Chapter 2 has been corrected. Previously, in some circumstances he could not be attacked.

Physics on cast daggers have been improved.

The site for aiming daggers is now more visible.

Geralt’s animation when he dies while casting the Axii Sign has been corrected.

An exploit in the fight against Letho has been eliminated. Previously, this foe could be killed by casting bombs in quick succession.

An exploit related to the ‘Insane’ difficulty setting has been eliminated. Previously, game saves could be loaded with difficulty set to this level, which was contrary to design intentions.

Camera positioning/operation has been corrected during the boss fight against the kayran.

Camera control via gamepads has been improved.

Assorted adjustments have been made in mutagen statistics.

The ‘Junk’ filter in the Inventory has been adjusted to provide for correct item filtering.

In the Inventory, the dialogue window warning of prohibited actions has been corrected.

Assorted corrections have been introduced to the mini-map in Chapter 1.

Audio balance throughout the game has been adjusted.

Erratic character teleportation in mini–games has been eliminated.

Assorted adjustments have been made in animations applying to nekkers.

A minor bug in the “Scent of Incense” quest has been resolved.

Numerous minor fixes have been introduced in character lip-sync throughout the game.



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