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Μνήμη 333Mhz κάθεται σε υποδοχή 266;


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Εχω mobo μια shuttle spacewalker AK35GTR με Athlon 1600xp. Μπορώ να βάλω μια μνήμη στα 333mhz έστω και αν οι επιδόσεις είναι για 266.

Με ενδιαφέρει εαν θα δουλεύουν οι μνήμες.



Από όσα ξέρω θα δουλέψει αλλά επειδή υπάρχουν γενικά ασυμβατότητες με τα mainboard όπότε δοκιμάζεις και βλέπεις .....


Εαν δεν παίζει καμιά κουφή ασυμβατότητα λογικά θα παίζει...


Θα δουλέψει,αρκεί να μην βάλεις αργότερα καμια 266άρα.

Εγώ είχα παλαιότερα μια 333αρα μαζι με 266άρα,το μηχάνημα resetαρε ακόμα και όταν έπαιζε στα 266.


Yparxei prob me ta timings stis high speed mnhmes.To ema8a kai egw dystyxws me ton asxhmo tropo.

Prospa8hsa na mixxarw Corsair XMS 3200 CL2 me COrsair XMS pali 3500 cl2 twra...Mia fora tin mera peripou mou varage kati kollhmata...Poulhsa tin 3200 kai krathsa tin 3500 anagasthka...


Ένα πολύ ενδιαφέρον κειμενάκι από κάποιον που δουλεύει στην Corsair:


XMS Qualification and Testing Updated 11-12-2002


Corsair has developed a methodology in-house for developing, qualifying, and testing memory for use in overclocking applications. Some common questions about this process are answered below, and details are given for testing for specific XMS product families.


What does XMS mean, and what is the idea behind it?


We have taken to heart a few facts that overclockers have known for years:

1) Many integrated circuits are capable of operating much faster than their specified speed

2) Standards organizations by their very nature have a difficult time keeping up with market changes.


XMS, or eXtreme Memory Speed, is the process that Corsair uses to take ICs rated at one speed and verify/guarantee their operation at another speed. Since specifications have not been generated to accurately specify operating parameters, Corsair gives these parts an XMS rating. For example, since PC2400 does not exist according to any valid standards institution, Corsair parts are called XMS2400.


How do you verify operation at the XMS speed?


In a nutshell, through extensive evaluation in our lab. In order to offer an XMS module, a RAM must be found which can run with adequate stability in multiple platforms at the XMS-rated speed. Testing is done using both Corsair's stress-testing fixture, as well as by running common benchmarks, applications programs, operating systems, and games. Parts are evaluated over voltage and temperature extremes to monitor stability. No XMS part is released until all criteria are met.


How do you guarantee operation at the XMS speed?


XMS parts are a speedscreen of Corsair's standard parts. They are 100% tested at the XMS-rated speed; parts that fall out of this test are tested at the standard rated speed. For example, XMS2400 modules are 100% tested at 300 MHz. Parts that do not meet this speed grade are then tested at PC2100. Specific testing parameters for various XMS products are given below.


How do you program the SPD of XMS parts?


Programming the SPD of our XMS parts is a bit problematic. The industry-standard specifications for the SPD values of XMS parts are often not yet defined by JEDEC (the appropriate standards organization) when the parts are introduced. In order to maintain compatibility with the multitudes of motherboards and BIOS revisions out there, the SPD values are programed at the fastest available parameters defined by JEDEC. The SPD values are defined in the matrix below. Note, though, that in ALL CASES the Corsair part number (which contains the XMS speed grade) is programmed into the SPD as well.


XMS Specification SPD Values

XMS2400 JEDEC PC2100 values

XMS2700 JEDEC PC2700 values

XMS3000 JEDEC PC2700 values

XMS3200 JEDEC PC2700 values

XMS3500 Custom PC3200 values


My <XMS150, XMS2400, XMS2700, etc.> module does not work at <150MHz, 300MHz, 333MHz, etc.> in my system. Why not?


There are many reasons why this can happen. Let me outline a few of them:


1) There are lots of motherboards out there, and we can only realistically evaluate/qualify a handful. You may have a motherboard that simply does not overclock well.

2) There is interaction between specific RAM manufacturers and specific motherboard manufacturers. Thus, for example, while EPoX boards might work best with RAM vendor A, Soyo boards might work better with RAM vendor B. Corsair strives to find the RAM that works most universally.

3) Other system components may not be overclockable. This may include the processor, chip set, PCI bus, IDE channel, etc.

4) The the demands of todays high end graphics cards and GHz processors the quality of your power supply has become increasingly important. Make sure you power supply make and model is approved by your motherboard manufacturer and/or your CPU manufacturer.


There are many sites on the web which can give you more reasons, tell you which boards are best for overclocking. To get an idea, go to your favorite search engine and search for "overclocking guide".


Testing parameters for XMS150:


Motherboard make and model: Asus CUSL-2

DRAM Clock: 150 MHz

RAS Precharge: 2

RAS-to-CAS Delay: 2

CAS Latency: 2

Memory Voltage: motherboard default


Testing parameters for XMS2400:


Motherboard make and model: EPoX 3VHA and/or EPoX 8KHA+

DRAM Clock: 150 MHz

DRAM Timing (overrides SPD values): Manual

System Performance: Normal

Bank cycle time (or tRAS): 6

RAS Precharge: 2

RAS-to-CAS Delay: 2

CAS Latency: 2

Command Rate: 1T

Memory Voltage: motherboard default*


Testing parameters for XMS2700 CAS 2:


Motherboard make and model: EPoX EP-8K3A and/or Asus P4S533 and/or EPoX EP-8K5A

DRAM Timing (overrides SPD values): Manual

System Performance: Normal

Bank cycle time (or tRAS): 6

Bank Interleave: 4

RAS Precharge (tRP): 3

RAS-to-CAS Delay (tRCD): 3

CAS Latency: 2

Command Rate: 1T

Memory Voltage: motherboard default*


Testing parameters for XMS3000 CAS 2:


Motherboard make and model: EPoX EP-8K3A and/or Asus P4S533 and/or EPoX EP-8K5A

DRAM Clock: 187.5 MHz

DRAM Timing (overrides SPD values): Manual

System Performance: Normal

Bank cycle time (or tRAS): 6

Bank Interleave: 4

RAS Precharge (tRP): 3

RAS-to-CAS Delay (tRCD): 3

CAS Latency: 2

Command Rate: 1T

Memory Voltage: motherboard default*


Testing parameters for XMS3200 CAS 2.5:


Motherboard make and model: EPoX EP-8K3A and/or Asus P4S533 and/or EPoX EP-8K5A

DRAM Clock: 200 MHz

DRAM Timing (overrides SPD values): Manual

System Performance: Normal

Bank cycle time (or tRAS): 6

Bank Interleave: 4

RAS Precharge (tRP): 3

RAS-to-CAS Delay (tRCD): 3

CAS Latency: 2.5

Command Rate: 2T

Memory Voltage: motherboard default*


Testing parameters for XMS3200 CAS 2:


Motherboard make and model: EPoX EP-8K3A and/or Asus P4S533 and/or EPoX EP-8K5A

DRAM Clock: 200 MHz

DRAM Timing (overrides SPD values): Manual

System Performance: Normal

Bank cycle time (or tRAS): 6

Bank Interleave: 4

RAS Precharge (tRP): 3

RAS-to-CAS Delay (tRCD): 3

CAS Latency: 2

Command Rate: 1T

Memory Voltage: motherboard default*


Testing parameters for XMS3500 CAS 2:


Motherboard make and model: Abit KD7

CPU Speed: Manual

CPU External Frequency: 145

CPU to Memory FSB ratio: 4:6

SDRAM Configuration: Manual

SDRAM CAS Latency: 2T

SDRAM RAS to CAS Delay (tRCD): 3T

SDRAM RAS Precharge (tRP): 3T

SDRAM Active to Precharg Delay (tRAS): 7T

SDRAM Command Control: 1T

SDRAM Bank Interleave: 4 Bank

Memory Voltage: motherboard default*


*NOTE: Taking your vdimm voltage over 2.8 can damage your module and will void its warranty.



Μπορείτε να το βρείτε και εδώ:



*NOTE: Taking your vdimm voltage over 2.8 can damage your module and will void its warranty.


Maresei pou 2.9V apo clockers 8ewreitai to isws idaniko gia Corsair Sticks afou me parapanw voltage den anevainoun kai poly se mhz...Kati san xrysh tomh safety kai speed :P


Oso gia ta 3500 stickakia 2-7-2-2 1T pane gia tin plaka h kai 2-6-3-3 1T epishs 2-6-2-3 1T :)


Panakrives alla the best.


Πάντως εγώ τρέχω 2.9 μια χαρούλα, ούτε που ζεστένονται ιδιαίτερα...


<blockquote><font class="small">Quote KWSN-Men:</font><hr> Πάντως εγώ τρέχω 2.9 μια χαρούλα, ούτε που ζεστένονται ιδιαίτερα... <hr /></blockquote>


Samsung stickakia exeis KWSN h corsair?


An kai ta heatspreaders den nomizw na voh8ane idiaitera(isws kai ena tipota) oute h XMS3500 mou fenetai na zestainetai.33-40C burning in...


Corsair PC3200C2. Samsung έχει πάνω αν θυμάμαι καλά. Τρέχω στα 207(414) με 2-5-2-2 και 4 way bank interleave, και memmory settings Turbo.


Σας ευχαριστώ για την ανταπόκριση :) . Τελικά αποφάσισα να την πάρω την 333 (την βρίκα σε καλή τιμή). Ετσι και αλλιώς θα είναι μόνη της πάνω στην μητρική, οπότε δεν θα έχω ασυμβατότητες με άλλη μνήμη.

Ελπίζω μόνο να την δεχθει η συγκεκριμένη μητρική που έχω. :(





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