Προς το περιεχόμενο

Import data from MS Access to MS Excel


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Exw mia database stin access h opoia periexei tis pwlhseis pwlhtwn se ena table. To table exei sto 1 column ton kwdiko tu pwlhth (c01, c02, c03) kai sto dipla column tis pwlhseis tu pwlhth.

Exw epishs ena spreadsheet sto opoio eisagw ton kwdiko tu pwlhth kai mu emfanizei tis plirofories tu, tis opoies diavazei apo tin dtabase apo to antistoixo table me ta info tu pwlhth.

auto pu thelw na kanw einai otan kanw search gia to info tu pwlhth, na mu emfanizei kai sto table tis pwlhseis tu, ana mina....

Mporei kapoios na mu pei to coding giauto plz????


Gia na dwsw merikes info akoma, exw kataferei kai emfanizw tis pwlhseis gia ton 1o mina omws me tin akoluthi entoli:


Sub searchAccessData2()

Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection

Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset



With cn

.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"

.ConnectionString = "T:\ISAC\Courses\BIS3\Inf Res Man\2002\Assessment\sales.mdb"


End With


With rs

.ActiveConnection = cn

.Source = "Select * from MonthlySales where EmpRef = '" & Cells(1, 2) & "'"


End With


Cells(18, 2) = rs!MonthlyIncome



Set rs = Nothing



Set cn = Nothing


End Sub


To problem einai pws den xerw pws na balw ta ypoloipa data sta kelia (18,3) (18,4) etc.

Na pw epishs pws Sto table pu anaferw sto proigumeno post (Monthly sales) yparxun 5 fields:

EmpRef - kwdikos pwlhth

MonthlyIncome - Pwlhseis pwlhth

Month = Mhnas. Einai sth morfi 1,2,3,4,5

Surname & Firstname pwlhth - stoixeia pwlhth.



Mporei kapoios na me voithisei plz/??


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