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Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Παιδιά μόλις έλαβα αυτό τό e-mail από εναν πελάτη μου.<P>Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 8:30 AM<BR>Subject: Virus alert!<P><BR>Recieved this this morning, rather be safe and send it to everyone just in case it is a virus alert and not just a hoax<P>regards<P>Bryan<P>READ IMMEDIATELY AND PASS ON TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW <P>Someone is sending out a very cute screensaver of the Budweiser Frogs. <P>If you download it, you will lose everything! Your hard drive will crash and <BR>someone from the Internet will get your screen name and password! DO NOT <BR>DOWNLOAD IT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES! <BR>It just went into circulation yesterday. Please distribute this message. This <BR>is a new, very malicious virus and not many people know about it. This <BR>information was announced yesterday morning from Microsoft. <BR>Please share it with everyone that might access the Internet. <P>Once again, Pass This Along To EVERYONE in your address book so that this may <BR>be stopped. AOL has said that this is a very dangerous virus and that there <BR>is NO remedy for it at this time. <P>This is VERY important. If you receive a screen saver from a friend or anyone <BR>you may not know with the Budweiser Frogs in it, DO NOT DOWNLOAD IT OR OPEN <BR>THE FILE! <P>Press the forward button on your email program and send this notice to <P>EVERYONE you know. Let's keep our email safe for everyone. <P>This is a service to all of our affiliates to help them keep their email and <BR>computer files safe. <BR>ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sorry φίλε tiger.<BR>Δέν θα το ξανακάνω. Ειμαι ομως πολύ περίεργος εάν σου συνέβαινε εσένα και ειχα εγώ αυτό το e-mail και το ήξερες, θα σού άρεσε;;


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