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MechWarrior Online

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UI 2.0





Let's get started!

UI 2.0 is a significant overhaul of the existing MWO user interface, both on the surface and under the hood.

Three main goals:
  • Reduce friction for new players.
  • Communicate information in a clear and simple manner.
  • Make each screen relevant to the task at hand (contextual).

And one bonus goal:

  • Make the Front End a little more sexy.

General Improvements

  • Full support for Windowed, Full Screen, and Full Window view modes.
  • Supports standard game resolutions 1024x768 to 1920x1200.
  • More dynamic, lots of nice transitions, takes advantage of Scaleform and Flash animations.
  • Supports element locking, useful for new players and tutorials.
  • Frames-safe for 4:3 resolutions.
  • New behind the scene UI architecture reduces bad states, improves stability, and reliability.
  • Faster.

NOTE: The following images are mock-ups (not screen shots). They represent Work In Progress (WIP) concepts that are subject to change. The data and item images found within these screens is not correct, and place holder only.



1 Horizontal Navigation Bar
2 Utility Bar
3 Vertical Navigation Bar
4 Contextual Status Menu
5 At-a-glance BattleMech Details
6 List Filtering
7 Compare Tool
8 List Item
9 Mech Efficiency Status


  • The horizontal navigation bar (1) has been made larger and easier to read.
  • The previous horizontal sub-nav bar has been replaced by a vertical nav bar (3).
  • The previous status bar has been split into the new utility bar (2) and the contextual status menu (4).
  • The previous two `Mech detail elements have been reworked slightly and separated (5). The Mech Detail screen gives players a much better overall view of the Mech loadout.
  • Standardized list element for all store and MechLab interfaces. Includes the ability to filter based on common concepts like A-Z, Price High to Low, Owned, Not Owned, In-Game, etc. (6).
  • Easy compare functionality standard throughout the UI. (7)
  • Standard list elements (8) showing Selected, Readied, Sale Status, In-Game Status, Price information, buy and configure buttons, and the Mech type and Name.
  • Current Mech Efficiency status – Basic, Elite, Master. (9)




As you can see in the above image, we have moved the main navigation elements around. This follows our new principal navigation flow as seen below:


The horizontal navigation bar (1) will inform (change) the vertical navigation bar (2), which in turn changes the main view.





Menu and Social buttons have been replace by Logout and Settings, along with a new global chat/social interface similar to Steam.





The old status bar has been split, with relevant meta data (MC, CB, GXP), being moved to a Contextual Status Menu that changes depending on which screen you are currently in. The current view expresses the MechLab Status Menu.




The new Mech Selection screen is much more streamlined, allowing players to quickly find, select, modify, buy, and sell their equipment.

This common list view element is used throughout the MechLab and Store interfaces. No longer will players need to learn 3-5 different ways to modify or view information about their items.

Note how we have used the vertical nav bar to sort Mechs by class! Further refinement can be down by using drop down list view filters.

Buying BatlteMechs and MechBays has never been more easy.




Players can will be able to quickly compare Mechs and Items, using the compare tool.

Note the sell button!



Mech Details


Item Details


Configure Loadout




Camo Spec


Configure Weapon Groups!



Reworked Pilot Lab makes finding, navigating, and upgrading MechTree much easier.

Please direct your feedback here!


  • Απαντ. 423
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Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

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Στείλε PM το e-mail σου, γιατί στο Skype ξέχασα πως σε γράφει. :P


Καλά, έχω πάψει να πιστεύω ότι από εδώ θα μπει κανένας άλλος, εκτός του ότι δεν έχω πάρει ακόμα απάντηση αν καν είδαν το site οι άλλοι 2 που έλεγαν, εκτός των γνωστών, δεν βλέπει κανείς το topic.


Χαχα πάλι το ξέχασες  :P


Πλάκα πλάκα μόνο εσύ ασχολείσαι σοβαρά με το game και μου κάνει εντύπωση γιατί είναι αρκετά ενδιαφέρον παιχνίδι και πίστευα ότι θα αρέσει σε περισσότερους...

  • 2 εβδομάδες αργότερα...
  • 3 εβδομάδες αργότερα...

Στείλε PM το e-mail σου, γιατί στο Skype ξέχασα πως σε γράφει. :P


Καλά, έχω πάψει να πιστεύω ότι από εδώ θα μπει κανένας άλλος, εκτός του ότι δεν έχω πάρει ακόμα απάντηση αν καν είδαν το site οι άλλοι 2 που έλεγαν, εκτός των γνωστών, δεν βλέπει κανείς το topic.

Μετα τα απανωτα ποστς που ανεβαζες (μου κινησαν την περιεργεια)και σαν παλιος μεκ 2 φαν, το εβαλα και το εβγαλα μεσα σε 7 μερες ή κατι λιγοτερο. Το παλεψα οσο μπορουσα αλλα δεν....ειδικα ο χειρισμος (στριψιμο....), συνειδητοποιησα οτι η κονσολιτιδα που εχω φαει ειναι ανευ γυρισμου, το μαξ που μπορω να παιξω ειναι mech assault.


Βεβαια, ετσι την ψιλιαστικα και εβαλα το Hawken που ηταν σαν το παραπανω (mech assault)  αλλα και αυτο εφαγε σουτ καθως η ταπεινη 525Μ του λαπτοπ μου δεν το σηκωνε ικανοποιητικα.

  • Moderators

Δεν έλεγες να παίζαμε μαζί;


Πάντως ναι, δεν είναι τόσο "γρήγορο" ή arcade το game.


Έχω δει τα Mech Assault αλλά δεν τα έπαιξα ποτέ.

  • 2 εβδομάδες αργότερα...
  • Moderators

New Battlemech Movement Behavior





Okay everybody, listen up - this is important.

The upcoming patch brings with it dramatic changes in the way your mech will interact with sloped ground. Gone are the days of running up a 75° slope as though it was no more than a gentle incline. Mechs will now have to work harder to climb slopes, and the threshold at which slopes cease to be traversable will be considerably lower than it was before.

In this post I will explain exactly how these changes will affect each type of mech, and we will include color-coded maps depicting the severity of the slopes in every level so that we can all have a reference as to where our mechs can go, where our mechs can't go, and where we can expect the mechs to slow down.

For the purposes of these movement changes, there are five movement archetypes. Each one has a different threshold at which its Mechs will begin to slow down. I'll call this SlowdownAngle. The SlowdownAngle is different for each archetype. Here is a list of the archetypes, and which mech belongs in which archetype. You will notice that the archetype does not necessarily coincide with the mech's weight class.

Tiny: Jenner, Commando, Spider
SlowdownAngle: 40°

Small: Raven, Cicada
SlowdownAngle: 35°

Medium: Blackjack, Centurion, Dragon, JagerMech, Trebuchet, Cataphract, Hunchback
SlowdownAngle: 30°

Large: Quickdraw, Stalker, Awesome, Catapult
SlowdownAngle: 25°

Huge: Atlas, Highlander, Victor
SlowdownAngle: 20°

In addition to the SlowdownAngle, there is a slope level which no mech can traverse. That angle is 45°. For an easy reference as to which slopes are 45°, take a look at Alpine Peaks. Where you see white snow, the slope is less than 45°. Where you see dark coloured rock, the slope is greater than 45°, and you cannot climb it.

So, the easy rule to remember is that every mech can travel over any slope less than 20° with no slowdown whatsoever, and at any 45° slope the mech's movement is reduced to 0. These slowdowns aren't instant, so there is the potential for an extremely fast mech to gather enough momentum to travel some way up a slope of 45° or greater, but in most cases a 45° slope acts, in effect, as a wall. In addition, I should also note that running into an actual vertical wall reduces the mech's forward movement considerably, so you will no longer have the ability to navigate by perpetually bumping into stuff.

To compute how much of a slowdown you can expect on a particular slope, the formula is quite simple. Just less than your mech's SlowdownAngle, you'll be going at 100% speed. At 45° you'll be going at 0% speed. In between those two values, the slowdown is linear.

For example, the Catapult is a member of the "large" movement archetype, whose SlowdownAngle is 25°. If a Catapult walks up a slope of 35° (halfway between the SlowdownAngle of 25° and the StopAngle of 45°) it will be traveling at 50% of its normal speed. On a 30° slope it would travel at 75% of its normal speed, and on a 40° slope it would travel at 25% of its normal speed.

Some maps this won't make a lick of difference. Others it will completely transform. I urge everyone to carefully inspect the following diagrams and see if your usual routes or favourite spots are going to be compromised by these changes. You can't climb up the sheer cliff walls on Alpine Peaks any more. You can't scoot up to the top of the crystal shards on Tourmaline Desert any more. The high ground in Canyon Network is nowhere near as accessible as it once was.

It has been my experience that these changes make for a dramatically improved gameplay experience and I hope that will be the case for everyone else too.

Thanks for listening. As you were.

- Thaddeus

Here is a link to the official feedback thread: http://mwomercs.com/...viour-feedback/

Here are the maps:









Καιρός ήταν. Άντε να δούμε και λίγο ρεαλισμό στην κίνηση (αυτά τα μικρά κινούνται τόσο ψεύτικα), στις συγκρούσεις και σιγά σιγά στο περιβάλλον (δέντρα να πέφτουν μειώνοντας την ταχύτητα, κτίρια να καταστρέφονται, αυτόκινητα να "τσαλακώνονται" όταν τα πατάς κ.α.)

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