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MechWarrior Online


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις

ερώτηση : είμαι μεγάλος fan των MechCommander 1 & 2, έχω παίξει και MechWarrior τα παλιά. με το συγκεκριμένο παιχνίδι τι παίζει? κάποιος να μου πει σε γενικές γραμμές αν αξίζει και τι concept έχει

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Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

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Αν έχεις παίξει τα Mechwarrior (τα "simulator" δηλαδή) τότε ξέρεις περίπου τι να περιμένεις. Υπάρχουν διάφορα βίντεο που δείχνουν για τα loadouts, κλπ. Όσο για gameplay, έχω βάλει και απο αυτά. :P

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Εμ... Mechwarrior Online...


Σοβαρά όμως βρε παιδιά, κοιτάτε και λίγο, τόσα posts κάνουμε και μετά θέλετε να σας τα πούμε όλα από την αρχή και για πράγματα που είναι ευρέως γνωστά. Άλλο να ρωτάς ποιο είναι καλύτερο (κατ' εμέ) assault mech αυτή τη στιγμή και άλλο "τι σόι παιχνίδι είναι αυτό". -_-

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Στο γραφείο ε; :P


Οk then,


Μέχρι στιγμής είναι μάχες 8 vs 8 (θα γίνουν 12 vs 12 κατά τον Απρίλιο λένε), σε:

Assault (παίρνεις τη βάση του αντιπαλου ή σκοτώνεις όλους τους αντιπάλους)

Conquest (παίρνεις πόντους από nodes ή σκοτώνεις όλους τους αντιπάλους).

Friendly fire κανονικα, no respawn, δεν υπάρχει coolant όπως στο MW4. Customisation των Mechs σε όπλα (το κυριότερο), χρώματα (ακριβά) και διακοσμητικά cockpit items (μόνο με MC/premium currency).


Όσο παίζεις με κάποιο Mech, ανεβάζει experience και μπορείς μετά να αναβαθμίσεις κάποια passives (που μέχρι στιγμής είναι τα ίδια για κάθε Mech). Εκτός αυτού γεμίζεις general XP που μπορείς να το χρησιμοποιήσεις αντί για Mech XP αν θες (δεν είναι πολύ βολικό όμως, γιατί το Pilot XP είναι πολύ αργό) και για κάποια pilot skills.


Ότιδήποτε χρειάζεσαι γενικά, το πληρώνεις με C-bills (κανονικό currency), μόνο τα hero mechs (εκτός του 30% bonus σε λεφτά, δεν είναι overpowered, απλά έχουν διαφορετικά hardpoints) και διακοσμητικά είναι με MC/Premium.


Single Player δεν έχει.


Aκολουθεί σε real time το 3050. (δηλαδή σήμερα "είναι 6 Φεβρουαρίου 3050), οπότε έχει Mechs εκείνης της εποχής.

Το καλοκαίρι γίνεται η εισβολή των Clans (αλλά να δούμε αν θα το προλάβουν γιατί έχουν διάφορα προβλήματα στο πρόγραμμα, λόγω μικρής ομάδας). Και γενικά κάπου εκεί πρέπει να μπει και το metagame, δηλαδή να παλεύουμε για περιοχές και όχι απλά matches.


Καλό είναι να μπεις σε ομάδα, γιατί μόνος θα χάνεσαι αρκετά.

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ευχαριστώ για την ανάλυση. έπαιξα χθες βράδυ για καμία ώρα περίπου. πέρα από το γεγονός ότι δεν κατάλαβα και πολλά, δεν μ άρεσαν τόσο τα γραφικά όσο και το όλο στήσιμο του παιχνιδιού. αν έβγαινε MechCommander Online θα ήταν πολύ καλύτερα .

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ευχαριστώ για την ανάλυση. έπαιξα χθες βράδυ για καμία ώρα περίπου. πέρα από το γεγονός ότι δεν κατάλαβα και πολλά, δεν μ άρεσαν τόσο τα γραφικά όσο και το όλο στήσιμο του παιχνιδιού. αν έβγαινε MechCommander Online θα ήταν πολύ καλύτερα .




Turn-based, αλλά δεν μου αρέσουν τα designs και δεν ακούω πολλά καλά για την beta του.

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Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)

Τα σημερινά patch notes (νέο Mech, νέο map, etc.)


Upcoming Patch - Tuesday Feb. 19th @ 10AM – 1PM PDT

Change Log


Greetings MechWarriors,

We have another great patch ready for you today. It’s packed full of content, improvements, tuning and fixes so let’s dig in.

The Trebuchet is now available in the MechLab. We have been having some serious fun with this BattleMech in our play tests. It’s great to have a new medium `Mech on the battlefield, not to mention it has jump jets! Those jump jets are going to come in handy too, on our new map Alpine Peaks.

What is Alpine Peaks you ask? It’s a huge map. H U G E. Bring your scouts, stick together, and load up some long range weapons because you’re going to have to change up your tactics for this snow-capped map.

If you liked our New Year’s holographic cockpit items, you are in luck because, we have just released the Faction Logos in the same style. Pick one up and show your allegiance.

On top of all this there are a lot of cool new improved features to play with. Personally I can’t wait to disable someone’s ECM with a PPC. Now I just have to put a PPC on one of my `Mechs.

See you on the battlefield

Matt N

* Content


Trebuchet TBT-7M

- Tonnage: 50
- Engine: 250 XL
- Max Engine Rating: 325
- Top Speed: 81 kph
- Torso Movement:
- 90 degrees to each side
- 25 degrees up and down
- Arm Movement:
- 15 degrees to each side
- 40 degrees up and down
- Armor: 240 (Standard)
- Weapons & Equipment:
- Left Arm: Medium Laser, LRM 15
- Left Torso: Narc Beacon, CASE
- Right Torso: LRM 15, CASE
- Right Arm: Medium Laser x 2
- Hardpoints:
- Left Arm: 1 Energy, 1 Missile
- Left Torso: 1 Missile
- Right Torso: 1 Missile, 1 AMS
- Right Arm: 2 Energy
- Internal Structure: Endo Steel
- Heat Sinks: 10 Double
- Jump Jets: 5
- ECM Capable?: No
- Module Slots: 2

Trebuchet TBT-3C

- Tonnage: 50
- Engine: 300 XL
- Max Engine Rating: 390
- Top Speed: 97.2 kph
- Torso Movement:
- 90 degrees to each side
- 25 degrees up and down
- Arm Movement:
- 15 degrees to each side
- 40 degrees up and down
- Armor: 224 (Standard)
- Weapons & Equipment:
- Left Arm: Medium Laser, LRM 15 w/ Artemis IV FCS
- Left Torso: CASE
- Center Torso: Medium Laser
- Right Torso: LRM 15 w/ Artemis IV FCS, CASE
- Right Arm: Medium Laser x 2
- Hardpoints:
- Left Arm: 1 Energy, 1 Missile
- Center Torso: 1 Energy
- Right Torso: 1 Missile, 1 AMS
- Right Arm: 2 Energy
- Internal Structure: Endo Steel
- Heat Sinks: 10 Double
- Jump Jets: n/a
- ECM Capable?: No
- Module Slots: 2

Trebuchet TBT-5J

- Tonnage: 50
- Engine: 250 Standard
- Max Engine Rating: 325
- Top Speed: 81 kph
- Torso Movement:
- 90 degrees to each side
- 25 degrees up and down
- Arm Movement:
- 15 degrees to each side
- 40 degrees up and down
- Armor: 256 (Standard)
- Weapons & Equipment:
- Left Arm: Medium Laser
- Right Torso: LRM 15
- Right Arm: Medium Laser x 2
- Hardpoints:
- Left Arm: 2 Energy
- Right Torso: 1 Missile, 1 AMS
- Right Arm: 3 Energy
- Internal Structure: Standard
- Heat Sinks: 15 Single
- Jump Jets: 5
- ECM Capable?: No
- Module Slots: 2

Trebuchet TBT-5N

- Tonnage: 50
- Engine: 250 Standard
- Max Engine Rating: 325
- Top Speed: 81 kph
- Torso Movement:
- 115 degrees to each side
- 25 degrees up and down
- Arm Movement:
- 15 degrees to each side
- 40 degrees up and down
- Armor: 240 (Standard)
- Weapons & Equipment:
- Left Arm: Medium Laser, LRM 15
- Right Torso: LRM 15
- Right Arm: Medium Laser x 2
- Hardpoints:
- Left Arm: 1 Energy, 1 Missile
- Right Torso: 1 Missile, 1 AMS
- Right Arm: 3 Energy
- Internal Structure: Standard
- Heat Sinks: 10 Single
- Jump Jets: n/a
- ECM Capable?: No
- Module Slots: 2

Trebuchet TBT-7K

- Tonnage: 50
- Engine: 250 Standard
- Max Engine Rating: 325
- Top Speed: 81 kph
- Torso Movement:
- 115 degrees to each side
- 25 degrees up and down
- Arm Movement:
- 15 degrees to each side
- 40 degrees up and down
- Armor: 240 (Standard)
- Weapons & Equipment:
- Left Torso: AC/5
- Right Torso: PPC
- Right Arm: SRM 2
- Hardpoints:
- Left Torso: 2 Ballistic
- Right Torso: 2 Energy, 1 AMS
- Right Arm: 2 Missile
- Internal Structure: Standard
- Heat Sinks: 11 Single
- Jump Jets: n/a
- ECM Capable?: No
- Module Slots: 2



Huge sightlines, sporadic cover, mountainous terrain, massive communication towers atop hills, huge fields of snow to cruise through, and amazing sights of the sun behind the mountains, Alpine Peaks offers all of these sights, sounds and more! Come see the planet MercMagazine called 'Cold as hell, but pretty, and damn is it huge!' Stretch your Mech limbs before you make the trek from one side to the other, as there are many possible fantastic attack points both to your left, right, above, and below. High vantage points can be used to facilitate long range engagements, and defensive lines can be set up in a wide variety of pleasant-looking areas. All of this - and more! - is waiting for you... in Alpine Peaks!

Alpine peaks is by far our largest map, with kilometres of distance between each base. Rising mountains and hills scatter the landscape, giving a vertical as well as horizontal fight. In addition to that, several corridors of hundreds of meters in length dot the level, allowing ranged weapons to really shine; but be careful, as many of the tall hills can be climbed, and the large size of the map means encirclement is a real possibility. Fighting often happens down long corridors, and cover is sporadic, but very high. Combat takes place at all levels, with enemies able to appear above, below, and to the sides of you. What seems like an advantage will suddenly be turned around if you get flanked, so it is important to cover your sides, and move together as a team.

Players will find that the short sightlines and narrow corridors of older maps are a thing of the past, as wide sweeping valleys and massive rocky mountains dominate the scene. Securing the high ground is of absolute importance, and enemies can appear and disappear over the mountaintops in the blink of an eye. Stray too far from your base and you risk being flanked, as slower Mechs will find they will have quite the trek to get across the battlefield. Be sure to bring your ranged weapons, small lasers won't cut it here!


- House Kurita Hologram Statue.
- House Liao Hologram Statue.
- House Marik Hologram Statue.
- House Steiner Hologram Statue.
- House Free Rasaihague Hologram Statue.
- House Davion Hologram Statue.


MatchMaking Phase 3

- When players or groups press the launch button, the match maker will attempt to form the best balanced match in terms of both the skills (ELO) and mech classes of all the players involved.
- The longer the search takes, up to approximately 2-3 minutes, the less balanced the match could be since there just simply isn't a balanced mix of players and selected mechs looking for a match.
- The more matches people play, the more accurate matching will become.

Centurion Variant Quirks.

- Increased CN9-A and CN9-AL max engine to 275 (from 260).
- Increased CN9-YLW max engine to 300 (from 280).
- Increased CN9-A and CN9-AL torso twist angle to 100 (from 90).
- Decreased CN9-A, CN9-AL, and CN9-D max horizontal arm angle to 35 (from 40).
- Increased CN9-A and CN9-AL turning rate by 10%.
- Increased CN9-YLW turning rate by 5%.
- Decreased acceleration rate of all Centurions by 10%.
- Increased the deceleration rate of the CN9-A, CN9-AL, and CN9-D by 10%.

Narc Beacon Improvements:

- Narc now makes a `Mech targetable to everyone on the opposing team.
- When an ECM "turns off" the other effects of a Narc beacon, it turns off this one as well.

- When a `Mech has been hit by a Narc beacon, the effects of the Narc beacon automatically end if the `Mech takes a cumulative 35 damage from the time the Narc beacon hit.
- Each time a `Mech is hit with an enemy Narc beacon, the damage counter resets.

EMP Property added to PPCs and ERPPCs:

- When a PPC or ERPPC projectile hits an ECM carrying `Mech, the ECM is disabled for 4 seconds.
- The ECM disabled time does not accumulate with successive shots.
- If a `Mech is hit with a PPC or ERPPC while their ECM is already disabled, the disabled timer returns to 4 seconds.

Machine Guns/Flamers/LB10-X

- The Flamer has a 14% increased chance to crit once, an 8% increased chance to crit twice, and a 3% increased chance to crit 3 times.
- When the Flamer crits, it will deal 1.1x the amount of normal damage to an internal item.
- Flamer crit damage is 0.4 x 1.1 = 0.44 per crit. Max crit of 3 times = 1.32.
- The low damage mulitplier is due to the fact that the Flamer already has it's head increase ability.
- The LB10-X has a 14% increased chance to crit once, an 8% increased chance to crit twice, and a 3% increased chance to crit 3 times.
- When the LB10-X crits, it will deal 2.0x the amount of normal damage from 1 'pellet' to an internal item.
- The LB10-X crit damage is 1.0 x 2.0 = 2.0 per crit. Max crit of 3 times = 6.0.
- The Machine Gun has a 14% increased chance to crit once, an 8% increased chance to crit twice, and a 3% increased chance to crit 3 times.
- When the Machine Gun crits, it will deal 12.5x the amount of normal damage per bullet to an internal item.
- The Machine Gun crit damage is 12.5 x 0.04 = 0.5 per crit. Max crit of 3 times = 1.5.
- Due to the rate of fire, the Machine Gun is now a heavy crit seeker and will be VERY effective vs. items on non-armoured locations.

Item Health Adjustment

- AC/20 now has 18 health, up from 10.

Sensor Modules Tunings:

- Standard Sensors (0% boost):
- A Non-ECM Mech can be detected at 800m.
- An ECM cloaked Mech can be detected at 200m. It disrupts signal at 180m.
- With Advanced Sensor Range (at rank 2, 25% boost):
- A non-ECM mech can be detected at 1000m.
- An ECM cloaked Mech can be detected at 250m. It disrupts signal at 180m.

Incoming missile warning on targets:

- When an enemy is actively the target of incoming missiles, an indicator appears on their targeting box.

Front End

MechLab Improvements

- Moved UPGRADES tab to be a sub-tab of LOADOUT (upgrades are now drag and drop to slots).
- Rearranged the Buy Mech details panel to make better use of the space.
- Revamped the Item Details panel to show details specific to each item type.
- Added Description tab in Item Details panel.
- Revamped the look of the Hardpoint Slot list.
- Added ability to sell multiple items of the same type in the item list rather than selecting and selling individual items.
- Bug Fixes

Mech Efficiencies:

- Basic `Mech Efficiencies are now correctly doubled when Elite status is obtained. (NOTE: Elite status requires you to have all 4 Elite talents purchased for that variant).
- Fixed an issue where purchasing ‘Arm Reflex’ was actually granting ‘Twist Speed’ efficiency and vice versa.
- Fixed an issue where purchasing ‘Fast Fire’ (weapon cooldown) was actually granting ‘Pin Point’ (Weapon convergence) efficiency and vice versa.
- Fixed the ‘Fast Fire’ efficiency: This efficiency was previously working backwards. Having this efficiency previously was increasing the cooldown of weapons. Now it is properly decreasing cooldown.

Pilot Lab:

- Fix mis-matched ordering of `Mech Efficiencies (see above).
- Disable option to convert XP if insufficient XP available.
- Show max convertible XP.
- Display state of Efficiencies for mechs that have been sold.
- Correctly refresh module info.
- Correctly update number unlocked efficiencies.


- Fixed issue where item quantity is not displayed in the "Inventory" line in Specifications when selected from Hardpoint Slots.
- Fixed issue where equipped items are displayed as not equipped when selected in Weapons Systems/Ammo sidebar.
- Fixed issue where the tonnage and repair status are displayed for modules in Specs section.
- Fixed issue where buying the Ferro Fibrous armor causes two exact same "Are you sure you want to buy selected items" prompts to appear.
- Fixed issue where sometimes the client will crash when modifying a `Mech and applying an upgrade immediately.
- Fixed issue where the upgrade window only displays one of the two missing prerequisites.
- Fixed issue where user is unable to sell modules from the modules tab.
- Fixed issue where after logging off and then logging back in the user is able to access an empty MechLab before the loading screen appears.
- Fixed issue where after selling items from the inventory, the balance is updated but the user is still unable to purchase items even with sufficient C-Bills.
- Fixed issue where sometimes if the user select two `Mechs in a row from the quicklist will ready the first one.


- Fixed chat input retention in Front-End (chat will no longer 'reset' while you type).
- Fixed Incoming message pulse.
- Fixed migrating pulse issue.

Fall Damage Tuning:

- Fixed excessive fall damage while moving across bumpy surfaces and falling from short heights.


- Fixed bugs within the damage transfer system:
- When destroyed components were hit from the back with explosive weapons, the damage transfer to front and central components would only be a fraction of what it was supposed to be.
- Fixed LRMs sometimes taking a sharp path after launching.

Dedicated Server:

- BattleMechs will now unlock faster at the end of a match.

Known Issues

- Damage textures are intentionally disabled until some additional re-work can be done.
- Users may experience some popping/flickering textures in our new Alpine Peaks map. We will try to address these graphical issues next patch.
- Users may experience a stats tab in the MechLab with undefined strings, this will be addressed next patch.

We thank you for your patience and we look forward to seeing you on the battlefield!

The MechWarrior® Online™ Team



Και από χθες (βλογάω τα γένια μου πάλι, αλλά ΔΕΝ είχα thermal όλη την ώρα :P -γιατί ήταν η Caustic-)


Επεξ/σία από GhostRiderLSOV
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Patch Notes της Τρίτης που πέρασε (έπαιζα ME3: Citadel :P)



Open Beta Update #12


Upcoming Patch - Tuesday Mar. 05th @ 10AM – 1PM PDT


Patch Number:  1.2.197


Change Log:


Greetings MechWarriors.


Hard to believe it's March already! Especially since I am writing this in February.


March is going to be a big month for us and we are starting things off with a guaranteed new favourite hero Mech, the Cicada X-5. No, those aren't head headlights. They are in fact missile tubes, you know for shooting missiles and stuff. With superb piloting skills this thing is going to pwn. Just check out those hardpoints and start your scheming. A Hero Mech so good I didn't feel the need to mention the 30% C-bill boost? WOW


Speaking of hardpoints, the MechLab continues to up its game by providing location based graphics for Mech hardpoints, engine, heatsinks, equipment and available slots. Now if you could just remember where you put that XL 320 engine you bought.


Since you just spent 20 minutes tweaking your build, why not take it for a spin in testing grounds? Testing grounds is a new mode that allows new and old players the chance to practice your pilot skills and test your loadout on each map populated with static targets that won't shoot back.


Hey you!... Yeah you! You don't have enough stuff in your cockpit! But you are in luck because we have NEW hanging cockpit items using the "Real Hula Girl PhysicsTM" engine. Repeatedly alpha striking and shutting down is sweaty work but my cockpits smells 75% better now that I bought and equipped an "Air freshener" in all my Mechs. You should too!


Read on for the rest of the tuning and fixes included in the latest patch.


See you on the battlefield


Matt Newman.




New Hero Mech


“The X-5”  CDA-X5


    - Base Mech:  Cicada
    - Tonnage:  40
    - Engine:  330 XL
        - Max Engine Rating: 340
    - Top Speed:  133.7 kph
    - Torso Twist:  125 degrees to each side
    - Armor:  268 points Ferro-Fibrous
    - Weapons & Equipment:
        - Left Arm:  Medium Laser
        - Left Torso:  Medium Laser, SRM 2
        - Right Torso:  Medium Laser, SRM 2
        - Right Arm:  Medium Laser
    - Hardpoints:
        - Left Arm:  1 Energy
        - Left Torso:  1 Energy, 1 Missile
        - Right Torso:  1 Energy, 1 Missile
        - Right Arm:  1 Energy
    - Internal Structure:  Endo-Steel
    - Heat Sinks:  13 Double
    - Jump Jets:  n/a
    - ECM Capable?:  No
    - Module Slots:  2
    - 30% C-Bill Bonus


New Hanging Cockpit Items


    - 50 cal. bullet necklace
    - Peace sign necklace
    - Dog tag necklace
    - Air freshener
    - Fuzzy dice


Savior Kills:  Upon killing an enemy Mech.  If that enemy had been attacking a teammate who has a critical component that is 50% health or lower within the last 10 seconds you will be awarded 7500CBills, and 150XP.


Defensive Kills: Upon killing an enemy Mech.  If that enemy was currently capping a base, anyone who had attacked the capturing Mech within the last 10 seconds will be awarded 7500CBills, and 150XP.


The game will now track Mech Stats, Weapon Stats, Map Stats, Game Mode Stats and Pilot Module Stats.


Mech Stats being tracked:


    - Matches Played.
    - Number of Wins.
    - Number of Losses.
    - Number of Kills.
    - Number of Deaths.
    - Total amount of Damage Done.
    - Total amount of XP earned.
    - Total time in seconds this Mech has been played.
Weapon Stats Being tracked:


    - Matches Played.
    - Number of times the weapon has been fired.
    - Number of times the weapon has hit and enemy.
    - The amount of time in seconds this weapon has been equipped.
    - The total amount of damage this weapon has dealt to the enemy.
Map Stats being tracked (per map basis):


    - Matches Played.
    - Number of Wins.
    - Number of Losses.
    - The amount of time in seconds this map has been played.
Game Mode Stats:


    - Matches Played.
    - Number of Wins.
    - Number of Losses.
    - Total amount of XP earned in this game mode.
    - Total amount of CB earned in this game mode.
Pilot Module Stats:


    - Matches Played.
    - Number of wins with this equipment.
    - Number of losses with this equipment.


Testing Grounds


    - Choosing "Testing Grounds" from the game modes selection (the button next to the Launch button) will take you to the Testing Grounds.
    - In the Testing Grounds, you'll be loaded into a random map with the Mech that you had readied in the MechLab.
    - You can explore the map and test your weapons against 8 "dummy" Mechs.
    - Exit back to the MechLab by pressing Esc and selecting Quit Match.
    - Playing in the Testing Grounds has no effect on your stats.
    - NOTE Battle Mech Efficiencies and Pilot Efficiencies do not work in Testing Grounds.  This will be fixed in a later patch.




Cicada Variant Quirks


    - CDA-2A:  Received an additional module slot (this gives it 2 now, like the other variants).  Torso twist angle increased by 5 degrees to each side.  Torso movement speed increased by 10%.  Turning rate increased by 5%.
    - CDA-2B:  Torso twist angle increased by 5 degrees to each side.  Arm movement speed increased by 22%.  Turning rate increased by 5%.
    - CDA-3C:  Torso twist angle increased by 5 degrees to each side.  Turning rate increased by 10%.
    - CDA-3M:  Turning rate decreased by 5%.  Acceleration decreased by 10%.
    - CDA-X5:  Torso twist angle increased by 5 degrees to each side.  Turning rate increased by 10%.


Trial Battle Mech's


    - COM-3A
    - TBT-7M
    - DRG-1C
    - STK-4N
Artemis Tuning


    - When you fire a volley of Artemis guided missiles (from an Artemis equipped missile launcher, with line of sight to the target), they travel through the air in a distinct formation.


Dynamic Capture Points


    - Assault : When a mech from the opposing team is in the capture area the beams turn red. When mechs from both teams are in the capture area the beams will flash yellow. When the capture area is idle the beams are green.
    - Conquest : When a mech is in a capture area the beams will turn red. When a mech from both teams is in the capture area the beams flash yellow. When no one is in the capture area the beams are green.


Front End


MechLab Improvements:


    - Added Roll-overs for all relevant items in the New Mech Details panel and Current Mech Details panel.
        - When rolled-over, icons show up over the Mech image showing distribution of the item.
        - Added Free Slots entry (when dynamic slots are present, info on the number of dynamic slots is shown in addition to empty slots).
    - Moved the Sell Mech, Select Mech (for ready list) and Buy New Mech buttons into the bay icons.




    - Host state rewinding is now implemented for instant fire weapons (i.e. lasers, machine guns, flamers); meaning you should now be able to hit moving targets with these weapons even when experiencing latency up to ~450 ms.
    - Lowered drawcall cost of many buildings in industrial section of Caustic Valley.
    - Tweak to Forest Colony lighting - Less but brighter more natural fog, further Depth of Field, brighter ambient.


Bug Fixes




    - Fixed an issue where sometimes user will sees an opponent Target Indicator even though this opponent is not in sight.
    - BAP now deactivates it's bonuses when module is disabled.
    - LRM paths now look more realistic without predictable 'pinching' or certain weird looking formations.




    - Fixed empty kill message.
    - Fixed awarding component destruction on disconnected allies.
    - Fixed user name not appearing on disconnected player.




    - Fixed some issues with CryEngine networking that would adversely affect connections with loss or variable latency.




    - Increased depth of some barrier walls in River City to resolve missile collision issues.


Known Issues


    - Sometimes the Battlegrid or other HUD elements will be corrupted/missing in-game.


We thank you for your patience and we look forward to seeing you on the battlefield!


The MechWarrior® Online™ Team




Επίσης, θα αλλάξουν τα vision modes:



Keeping in the spirit of Paul's last Command Chair post I figured I'd post my own Epic regarding some new changes to the default Night Vision and Thermal Vision Modes.

First of all why change them?

The modes as they currently stand were largely unchanged from CryTek defaults and weren't truly representing PGI's vision for how these modes should function. The community has been waiting patiently for us to make some changes and we figured they had been on the To Do list for long enough now.

Before we get into the screenshots, I'd first like to describe the creative filter through which these modes were created; there are essentially three major considerations that we will continue to follow when creating new vision modes, in priority order:

* Game-play
* Visuals
* Accuracy

First and foremost we want to ensure that the game-play experience is only positively impacted by the changes. Secondly we obviously want the effect to look great, and finally we want to ensure that the effect bears some semblance to reality. Obviously throughout all of this we listen to what the community would like to see as well.

The reason I outline this, is understandably when first viewing images of a new effect we tend to look for accuracy, please note that while this is a consideration it is a lower priority consideration. These modes are also not set in stone and we will be open to further tuning based on feedback received.

Both of the new vision modes have been tuned to work well out to a distance of 700 meters. This is intentional to re-balance the vision modes and ensure that no vision mode is vastly superior to any other, the goal is for the vision modes to be useful in different scenarios but no one mode should dominate all the time the way the current thermal vision mode has been doing.

Normal Vision (River City Night)


As expected we can’t see any Mechs in regular vision mode (maybe the Jenner at a push)

Night Vision 2.0 (River City Night)


As you can see the goal has been to remove a lot of the bloom and interlacing that was making night vision painful to use, it is now a much more effective mode to navigate with on dark maps (as you'd expect) but as you'll quickly notice it is not the best mode for highlighting Mechs.

Though we can now make out the Jenner clearly and the head of a Centurion at a push in the background.

Thermal Vision 2.0 (River City Night)


Here you can see that we have gone back to a gray-scale approach for thermal this is again intentional for a number of reasons, the color graded approach was leading to thermal being an easy vision mode to spot Mechs and devolving into instantly switching to thermal find a blue blob and start firing at it.

With the move back to gray-scale Mechs can more tactically hide in hot areas without overly sticking out and the information at a distance is not sufficient for accurate head shots. Though here we can clearly see the Jenner outline and now more clearly the top of the Centurion in the background.

Once you get to play these changes you'll see that thermal is great for finding Mechs within 700m that are hiding in foliage for example on forest colony but won't be as much use when running between buildings on a night map.

Now for all those snipers out there that are starting to hate me, hold your horses, the goal here is not to cripple snipers, though there is a definite intention to force you back into regular vision mode for some of those long range shots as you'll see below.

We will look in the future to support additional vision modes that are equipped as modules to give various tactical advantages, but will come at a trade-off. It's safe to say that the zoom module will be getting a re-work and should be a very viable choice for those snipers that want to crank up their head-shot stats.

To demonstrate here are some more shots of the new modes on Alpine Peaks:

Night Vision (Alpine Peaks)


Not much help here

Thermal Vision (Alpine Peaks)


At these distances on a cold map the thermal signatures of a Mech are negligible.

Normal Vision (Alpine Peaks)


As you can see regular vision can now be the best option in some scenarios.

Before you mention it we agree that there is still too much heat being shown from the environment for thermal; however, to do it full justice we need to do a more detailed pass with the art team at a later point calibrating the heat information the environment generates. You can expect further improvements in this area but we still felt that the changes as they stand mark a noticeable improvement and are worthy of releasing and gathering feedback for future tuning.

Also we will be masking out the Mechs cockpit from the effects at a later date.

We look forward to expanding on the base vision modes in the future and catering to different play styles, we really hope you enjoy these changes and the intended balancing effect behind them.

As stated earlier we are always open to feedback and please know that we read and were guided by a lot of your feedback for this revamp so we hope you enjoy these changes.

*Sorry for the blocking artifacts in the first image imgur wasn't playing nice.

These changes are currently scheduled for the April 2nd Patch.

Thanks and see you on the Battlefield



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Last Update: March 15th

This is a thread dedicated to tracking the current development views of PGI in regards to future features and content. This thread will become an amalgamation of the variety of outlets of information (Command Chair, Ask the Devs, Podcasts, Twitch Events, Forum Posts, etc). I will to forge together a rough outline of the upcoming features as new information becomes available.

March 5th:

March 19th:April 2nd:April/May ETA:May/June ETA:
  • Community Warfare Phase 1 (May)
  • Removal of 8v8 in favor of 12v12
  • Blackjack - Medium (Assuming June)
  • Orion - Heavy (Assuming July)
  • Overhaul to group system
  • UI 2.0 (Change Mech names, move mechs around in the Mechlab, assign weapon groups in Mechlab)
  • Pilot Tree and Mech Tree overhaul
  • Details on Community Warfare
  • Lobby (June) with Map Voting Feature
June/July ETA:
  • TBA
In Development*, but no ETA:
  • 6 More Mech Chassis Designs are 100% Finished, awaiting announcement.
  • Map Grid will be re-adjusted to be equal size regardless of Map Size.
  • Trainng Ground (Different from Testing Ground)
  • Mechlab Thumbnails will Update to reflect changes that have been made
  • Ability to Customize Actual Mech Model itself (Alternate Heads, Shoulders, etc.)
  • Strip Loadout / Max Armor, etc. "Easy Buttons"
  • Minimap Zoom
  • Critical Hits will affect Movement Actuators.
  • DirectX 11
  • Ambient Map Sounds
  • Destructible Props
  • Moving Platforms on Maps
  • Cockpit Mech Models
  • Ability to see the selected map before selecting a mech to pilot
  • Min/Max tonnage limit (not based on weight class)
  • Damage to Cockpit Viewport
  • Voice Game System (Menu-Driven / Hotkey Audio Pre-Recorded Voice Chatter)
  • Private Practice/Matches
  • Mercenary/Lance/Clan Tag (Launching with Community Warfare)
  • Canyon Map
  • Volcano Map
  • Asteroid Map
  • Ability to change Pilot Name
  • Collision/Knockdown
  • MASC
  • Dropship Mode
  • Community-Created Tournaments and Leagues
  • Spectating Cameras and Replay Videos
In Concept Stage*, but no ETA:
  • Solaris
  • Ability to save Mech Loadouts
  • Website-based Mechlab
  • Ability to "Dump" Ammo
  • Ability to Reconnect to a Match if you have been Disconnected
  • Improvements to 4x Zoom
  • Melee Weapons
  • Rear View Camera
  • NPC Tanks, Aircraft, Infantry, and Powersuits
  • UAV
  • Ability to “Gift” vanity items
  • Function of the Command Console item
  • Different Models (Manufacturers) of Weapons that will have slightly different quirks or functions
  • More City-based Maps
  • More variants of existing mechs (excluding Hero mechs)
  • Battlelog
  • Crouch Function
*[Month/Date] ETA Means that this is an estimated time to arrival. In some cases, these features may be pushed back at the last second, but the Devs have issued an ETA and are on the horizon.

*Development means that the Devs have specifically said "It's coming" or "We're working on it" to a point where it is clear that they have a specific design goal that they are working towads. However, they have not given a specific ETA, so in rare cases, these features may still be scrapped.

*Concept Stage is a point in development where the idea has been brought up and discussed, and maybe even seen a little programming, but have a reasonable chance to be scrapped for some reason.

Forum Sources:
Ask the Devs 33 - Answered!
New Control Options
Reworked Vision Modes
Consumables - Back to the Drawing Board
2013 March Creative Director Update
Mechlab Detail Display
Weapon Fire State Rewind - Phase 1
Testing Grounds
Known Issues
Match Making Update
2013 February Developer Update
Camo Spec Phase 2
Weapon Balancing
Content Roadmap - Updated January 24Th, 2013
Feature Roadmap - Updated January 24Th, 2013
Net-Code Roadmap
Ask the Devs 32 - Answered!
Ask the Devs 31 - Answered!
Ask the Devs 30 - Answered!
Ask the Devs 29A - Answered!
Ask the Devs 28 - Answered!

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Patch Notes March 19th, 2013



Open Beta Update #13

Upcoming Patch - Tuesday Mar. 19th @ 10AM – 1PM PDT

PATCH: 1.2.204

Change Log


Greetings MechWarriors

I am truly excited to welcome you to this patch for 5 good reasons:

#1 - The Jagermech: Ballistics fans, this is your BattleMech! BOOM! BOOM! DAKKA! DAKKA! It’s seriously fun. I’m going to buy them all and paint them Desert Tan for reason #2.

#2 - Tourmaline Desert: You're going to love this map. It looks amazing and plays even better! It’s perfect for the Jagermech I just bought.

#3 - New Controls: Gas pedal? Check! Arm Lock? Check! Centre Legs to Torso? Check! Improved joystick controls? Check. Changing all these options in game? Priceless! (Test them out in the Testing Grounds!)

#4 - Consumables System and Cool Shot: Do you ever find yourself running hot? Is override not going to get the job done without BBQing your internals? Try using the brand new Cool Shot on your BattleMech and you just might survive to fight another day.

#5 - New Customizations: We’ve added the Vagabond pattern and some new BattleMech statues for your cockpit. What better way to show the Jagermech you just bought that you love it than a new paint job and some decorations?

Did I mention that we also increased the server count for the new map we just added? See you in the desert, my friends.

Matt Newman.



JagerMech JM6-DD

- Tonnage: 65
- Engine: 260 XL
- Top Speed: 64.8 kph
- Max Engine Rating: 315
- Armor: 232 (Ferro-Fibrous)
- Torso Movement:
- 110 degrees to each side
- 20 degrees up and down
- Arm Movement:
- 0 degrees to each side
- 35 degrees up and down
- Weapons & Equipment:
- Left Arm: Ultra AC/5, AC/2
- Left Torso: Medium Pulse Laser, CASE
- Right Torso: Medium Pulse Laser, CASE
- Right Arm: Ultra AC/5, AC/2
- Internal Structure: Standard
- Hardpoints:
- Left Arm: 3 Ballistic
- Left Torso: 1 Energy, 1 AMS
- Right Torso: 1 Energy
- Right Arm: 3 Ballistic
- Heat Sinks: 10 Single
- Jump Jets: n/a
- ECM Capable?: No
- Module Slots: 2

JagerMech JM6-A

- Tonnage: 65
- Engine: 260
- Top Speed: 64.8 kph
- Max Engine Rating: 315
- Armor: 256 (Standard)
- Torso Movement:
- 90 degrees to each side
- 20 degrees up and down
- Arm Movement:
- 0 degrees to each side
- 35 degrees up and down
- Weapons & Equipment:
- Left Arm: LRM 15, AC/2
- Left Torso: Medium Laser
- Right Torso: Medium Laser
- Right Arm: LRM 15, AC/2
- Internal Structure: Standard
- Hardpoints:
- Left Arm: 1 Ballistic, 2 Missile
- Left Torso: 1 Energy, 1 AMS
- Right Torso: 1 Energy
- Right Arm: 1 Ballistic, 2 Missile
- Heat Sinks: 10 Single
- Jump Jets: n/a
- ECM Capable?: No
- Module Slots: 2

JagerMech JM6-S

- Tonnage: 65
- Engine: 260
- Top Speed: 64.8 kph
- Max Engine Rating: 315
- Torso Movement:
- 110 degrees to each side
- 20 degrees up and down
- Armor: 192 (Standard)
- Arm Movement:
- 0 degrees to each side
- 35 degrees up and down
- Weapons & Equipment:
- Left Arm: AC/5, AC/2
- Left Torso: Medium Laser
- Right Torso: Medium Laser
- Right Arm: AC/5, AC/2
- Internal Structure: Standard
- Hardpoints:
- Left Arm: 2 Ballistic
- Left Torso: 2 Energy, 1 AMS
- Right Torso: 2 Energy
- Right Arm: 2 Ballistic
- Heat Sinks: 10 Single
- Jump Jets: n/a
- ECM Capable?: No
- Module Slots: 2

Tourmaline Desert

The Tourmaline Desert is found on a small sun-baked planetoid in a binary star system. The bedrock is largely granite covered, with a thin layer of schist and sporadic veins of liquid sodium. The most striking features, however, are the endless, towering outcrops of massive tourmaline crystals that reach up against a scarlet nebula. The mean temperature is ~97°C, with an atmosphere comprised mainly of carbon dioxide with trace amounts of methane, ammonia, sodium and water vapour.

The planetoid is located along a strategic corridor, and has therefore seen many battles over the past centuries. In some circles it is known as ‘The Boneyard’ as its surface is littered with the carcasses of abandoned BattleMechs and wrecked dropships. A derelict 52000 ton Mammoth class cargo carrier dropship can be found half-buried in the middle of the desert with its bones jutting out into the sky. Slowly being consumed by the desert’s blowing sand, the last two centuries have left it sand-blasted and corroded.

BattleMech warriors will have a challenging fight ahead of them. Heat management will be a huge priority, and steep walled craters may pen them in for easy pickings. The giant tourmaline crystals will offer some protection from missile barrages, but the long corridors and accessible peaks will make any BattleMech vulnerable to sniper fire.

New Consumables Modules

- General Notes:

- Consumable modules cannot be sold back to the store.
- Cool Shot is activated by pressing Delete (when a cool shot module is equipped).
- If more than one type of cool shot module is equipped, the first press of Delete will activate the Cool Shot 6.
- The second press will activate Cool Shot 9 or Cool Shot 9 by 9 or Cool Shot 18 (whichever is equipped).
- If the player shuts down while coolant flushing, the flush pauses and any remaining flush automatically resumes after powering up.
- If a consumable module is not used during a match, it is not consumed and remains on the BattleMech

- Cool Shot 6

- Only one of these can be equipped on a BattleMech at a time.
- Consumed upon use.
- Costs 10,000 CBills.
- When used, it removes 6 heat per second, for 1 second, from your BattleMech(in addition to the standard heat loss from your heat sinks).
- This is equivalent to the cooling provided by 60 single heat sinks.

- Cool Shot 9

- Only one of these can be equipped on a BattleMech at a time.
- Cannot be equipped on a BattleMech that has a Cool Shot 18 equipped.
- Consumed upon use.
- Costs 40,000 CBills.
- When used, it removes 9 heat per second, for 1 second, from your BattleMech(in addition to the standard heat loss from your heat sinks).
- This is equivalent to the cooling provided by 90 single heat sinks.

- Cool Shot 18

- Only one of these can be equipped on a BattleMech at a time.
- Cannot be equipped on a BattleMech that has a Cool Shot 9 equipped.
- Consumed upon use.
- Costs 15 MC.
- When used, it removes 18 heat per second, for 1 second, from your BattleMech(in addition to the standard heat loss from your heat sinks).
- This is equivalent to the cooling provided by 180 single heat sinks.

New Modules

- Cool Boost

- Costs 15,000 GXP.
- When bought, automatically increases the cooling provided by every cool shot by 20%.
- Does not need to be equipped to a BattleMech.

- Cool Shot 9 by 9

- Costs 15,000 GXP.
- When bought, automatically upgrades all Cool Shot 9 modules into Cool Shot 9 by 9 modules.
- Cool Shot 9 by 9 modules removed 18 heat per second for 1 second.
- All other stats/costs/restrictions are the same as Cool Shot 9.

BattleMech Cockpit Items

- Atlas Statue.
- Catapult Statue.
- Hunchback Statue.

BattleMech Skin

- Vagabond Skin.


New Controls

- Added Arm Lock gameplay option (ON by default):
- When Arm Lock is enabled, the arm reticule is fixed to the torso crosshairs and moves at the same rate as the torso.
- Added Throttle Decay gameplay option (ON by default). When Throttle Decay is enabled:
- Gameplay options can be enabled/disabled on the fly from the new in-game Options Screen.
- Pressing the ‘W’ key will sets the throttle to 100%.
- Pressing the ‘S’ key will sets the throttle to -100%.
- Releasing the ‘W’ and ‘S’ key sets the throttle to 0.
- Keyboard users can now use the NumPad to directly control throttle (using the 0-9, +, -, and . keys).
- New Bind: “F" - centers Feet to Torso.
- New Bind: “Shift” - toggles Arm Lock while held.
- Analog turn support for joysticks.

In-game Options

- The Video, Game, and Control settings are accessible via the in-game pause menu.

Catapult Variant Quirks

- The CPLT-A1, CPLT-C1, and CPLT-C4 have had their torso twist angle reduced from 140 to 120.
- The CPLT-A1, CPLT-C1, and CPLT-C4 have had their arm pitch angle reduced from 45 to 35.
- The CPLT-K2 has had its torso twist angle reduced from 140 to 110.

Raven Hitbox Adjustment

- The hitbox complexity of the Raven has been reduced.
- This will result in the Raven being hit much easier and brings it on par with it's light counterparts.

Bug Fixes


- When a user is killed with jump jets on, the jump jets will now turn off properly.
- SRMs will no longer set off the "INCOMING MISSILES" warning.
- Fixed an issue where firing SRMs at close range at an enemy BattleMech's leg does little to no damage.


- Added in the laser caps that were missing from the CPLT-K2's center torso.
- The machine guns on the CPLT-K2's side torsos will disappear when the user removes them.
- Autocannons and Gauss Rifles are now represented with the appropriate meshes on the CPLT-K2.


- Fixed a key binding corruption issue that could occur when switching between user accounts.
- Resolved an issue where the native resolution of the user’s current desktop was not available in the in-game list.
- Fixed the Invert Throttle bind so it actually flips the current throttle value.
- Improved the Action Map binding mechanics.
- Ensured that the user’s custom key bindings are always preserved when controls with new defaults are added.
- The default system specifications are now properly restored when they are reset.


- Disable scene lighting when the user is viewing the cockpit during customization to reduce saturation.

We thank you for your patience and we look forward to seeing you on the battlefield!

The MechWarrior® Online™ Team



Tourmaline Desert Map














Και Catapult K2 αλλαγές όταν βάζεις τα αντίστοιχα ballistic κανόνια. :D








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