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Battlefield 3

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DICE confirms that Battlefield 3 will offer a campaign mode with a story that is said to take about 12+ hours to complete. The campaign mode will offer less humor and slapstick than the previous Bad Company releases had. Instead, look for the Battlefield 3 campaign to be more real than what we have seen previously.


DICE claims that the focus is still on the multiplayer, but if they offer the campaign mode it is believed that it will draw more players into the multiplayer. In fact, whispers we hear suggest that the campaign mode will be a great way for those new to the series to get comfortable with the game before moving to the multiplayer mode, which can be a bit overwhelming to those that have never played Battlefield previously.


Πηγή: http://www.fudzilla.com

  • Moderators


Battlefield 3 campaign will be more scripted, less sandbox-style


“I don’t see it as an absolute goal for all games to be sandbox games. We’ve been building sandbox games for quite some time and we’ve got pretty good at it, but I don’t see that as the only way of building games, because then we wouldn’t build campaigns at all.


“In some cases they aren’t, but in most cases sandbox games are hardcore, boring, hard to get into and they are not very popular.”


Τραγικοί όσο δεν πάει. Δεν μπορούμε να φτιάξουμε σωική ΑΙ οπότε σας το κάνουμε scripted το όλο παιχνίδι. Χαχαχαχαχαχαχαχαχαχαχαχα :lol: :lol:

  • Moderators

Ποιος χέστηκε για το campaign μωρέ. Για το Battlefield μιλάμε. :D


Έτσι μπράβο! ;)


Λες και παίρναμε παλιά τα BF για το campaign ή το διαστημικό AI.


Το θέμα είναι το ONLINE τους.


Screw the campaign! I've got jets!


Πράγματι έτσι είναι....

Τζάμπα τα λεφτά για campaing και τα συναφή. Μακάρι όλη η ανάπτυξη να είχε πέσει μόνο στο mp αλλά που τέτοια τύχη.


μπα δε μαρεσούν οι τακτικές, ντού από παντού ! :)

commander θέλω, είναι καλή φάση


τελικά πόσους παίχτες θα έχει το multi?

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