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Battlefield 3

Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


παίδες, ένα θέλω να πω που το είπα ήδη και σε άλλα φόρα, χωρίς παρεξήγηση, κόψτε τις βλακείες και μην παίζετε με τα leaks, γιατί θα σας αφήσουν κανένα "δωράκι" στη registry και μετά θα το φησάτε και δεν θα κρυώνει


9 ΚΣ έμειναν, φάγαμε τον γάιδαρο δλδ στην ούρα θα κολλήσουμε; ;)

  • Απαντ. 6,3k
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα


και αν σου κάνει cleanup σφύρα μου


η μόνη επιλογή για τους απεγνωσμένους είναι acronis backup και μετά restore


τέσπα, μεγάλα παιδιά είμαστε:




Το steam βασικά έκανε τέτοιες πουστιές...γενικότερα τελευταία επειδή το ψάχνω δεν μένουν κρυφά αρχεία...τέσσρα ακούγεται ότι είναι θέμα χρόνου το SP. Είδομεν...






εδω, απο 12-15ευρω στην καλυτερη περιπτωση.

Τι λετε?

αφήνω ασχολίαστο το συγκεκριμένο site που το βλέπω για 1η φορά στη ζωή μου (edit ίσως να είναι η 2η φορά :D) και, επί της ουσίας, 10$/Ε θα πληρώσεις για το DLC Back to Karkhand, οπότε δώρον άδωρον.


Limited Edition δαγκωτό.-


δεν ξέρω τι εννοείς "δοκιμασμένο" καθώς το game δεν κυκλοφόρησε ακόμα. Σε όλο το Internet λένε ότι τα cd key θα είναι global. Το ίδιο λέει και αυτό το site. Κάνεις ότι νομίζεις..


Το ξέρω alex οτι δεν εχει βγει ακομα...το αναμένω σαν τρελος να το δω... μια και μονο BF παιζω μονο...

Δεν το εννοούσα όπως το εγραψα, εννοούσα αν ειναι επιβεβαιωμενο απο τον αντιπροσωπο οτι το κλειδι ειναι global...







Battlefield 3, one of the most highly

anticipated games of 2011 is yet to hit the shelves, but UK technology programme The Gadget Show, gained exclusive access to a pre-release level and hand-built a simulator to play it.


As part of a challenge for the new series of the show, presenters Jason Bradbury and Suzi Perry brought together a team of design experts and an amazing array of technology worth £500,000 ($650,000) to build this one-off creation.


Centred on the world's first, portable omni-directional treadmill (designed by Swedish company MSE Weibull) the simulator lets you control the movements of a Battlefield 3 character with your own body. Other key technology employed includes: 12 paintball markers that allow the player, in real time, to feel the enemy gunfire experienced in the game; a wireless gun system; ambient LED lighting; and an Xbox Kinect camera hack.


The idea for the simulator came in July this year when The Gadget Show realised that graphically-sophisticated games are held back only by the way many of us play them - sat in front of 1 static monitor. By projecting the game inside a 360-degree, 4 metre high and 9 metre wide video dome (provided by Igloo Vision) the gamers' experience is made as visceral and immersive as possible.


Ten infra-red motion tracking cameras continually monitor the real-time movements of the gamer on the omni-directional treadmill. This data is sent to the PC running Battlefield 3 to control the speed and direction of the in-game character.


The same cameras also track the direction in which the gamer points their wireless gun. Using this information the simulator can rotate the 180-degree projected gaming image around the dome to keep the gamer immersed in the action.


The immersive experience is completed by a pixel-mapped, ambient LED lighting system used to flood the dome with colours direct from the game; and a bespoke Kinect camera hack makes it possible for jumping and crouching in the dome to be replicated in the game






Andy McNab and Peter Grimsdale's Battlefield 3: The Russian is the most ambitious and substantial thriller ever to be published alongside a game. It is the best in its class.


Never before has there been such close, two-way collaboration between an author and the creators of thegame itself. Nor has the resulting book been written by a thriller writer with such a strong track record of bestsellers behind him. SAS hero, McNab has used Battlefield 3 as his starting point to write a story that breaks new ground and can't be found within the game. Displaying all of his trademark grit,authenticity and insight, Battlefield 3: The Russian is a scorching top-of-the-line military and a heart-stopping race against time...


νταξει, το συγκεκριμενο δεν ειναι χρημα που εχει πεσει απο το bf3. ο τιτλος ειναι παραπλανητικος, αυτος ο simulator εχει φτιαχτει απο την εκπομπη του discovery gadget show, και οπως λεει και στο βιντεο, ειναι fps simulator, oxi battlefield 3 simulator.


The Battlefield 3 Open Beta has come and gone. We wanted to thank you all for participating by sharing a few interesting stats.


Did you know that if we had an empty 9mm casing for every shot fired in the Open Beta, we would have enough brass to melt and build almost 3,900 SU-27 Flanker jets? Okay, Flankers are not made out of brass, but still. For more stats and figures, check out the pic below. And thanks again for playing and helping make Battlefield 3 a better game at launch!

(Click pic for full resolution)





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