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Windows Update error 80070002


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Windows Update error 80070002


ακολουθω τις οδηγιες που δινουν τα βιστα,αλλα και παλι δεν αλλαζει τπτ


>If you receive Windows Update error 80070002 while checking for updates, you need to remove the temporary update files that Windows uses to identify updates for your computer. To remove the temporary files, stop the Windows Update service, delete the temporary update files, restart the Windows Update service, and then try to check for Windows updates again.

To stop the Windows Update service
You must be logged on as an administrator to perform these steps. 

Click to open Administrative Tools. 

Double-click Services.  If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation. 

Right-click the Windows Update service, and then click Stop.

To delete temporary update files
Click to open Computer. 

Double-click the local hard disk where Windows is installed, typically drive C.

Double-click the Windows folder, and then double-click the SoftwareDistribution folder.

Double-click the DataStore folder to open it, and then delete all files and folders in the folder.  If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation. 

Click the Back button. In the SoftwareDistribution folder, double-click the Download folder to open it, and then delete all files in the folder.  If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation. 

To restart the Windows Update service
You must be logged on as an administrator to perform these steps. 

Click to open Administrative Tools. 

Double-click Services.  If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation. 

Right-click the Windows Update service, and then click Start.

If the problem persists after you have followed the steps above, see this Knowledge Base article on the Microsoft Help and Support website or go to the Windows Update Support Center website to request support by e‑mail.

Deleting temporary update files will help solve the problem, but it will also delete the history in Windows Update. You can still see which updates are installed on your computer by going to Installed Updates:

To see which updates are installed on the computer
Click to open Installed Updates.

Help and Support search term: WindowsUpdate_80070002



εχει κανεις καμια ιδεα;


Δες μήπως σε εμποδίζει κάνα antivirus-firewall. Τελευταία είχα προβλήματα σε 2-3 υπολογιστές με το Panda internet security που έπρεπε να το απεγκαταστήσω τελείως για να γίνει το Update

τη εκανες τελικα φιλε ?εχω ακριβος το ιδιο προβλημα αλλα τιποτα:rolleyes:


τπτ φιλε,τα ιδια

εβαλα sp2 με manual download αλλα και παλι τιποτα


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