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**** I N S O M N I A peer2peer*****


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  • Απαντ. 269
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xrhsimopoieiste proswrina

proswrina kai mono proswrina

kai to tonizw proswrina



to tonizw kai pali giati pio palia eixe ginei ntoros otan alla3e to ip mou kai oloi me rwtousan ti egine kai ti egine....to no-ip 8a ftia3ei...

osoi den eiste confident me to ti kanete allazontas to address apla mhn to kanete kai kante ypomonh


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To provlima einai poli pio sovaro kai isws auto exsigei polla simera...


"Since about midnight EST almost every host on the internet has been receiving a 376 byte UDP payload on port ms-sql-m (1434) from a random infected server. Reports of some hosts receiving 10 per minute or more. internetpulse.net is reporting UUNet and Internap are being hit very hard. This is the cause of major connectivity problems being experienced worldwide. It is believed this worm leverages a vulnerability published in June 2002. Several core routers have taken to blocking port 1434 outright. If you run Microsoft SQL Server, make sure the public internet can't access it. If you manage a gateway, consider dropping UDP packets sent to port 1434." bani adds "This has effectively disabled 5 of the 13 root nameservers."

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xrhsimopoieiste proswrina

proswrina kai mono proswrina

kai to tonizw proswrina



to tonizw kai pali giati pio palia eixe ginei ntoros otan alla3e to ip mou kai oloi me rwtousan ti egine kai ti egine....to no-ip 8a ftia3ei...

osoi den eiste confident me to ti kanete allazontas to address apla mhn to kanete kai kante ypomonh


agnohste ayto to post...to no-ip eftia3e...


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Κοινοποίηση σε άλλες σελίδες

re paidia gia na yparxei minimum share? toulaxiston giati na einai toso megalo?

den exoume oloi tosa polla i telospanton den exoume tosa polla kei pou pame gia na katebasoume me grigori sindesi <img src="http://www.insomnia.gr/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

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Κοινοποίηση σε άλλες σελίδες

esy na katebaseis dhladh kai oi alloi oxi?

2 cdakia mporeis na ta koubalhseis mazis ou pisteyw...kai eidikotera an phgaineis "mono gia na katebaseis" toul dwse mia lista sou kai des ti zhtaei o kosmos na e3yphrethseis.


its not only to take or give...its a matter of sharing....

kai by the way to 1gb einai apo ta mikrotera sharing limits


later 8a ginei diakanonismos gia ta 56aria kai ISDN modem me mikrotero sharing limit.....


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Κοινοποίηση σε άλλες σελίδες

steile mou to nick pou zrhsimopoieis kai se pm to ip sou kai 8a dw ti mporw na kanw....en gnwsh mou exw apokleisei to neo-modus client giati ws twra to 100% twn users me auto htan lameria

pisteyw oti me thn java ekdosh apo to link pou sou esteila 8a mporouses na mpeis...dokimase thn

kai an pali den tre3ei tote steile mou nick kai ip na se balw se excemption list


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Κοινοποίηση σε άλλες σελίδες


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Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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