Προς το περιεχόμενο

Windows Code::Blocks & GTKmm or ObjectARX


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Μπορει καποιος να postαρει τις ρυθμισεις για να κανει κανεις compile

με τις παραπανω βιβλιοθηκες?


Για το GTKmm ξερω οτι θελει να εγκαταστησεις το gtkmm-win32-devel.exe και να κανεις δεξι->build options και στα other options του compiler και του linker να βαλεις `pkg-config --cflags gtkmm-2.4` (στον compiler) και `pkg-config --libs gtkmm-2.4` (στον linker). Τα εκανα αυτα αλλα δεν καταφερα να κανω compile το παρακατω:

#include <gtkmm.h>

Gtk::Main kit(argc, argv);

Gtk::Window window;



(Μου βγαζει οτι δεν μπορει να βρει το gtkmm.h)


Για το ObjectArx δεν ξερω πως γινεται να δουλεψει μεσω Code::Blocks (ολα τα docs για Visual Studio μιλανε)


Για το GTKmm δες αν βοηθάει ό παρακάτω οδηγός. Δεν πέρνω όμως όρκο για την εγκυρότητα του. Τον βρήκα σε αυτό το site:http://www.c-plusplus.de/forum/viewtopic-var-t-is-165460.html


How to set up gtkmm on Windows


The gtkmm-Toolkit is a modern and good designed GUI-Toolkit for C++, which is platform independent as well. The installation isn't very hard on Unix-systems (or similar, such as GNU/Linux or *BSD), but on Windows it isn't that easy, at least if you're trying to use it out-of-the-box with the Visual Studio.


Since gtkmm depends on GTK+ (in fact, gtkmm is a wrapper for GTK+), you have to install GTK+ before you install gtkmm. Got no clue? Check out this FAQ. Additionally the CRT Libraries (included in Service Pack 1) must be installed.


Step 1: Install gtkmm


Either we compile gtkmm manually (difficult) or we just use the installer. Compiling it manually is a little complicated and only interesting if you're trying to impress someone


Otherwise use the installer. It's much easier.


Now, that you've run the installer, gtkmm was successfully installed and the gtkmm-directories were added to the Variable GTK_BASEPATH.


Step 2: Introduce gtkmm to the compiler/ide


As I mentioned before, gtkmm wraps GTK+, thus we first have to add the include and lib dirs of GTK+ before we add the directories of gtkmm. If unsure, read the GTK+ FAQ, there you'll find the necessary information, how to do this.


In order to use gtkmm, one must add following additional directories to the include path:


























Moreover one must link against these additional libraries:























(If you're using MinGW instead of MSVC++, choose the libraries that end on dll.a)


Again, we can compile and run our first example.


This is, of course, a very long process. If you say "Heck, I don't want to do all this crap", I've linked a Project Template for VC++ 8.0 below.




3c0r1z: Σ'ευχαριστω ρε φιλε! Δουλεψε!

Tα κανα ολα απ την αρχη:

Απεγκατεστησα ολα τα GTK, εγκατεστησα μονο το gtkmm-win32-devel-2.14.3-2.exe που τα περιεχει ολα.

Και εκανα μια καινουργια environmental variable που περιεχει:

Variable name: INCLUDE
Variable value: $(GTKMM_BASEPATH)\include\libglademm-2.4;$(GTKMM_BASEPATH)\lib\libglademm-2.4\include;$(GTKMM_BASEPATH)\include\gtkmm-2.4;$(GTKMM_BASEPATH)\lib\gtkmm-2.4\include;$(GTKMM_BASEPATH)\include\glibmm-2.4;$(GTKMM_BASEPATH)\lib\glibmm-2.4\include;$(GTKMM_BASEPATH)\include\gdkmm-2.4;$(GTKMM_BASEPATH)\lib\gdkmm-2.4\include;$(GTKMM_BASEPATH)\include\atkmm-1.6;$(GTKMM_BASEPATH)\include\sigc++-2.0;$(GTKMM_BASEPATH)\lib\sigc++-2.0\include


Επειτα εβαλα στα build options του project:

Στα other options του compiler: `pkg-config --cflags gtkmm-2.4`


στα other options του linker: `pkg-config --libs gtkmm-2.4`

και στο release και στο debug και ετοιμο! :mrgreen:


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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