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Apories gia thn FreeTone!!!


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Dokimasa htes xana thn FreeTone meta apo para poly kairo kai ehw merikes apories:<BR>Telika h efarmogh pou hrisimopoieis pleon gia na syndetheis, se ti exyphretei? Gia thn wra den vlepeis kamia diafhmhsh oute se auth alla oute kai sto telos ths kathe selidas ston browser! Prokeite na ginei kati mellontika?<BR>Epishs kati pou leei oti gia na paramenei energo to account, tha prepei toulahiston mia fora thn evdomada na pas sto site ths freetone, ishyei? (an nai einai megalh anwmalia, opws kai to oti kathe fora me to pou syndeesai anoigei mono tou thn selida tou eone.gr!!!). To mono kalo pou parathrhsa einai oti mallon prepei na valane kainourgies grammes giati pleon einai shetika eykolo na piaseis grammh! Alla apo thn allh pali parathrhsa oti kathe fora h syndesh emeine anoihth mono gia 20-30 min peripou... <BR> Anyway, se genikes grames den nomizw oti axizei ton kopo na asholhthw mazi tous sovara (gia thn wra), dedomenou oti den mporeis na mpeis se polla gnwsta sites, irc klp cool.gif" border="0 rolleyes.gif" border="0


ayto to oti prepei na episkefteis to site den isxyei. ego eixa th syndesh entelws anenergh(oute kan th xrhsimopoiousa)gia peripou 4 mhnes kai proxtes pou dokimasa na do ti ginetai mphke xwris problhma. pragmati balane kainouries grammes kai pragmati se petaei ekso poly syxna. pantws mou fainetai poly grhgorh estw kai gia ta kamia 10aria sites pou mporei na fortwsei....ola ta ekanan restricted...aman pia...pososta pairnoun??? mad.gif" border="0


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