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Internet Provider..............deite!


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις

shocked.gif" border="0 Poion Internet Provider empistevesthe? ti xrimata exete plirosei gia afti ti sindromi ke posis diarkeias einai?Poion ISP thewreite ws ton kalitero ston elliniko xwro?Poios einai o kaliteros kata ti gnomi sas ston tomea taxititas/ipiresiwn/timis? grin.gif" border="0 shocked.gif" border="0
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Ma eseis ta thelete ola! cool.gif" border="0 <BR>Loipon kata th gnwmh mou apo ton kalytero pros ton ligotero kalo:<BR>1.OteNet (an pareis 6 mhnes sou dinoun 9 klp)<BR>2.ACN (netonline, onewaynet klp)<BR>3.PanafoNet<BR>4.Forthnet<BR>5.HOL<BR> cool.gif" border="0


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Daner:<BR><STRONG> shocked.gif" border="0 Poion Internet Provider empistevesthe? ti xrimata exete plirosei gia afti ti sindromi ke posis diarkeias einai?Poion ISP thewreite ws ton kalitero ston elliniko xwro?Poios einai o kaliteros kata ti gnomi sas ston tomea taxititas/ipiresiwn/timis? grin.gif" border="0 shocked.gif" border="0</STRONG><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P><BR>1)Otenet<BR>2)gia telestet (b-online powered by forthnet) 3.000 to mhn amesw tou kinhtou ,sta travaei )<BR>3)Otenet<BR>5)otenet


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by billdanos:<BR><STRONG>Ma eseis ta thelete ola! cool.gif" border="0 <BR>Loipon kata th gnwmh mou apo ton kalytero pros ton ligotero kalo:<BR>1.OteNet (an pareis 6 mhnes sou dinoun 9 klp)<BR>2.ACN (netonline, onewaynet klp)<BR>3.PanafoNet<BR>4.Forthnet<BR>5.HOL<BR> cool.gif" border="0</STRONG><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Symfwnw mono pou bazw thn hol deuterh dioti sto thema yphresiwn prosferei arketa (yphresia big brother,http://fastdownload.hol.gr ktlp.)<p>[ 16-11-2001: Message edited by: Acrobat ]


Ego paidia eixa thn otenet mexri prin apo 1 mhna.Meta eipa na dokimaso thn kenourgia zeroonet.Mporo na po me siguria pos einai grhgoroterh apo thn otenet(se mena toulaxiston)!!me thn otenet empena me 46667 sxedon panta,eno me thn zero tora tis perisoteres fores mpeno me 50667! milao bebea gia thn taxuthta pou dixnei kato deksia sto shma me tous diplous upologistes(makari na eixame pragmatika 50667 alla telos panton)Einai kai o monadikos provider (opos upostirhzei) pou parexei v92 ean to uposthrizei kai to modem sas)!<BR>Etsi loipon ego bazo 1)thn zeroonean an kai akoma einai isos noris gia na thn krino 2)otenet 3)eixa dokimasei epishs thn aias-net gia 2 mhnes kai tote eixa diapistosei kales taxuthtes ... alles den exo dokimasei!<BR>Y.P. Ean kapoios exei sundesh zeroonet tha hthela na matho ean kai ekeinos exei diapistosei kati analogo sthn taxuthta tou serf...(auton ton kairo exei timh sundeshs 8500drx telikh timh gia 3 mhnes )<BR>Plhrofories<A HREF="http://shop.zeroone.gr/cgi-bin/zeroone.storefront" TARGET=_blank>edo</A>stis prosfores 241-270


Έχοντας αγοράσει 6μήνες AiasNet, πήρα δώρο άλλους 6 μήνες...Τελική τιμή; 30.000δρχ.. :-)<BR>Ικανοποιημένος απόλυτα (εκτός από τον news-server)


Emena tha me endiefere na mathw kai kati akomh.Se poia etaireia briskeis pio eukola grammh.<BR>Exw dokimasei Panafonet,Aiasnet kai Otenet.Ap'autes sigoura de 8a ksanaprotimousa thn Panafonet giati mou tuxe polles fores na mh briskw grammh.Sthn Aiasnet de mou tyxe.Sthn Otenet mou tyxe mia fora alla ekana ena redial kai brike.<BR>Omws sthn Panafonet eixa pathei plaka,htan oles oi grammes kateilhmenes gia arketh wra ,se wres aixmhs.<BR> Loipon sas akouw...


se afto to thema alla kai san syndromh genika eimai poli efxaristimenos me forthnet.Pianw panta grammh me ti prwti.afto omws pou tha eprepe na laveis ipopsin sou otan kaneis mia syndromh einai h perioxi pou meneis kai pou einai o server tis etairias.afto einai pou metraei perissotero.gia paradeigma as poume sth kallithea einai kalitero na pareis compulink giati os gnwston exei server sth syggrou.exei dhladh na kanei me to poso konta eisai sto server.Episis to poso kalh einai mia syndromh to koitas apo tous rhythmous download pou pianeis.oxi me to poso syndeesai.Egw me forthnet olo sta 46600 syndeomai alla synexeia xtypaw 5Kb/sec sta downloads.


ta teleftaia deleastika nea pou akousa<BR>h Aias me 70000 2 xronia isdn syndesh<P>h b-online (telestet) tha yposthriksei V92<BR>(phra thl na am8w an yposthrizoun kai mou eipan oxi AKOMH grin.gif" border="0


edo stin xanthi apo poiotis-taxitita-epitixia sindesis i seira einai gia mena :<BR>1. aias-net me diafora<BR>2. panafonet<BR>3. otenet-forthnet-hol<P>alla exoume kai alla problems edo , opos to oti ta mona modems pou sinergazontai pliros me to iparxon tilefoniko diktio einai ta us-roboticks<BR>ego exo ena zoom me rockwell chipaki kai apo to idio til to roboticks epiane 48-49!!!<BR>eknevristiko eh?!<BR>pados exo "stergiosei " re stin aias<BR>apo times: se prosfora 3mines 15400( itan tote)<BR>6mines ~~ 35000<BR>12 mines ~~ 5xxxx <BR>oi parapano times eixan ekptosi 22%


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