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Proxy servers ?


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Αγαπητοι φιλοι θα ηθελα να ρωτησω για την χρησιμοτητα του Proxy server read.gif <BR>Χρειαζεται να βαλω proxy στον Ιnternet Explorer και στο Getright ?<BR>Θα με βοηθησει στην πιο γρηγορο κατεβασμα των σελιδων και αρχειων ?<BR>Και ποια ειναι τα μειονεκτηματα της χρησης του ? <P> cool.gif cool.gif cool.gif


gia kana dekahmero eixa xrhsimopoihsei ton proxy ths forthnet.de mporw na pw oti eixa dei tragikes diafores.gia thn akriveia exw thn aisthisi oti htan ligo xeirotero me proxy.se kapoies selides sernotane tou kerata.oso gia th xrhsimothta pou les thewritika tha eprepe na einai pio grhgoro giati kai kala oi selides pou exeis dei einai apothikevmenes hdh sto sklhro tou proxy.alla sou lew egw den eida diafores kai oson afora to download oi taxitites kymainontan sta idia epipeda.<p>[ 24-09-2001: Message edited by: seventh_son ]


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by seventh_son:<BR><STRONG>gia kana dekahmero eixa xrhsimopoihsei ton proxy ths forthnet.de mporw na pw oti eixa dei tragikes diafores.gia thn akriveia exw thn aisthisi oti htan ligo xeirotero me proxy.se kapoies selides sernotane tou kerata.oso gia th xrhsimothta pou les thewritika tha eprepe na einai pio grhgoro giati kai kala oi selides pou exeis dei einai apothikevmenes hdh sto sklhro tou proxy.alla sou lew egw den eida diafores kai oson afora to download oi taxitites kymainontan sta idia epipeda.<P>[ 24-09-2001: Message edited by: seventh_son ]</STRONG><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Apla tis meres pou xrisimopoiouses ton proxy 'xalarwnes' elaxista bebaia, tis syndeseis me ekswteriko ('h kai aix klp) ths forthnet. epeidh ama h pliroforia pou zitouses yphrxe stis cache engines ths forthnet, sta servire epi topou,alliws tis katebazei apo to net...


Re pedia siga , ti paei na pei oti liges meres xrisimopiisa ton proxy tis forthnet? <BR>Panta mesa apo ekei pernas , h douleia tou proxy einai , ola ta termatika pou einai kato apo auto na bgenoun sto Internet mesa apo mia gramh pou exei o Provider , an den htan o proxy tha eprepe o kathe user na eixe th dikh tou gramh me to internet.<BR>Tora oso afora an o Proxy einai setarismenos na kanei kai cashing, auto einai alou papa euagelio .... wink.gif" border="0


Me apla logia<BR>Enas proxy server mporei na xrhsimopoih8ei gia me pollous tropous.<BR>Sun8ws ton xrhsimopoioun gia na exoun access sto internet polla pc mesw mias grammhs.<BR>Etsi den xreiazetai px 10 dial up sundeseis <BR>alla mia leased line h akoma kai dilaup panw ston proxy.<BR>Akoma mporei na kanei kai poio grhgoro to internet.Estw oti enas xrhsths phgenei mesw proxy sto <A HREF="http://www.insomnia.gr" TARGET=_blank>www.insomnia.gr</A> automatos (efoson to admin to exei epitrepsei) to site auto "katevenei" sthn cashe tou proxy.Etsi o epomenos xrhstsh den psaxnei na vrei 3ana to site alla to anoihei apo ton proxy.<BR>Auto symenei kai poio grhgoro internet kai poio mikrh xrhsh ths grammhs.<BR>Enas proxy mporei na xrhmimepsei san firewall afou h ip pou fenetai se kapoion xrhsth pou einai sto internet mesw proxy den einai h pragmatikh tou alla tou proxy.<BR>Auto einai gnwsto se osous asxolountai kyriws me IRC.<BR>Kai akoma na epitrepsei h na apagoreusei sugekrimena ports.Auto shmenei oti polus kosmos pou douleuei se grafeia h etairies me proxu den mporei na leitourghsh to IRC,to getright,msn kai alles efarmoges pou xrhsoimopoioun apagoreumena ports<BR>Elpizw na voh8hsa cool.gif" border="0


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