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Pws apenergopoiw ta "Configuration Scripts" ??


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Exw sindesh mesw tou Panepistimiou mou, dial-up mesw autou.<P>Omws an kai apo ta properties tou eikonidiou sindeshs kai genikotera twn Internet options tou explorer exw apenergopoiisei kai to Automaticaly detect settings kai to Use automatic configuration script, fortonetai to scriptaki kai den mporw na mpw se selides .com .net ktl..<BR>Epishs exw dokimasei na svisw to arxeiaki pou dimiourgitai se enan apo tous fakelous twn windows, otan ksanakanw sindesh mporw eleuthera na dw oti thelw alla meta apo ligo fortonetai to script...<P>Iparxei kapoio kolpo na apalagw mia kai kalh? confused.gif" border="0


An den mporeis na apalageis apo auto to script tha mporouses na xrisimopiiseis enan proxy gia na mpeneis meso autou se teties selides (listes me proxy uparxoun poles sto internet alla oi dieuthinseis tous den kratane poli kairo) .<BR>Tha mporouses na ftiakseis ton diko sou web-proxy se kapion free hosty pou upostirizei cgi-perl scripts me ena perl script (uparxoun 1-2 tetia scripts sto internet )<BR>Isos mia ali lisi tha itan na metatrepeis tis selides se IPs opos forum.insomnia.gr = alla auto tha htan poli epodino an den ginotan automata .Ti hdous script einai auto ? java script ? tha mporouses tote na apenergopiiseis tin java ston browser sou . An uparxei kapio executable pou fortonei to script ektos an einai o browser sou tote termatiseto me kapio task manager kai bres pws fortonei gia na stamatisi na fortonei h metonomaseto<p>[ 10-09-2001: Message edited by: zouzouni ]


to script einai mallon apo ton proxy server pou xreisimopoieis?<P>mporeis na xreisimopoieiseis to proxomitron, einai ena software based proxy pou mporei na filtrarei kapoies plirofories.<BR>mporeis na deis ti periexei to script kai na ftiaxeis diko sou rule poy na to mplokarei, i na tou allionei to periexomeno. bebaia logika iparxoun kai alla programmata pou kanoun auti tin douleia alla mono to parapano xero.<P>ean thes sou ftiaxno ena programmataki se delphi poy na sou sbinei to arxeiaki se kathorismeno xrono (mazi me ton kodika gia na kaneis allages ean thes).


To script pou fortwnwi einai sto: <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A> <P>kai auto pou periexei einai:<BR>function FindProxyForURL(url,host){if(url.substring(0,5)=="http:")return"PROXY";return"DIRECT";}<P>Aplo kai katanoito sto ti kanei kai ti filtrarei.<P>Kamia idea? Mporw na kanw kapia tropopoiisi se auto kai na thn glitwsw??


nai re pio eukolo den ginete:<P>function FindProxyForURL(url,host){if(url.substring(0,5)=="httq:")return"PROXY";return"DIRECT";}<P>alla prepei na to filtrareis kai na deineis to parapano.<BR>enjoy


Exw spastei poli!!!<BR>Den mporw na to vgalw, sta 98 ta eixa kataferei alla twra sta XP den ta katafernw.<P>Kamia alli idea??<BR>Zouzouni katalava ti mou les na kanw alla den mporw na vrw kapoia pragmata.<P>Pws mporw na to filtrarw Sh4dow???


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Glikoulhs:<BR><STRONG><BR>Kamia alli idea??<BR>Zouzouni katalava ti mou les na kanw alla den mporw na vrw kapoia pragmata.<P>Pws mporw na to filtrarw Sh4dow???</STRONG><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Ti den mporeis na breis ? pia pragmata ?


Vrika mia lisi.<P>Apla egatesthsa to Norton Personal Firewall 2002 kai den epetrepsa na pairnei plirofories apo to programma win32 kai papala. Mpainw se oles tis selides.<BR>Pisteuw ontws na einai ok!<BR> cool.gif" border="0


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