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Idea gia personal SUPER WEB SITE


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Pedia twra pou douleyw...mou hrthe mia analamph.Thelw na ftiaksw mia selida me autokinhta kai agwnes...exw ena megalo istoriko arxeio kai to exw mazi me ena filo mou.Ola ayta thelw na ftiaksw mia selida.Kanwnisa me ena filarako mou na thn ksekinhsoume.<P>Omws skeftomenos mou hrthe mia tromerh Insomniach idea...ti tha legate osoi exete yliko gia diafora themata kai thelete kai eseis na ftiaksete h exete hdh selida...na ta baloume ola mazi se mia SUPER DUPER selida me para polla themata?<BR>Tha prosthetoume oti douleia exei o kathenas.<BR>Oles oi protaseis dextes...<P>Apla mou hrthe h idea gia ena site pou mporoun polloi na mathoun polla kai taytoxrona na mpei h dikia mas douleia se ena site.Mporei na exei ta panta...pc thn dikia mou terastia douleia panw se pagkosmio prwtathlima rally...kai genika agwnes autokinhtou (istorika stoixeia)...kapoios allos mporei na exei kapoios terastio arxeio se mousikh...h akoma se kapoio sygkekrimeno kalhtexnh h sygkrotima...kserw pedia ta opoia kanoun sylogh apo art images kai theloun na ta baloun ola sto net...mporoun na ta baloun sthn selida sas lew.<P>Genika...na ftiaksoume mia selida kai na xwsoume panw ths panagias ta matia...kai san gnhsioi Insomniacs tha thn kanoume kai powered by Insomnia...efoson emeis oi idioi tha thn supportaroume.<BR>Thn idea den thn exw oloklhtrwsei...thn grafw akribws thn stigmh pou mou hrthe sto myalo.<P>Loipon?Ti lete?<BR>Mia multi-session selida?<P>Egw enthousiastika me thn skepsh kai mono...<P>Perimenw apanthseis?


Poli kali idea.Ego eimai mesa.Edo pera iparxoun kai poloi administrators kai gnostes opote to olo project den 8a kolisei pou8ena.Min 3exnate oti merika apo ta kalytera kai poio diasima site 3ekinisan etsi. grin.gif" border="0 grin.gif" border="0 grin.gif" border="0


Poly kalh idea file alla skepsou posa mb thelei h olh istoria...kai fysika posa xrhmata..dne lew sigoura oso pio polloi toso kai pio ligotera xrhmata ston analogo prosferomeno xwro alla gia skepsou kai to rhto pou leei:<BR>opou lalloun polloi kokoroi argei na kshmerwsei....<BR>den exw antirhsh proswpika smile.gif" border="0


Το θέμα δεν είναι να φτιάξουμε ένα site kai να το γεμίσουμε με banners ωστε να βγάζουμε λεφτά.<BR>Εντάξει σίγουρα να καλύπτουμε κάποια έξοδα,΄αλλά όχι να προχωράμε με πρωταρχικό σκοπό το κέρδος...... cool.gif" border="0<p>[ 10-09-2001: Message edited by: Triton ]


A poli orea!!!<BR>Elpizo na min minei mono idea pedia smile.gif" border="0<BR>xoris na xeneroso kanenan... Analamvano ta gynekeia themata smile.gif" border="0<BR>Elpizo na synergastoume kai me tis ipolipes kopeles tu forum... <P> smile.gif" border="0 grin.gif" border="0 smile.gif" border="0 grin.gif" border="0 smile.gif" border="0


Cristina: Δυστυχώς εγώ δεν μπορώ να βοηθήσω πολύ frown.gif" border="0 Αν όμως περνάει κάτι απ' το χέρι μου, ευχαρίστως.<P>Γενικά, πιστεύω ότι είναι καλή ιδέα, αλλά μη μείνει μόνο στα λόγια...


Loipon...as ksekinhsoume me kati...<P>poioi tha analaboun ton sxediasmo kai thn dimiourgia tou site?<P>Cristina xarika poly gia auto pou eipes...<P>tha einai kalytero to site me thn parousia gynekwn.<P>Efoson ksekatharisoume to poioi tha ftiaksoun to site...tote tha ftiaksoume ta thamata oi ypoloipoi kai tha ta grapsoume wste na ta dwsoume se autous pou tha ta ftiaksoun.<P>Mexri na doume pws tha xwrisoume tis thematikes enwnthtes,as mas poun poioi einai se thesh na ftiaksoun to site san project?

  • 2 εβδομάδες αργότερα...

to site to ftiaxno ego ama thelete.<BR>mporo omos na asxolitho mono savvato frown.gif" border="0<BR>alla mou ftanei ena savvato gia na xekinhso kai ta ypoloipa tha kano aparethtes allages.<P>deite to <A HREF="http://www.klika.f2s.com" TARGET=_blank>www.klika.f2s.com</A> kai to <A HREF="http://mandos.port5.com" TARGET=_blank>http://mandos.port5.com</A> kai peite mou an thelete na to analabo (sto klika bohthisan kai alloi)


Kai ego mesa se oti exete kanonisei!<BR>Elpizo na petuxoume kati!!<P>Testarete kai tis dikes mou ikanothtes... <A HREF="http://www.GrOOvyZone.net'>http://www.GrOOvyZone.net" TARGET=_blank>www.GrOOvyZone.net</A> <P><B>Mando:</B>Pali allakses to site sou bre?? grin.gif" border="0 <P><<GrOOvyRider>><BR> <A HREF="http://www.GrOOvyZone.net" TARGET=_blank>www.GrOOvyZone.net</A>


Pedes egw den milaw na ftiaksoume ena site kai na bazoume link...nai men kalh fash na bazoume xrhsima links...alla egw milaw gia arthra pou tha grafoume emeis apo plhrofories pou tha mazeyoume.<P>Auth einai h basikh idea...otan einai na bazoume kati apo allo site tha grafoume apo poion einai kai tha dinoume ta credits ekei pou prepei (ston synergath mas pou to brhke kai apo pou to phre).<P>mandos den biazomaste toso wste na theloume sony kai kala kathimerinh...<BR>ftiaxnoume to site kai to enhmerwnoume ebdomadiaia.Anelabe esy me poious allous tha synergasteis(osoi eipan to nai apo edw mesa) kai apo emas tha exeis oti boitheia thes).<P>Tha to kanoume kati san hlektroniko periodiko (kati tetoio)...me ta arthra mas panw se osa perisotera mporoume na broume...me ta link mas kai me thn synexwmenh enhmerwsh pou tha parexoume se kathimerinh bash.<P>An kataferoume kai kanoume kalh douleia tote egw exw sthn akrh sponsores...oi opoioi theloun sobares douleies na sprwksoun.<P>Egw opws sas eipa exw poly yliko gia World Rally Championship kai auto mporei na einai mia ksexwristh thematikh enwthta...ektos tou gegonotos oti pernw email apo thn FIA me plhrh enhmerwsh gia to ti symbainei sto WRC.<P>Epishs exw polla arthra gia security...hackers...lamers...crackers...<BR>gia spamming...klp klp klp security genika.<P>Loipon...nomizw oti twra mporoume na kanwnisoume gia kana kafedaki oi emesa endiaferomenoi gia na syzhthsoume ton sxediasmo.<P>Perimenw tous: <BR>Anakin,VictoraS,Triton(ypothetw pws einai nai),mandos,KIKIS(efoson den exei to xrhma sto myalo tou (gia auth thn fash toulaxiston)),Cristina(h gynaika ths pareas pou tha kanei ta gynaikeia themata),GrOOvyRider kai ta pedia pou endiaferontai apo to netsurfer.gr<P>Elpizw na mhn peite oxi...basika kamia kopela akoma na erthei kala tha htan gia na boithisei thn Cristina kai gia na bgei kalyterh douleia.<P>Ante...proxwrame dynata...


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Blackman:<BR><STRONG>basika kamia kopela akoma na erthei kala tha htan gia na boithisei thn Cristina kai gia na bgei kalyterh douleia.</STRONG><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>exm... dhladh egw ti eimai? <P> rolleyes.gif" border="0 tongue.gif" border="0


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