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E-mail Help me............


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Ego an katalaba kala thes na kaneis forward ta email sou se enan allo account. Fobamai pos auth h yphresia den prosferetai apo thn microsoft! Gia osous thimountai, stis arxes ta web based email den epetrepan email forwarding alla h yahoo sygxonisthke kai thn prosferei thn yphresia poly kairo tora! Tora h microsoft me to hotmail isos thelei na dokimasei thn ypomonh mas...!allakse to parousiastiko tou hotmail alla apo yphresies...tzifos!<BR>Lyseis yparxoun 2. H anoigeis account sth yahoo h perimeneis pote tha kapnisei sth microsoft na prosferei ta aytonohta stous xrhstes ths!


Prosexe omos giati to yahoo den epitrepei forwarding se allon gnosto internet mail server. Emena ph den m afise na kano forward apo to yahoo sto excite account mou..<P>tora gia to in.gr den xero, dokimase.. an to kaneis pes mas k emas!!<P>filika<BR>PP


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