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Prolimatech Megahalems – Ψήκτρα


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  • Απαντ. 34
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

Ωραια η ψυκτρα αλλα το review μυριζει λιγο μουφα. Με ποσα βολτ εφτασε τα 3,6 ο τυπος, 1,3? Κι επισης δεν νομιζω οτι ειναι τοσο καλυτερη απο μια full copper TR120.

  • 2 μήνες μετά...
  • Super Moderators

όχι, αλλά και να την έβρισκες δεν άξιζε γιατί είναι σαν μια thermalright ultra 120 extreme


Στο benchmark reviews την βγαλανε ψηκτρα του πρωτα τετραμηνου του 2009. Βεβαια αναφερανε πως πισω της κρυβονται πρων μελη της Thermalright.


For absolute performance without regard for cost, my recommendation goes to the Prolimatech Megahalems. This is a product designed by the former Thermalright engineering team, and takes the best design aspects into consideration to produce one phenomenal product. The mounting base is unparalleled by any other I've tested, which delivers extraordinary contact surface pressure between the processor and the mirror-finish on the Megahalems. Unfortunately, Prolimatech isn't a household name (yet), and major online retailers like NewEgg haven't started to carry their products. This will make finding a Megahalems kit extremely difficult for the top-shelf overclocker, but it won't hold back our Golden Tachometer Award.


As of April 2009 only FrozenCPU is selling the ProlimaTech Megahalems, but if you don't find it available I can suggest two alternate recommendations. The Thermalright Ultra-120 eXtreme has a long history of cooling high-temperature overclocks, and the kit I tested (which was furnished by Intel Corporation for the Core i7 and X58 platform launch) came with a smoother contact surface than the kit I received from Thermalright for the LGA775 platform. Although the Intel-supplied kit had a separate 120mm fan and retaining kit, I don't believe these are included with retail packages.


Πηγη: http://benchmarkreviews.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=285&Itemid=62&limit=1&limitstart=18


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