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Nea FREE domains :))))))))


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


ναι, οντως ΔΩΡΕΑΝ ειναι!!!

Your domain name: EXPERTS.TK <p>You have selected a special domain name. Due to the nature or text of this domain name, Dot TK is unable to provide the free registration service. <p>By paying for this Dot TK domain name you or your company owns the selected Dot TK domain name and it will give you full rights to sell, license or resell this domain name. <p>The cost of your domain name is USD 100.00 per year. <p>εσεις το κανατε?!

  • Απαντ. 44
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr>EXPERTS.TK is USD 100.00 per year<hr></blockquote><p>Υπάρχουν 3 είδη names:

Αυτα που συνδέονται με πασίγνωστες εταιρείες και παρόλο που δεν τα έχουν καπαρώσει ακόμα, ο .tk δεν στα δίνει που να χτυπιέσαι (πχ www.ibm.tk),

Αυτά που έχουν πολύ πιασάρικες, μικρές, εύκολες αγγλικές λέξεις στα πουλάει για 100$ (πχ experts.tk),

και τα υπόλοιπα στα δίνει δωρεάν, πχ papadopoulos.tk kanemouligakimmm.kt κλπ,κλπ...<p>παντως τα:





windowsxp.za.net<p>ειναι ελέυθερα, τρέχτε<p>TRUST.FM! τι λέει εδώ? εδωσες διεύθυνση στη Ν.Αφρική?<p>Registration of a subdomain of .za.net and .za.org is restricted to individuals and organisations with a presence in South Africa. Valid South African contact details are required to support the registration.<p>[ 08-02-2002: Το μήνυμα επεξεργάστηκε από: random ]</p>


mpaaaaaa oxi smile.gif" border="0 einai akoma upo suzhthsh an 8a mou dwsoun to domain ! pantws h aithsh mou egkri8hke (nameservers ktl ... )<p>dustuxws exeis dikio random ... mou eftase ayto twra frown.gif" border="0 <p>Your request has been rejected due to the following reasons:<p>Registration restricted to organisations with a presence in South


frown.gif" border="0 <p>Twra xanadokimazw me fake dieu8unsh afrikhs ... gia na doume ... (thn brika kanontas whois se merika domains tous) grin.gif" border="0 grin.gif" border="0 grin.gif" border="0 (kati asxeto pantws ... polla domains den einai sthn afrikh mallon mas douleuoun !!! blush.gif" border="0 )<p>ante na doume ! smile.gif" border="0<p>[ 08-02-2002: Το μήνυμα επεξεργάστηκε από: trustfm ]</p>


trustfm arxika fenetai poly kalo.

H erotish mou einai: se poses meres meta thn egkrafh energopoih8hke to domain sou????<p>[ 11-02-2002: Το μήνυμα επεξεργάστηκε από: kernel ]</p>

  • 3 εβδομάδες αργότερα...

Ta com.kg einai plreon epi plhrwmh.

Ws tis 1 mah to domain 8a einai energo meta 5$ / year . Dustuxws h asianinfo allaxe gnwmh epi tou 8emats kai den ta exei pia dwrean .


Dwrean paramenoun :

*.com.ru (einai dwrean edw kai 3 xronia)

*.za.net (neo frouto)

*.tk (xwris elenxo dns)

epishs twra brika oti kai ta domains *.ly einai dwrean alla mono gia katoikous libhs .8a exw perisotera nea epi tou 8ematos se 2 meres (nai swsta katalabate exw hdh kanei aithsh gia ena libiko domain www.greekmp3.ly xaxaxa)


Domain name registries around the world


DynSite for Windows

endiaferon: gia na syndeseis mia www.xxxx me dynamic ip


Epishs: eftase xtes mail apo .kg

8eloun: $6,2 per year (including taxes)

8a paroun: TA 3 MOY!



an zhthsw ta kaddafi.ly quaddafi.ly gaddafi.ly 8a yparxei provlima? einai eley8era pros to paron <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />


<small>[ 06-03-2002, 11:17: Το μήνυμα επεξεργάστηκε από: random ]</small>


re trustfm se .ru pos tha parome ine diskolo re gamoto kai den xero kai aglika me ekapse. thelo na paro ena se .ru afou klini to .kg. ine ola epi pliromi i afta pou pernis apo edo kai pera milao gia .kg


ok paidia ... gia na sas boh8hsw me ta *com..ru

eftiaxa mia selida opou ginetai registretion enws tetoiou domain dwrean.

Dustuxws h registration einai makrosurti kai 8elei upomonh kai me8odikothta .

Ta com.ru einai pola xronia sto kourmpeti dwrean . Exw domain deleglated apo 2000.05.17

Konta 2 xronia dhladh !

Edw : http://www.geocities.com/kitsaros/freeru.html

8a breite ta panta bhma pros bhma (einai sinolika 3 steps )

Gia merikes meres 8a leipsw mias kai kanw upgrade to pc mou ...

Aete kai upoloipoi dokimaste xana kai xana kai akolou8hste pista tis odhgies . Einai ligo spasimo neurwn alla exw parei 3 domains etsi .

Kala na pernate .

8a ta poume se kana 58hmero pisteuw ...

<img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="images/icons/tongue.gif" />


<small>[ 07-03-2002, 11:25: Το μήνυμα επεξεργάστηκε από: trustfm ]</small>


oxi akoma ... dokimazete ta rwsika paides .

epishs mhn 3exnate ta *.za.net


<small>[ 09-03-2002, 12:29: Το μήνυμα επεξεργάστηκε από: trustfm ]</small>


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