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Xriazome beta testers (dokimastes diladi) gia na dokimasoun tin meta-search pou eftia3a <A HREF="http://zouzouni.hypermart.net/metav3.cgi" TARGET=_blank>http://zouzouni.hypermart.net/metav3.cgi</A> .<BR>Ta xaraktiristika tis mixanis anazitisis einai oti mporei na psaxnei tautoxrona se alles mixanes ( Warezcrawler, FilesearchingCom ,Hotbot , CrackRu, Webcrawler, v24Serialz, Astalavista, 51soft, Go!zilla) , kai na dixnei ta apotelesmata singentrotika . H idea panta upirxe sto mialo mou na brethei enas tropos na psaxno gia programata kai plirofories sto diadiktio xwris na praxno se poles miaxanes . H kaloproeretes kritikes einai dektes , akoma tha ithela na akouso ti allo tha itan kalo na balo se auti tin mixani (skopeuw na prostheso tin google) an 3erete kapia kali mixani anazitisis tipou google h akoma kai astalavista tha me endiefere poli kai fisika afto pou me endiaferei pio poli an i mixani douleuei kala kai an emfanizonte para3ena stin selida .<BR>Gia na min sas spane ta @@ ta pop-ups tis selidas (einai poli ekneuristika) kante apanergopiisi stis energes dermes energiwn ston internet explorer (ergalia/epiloges internet/asfaleia/internet/prosarmosmeno epipedo/energes desmes energiwn (apenergopiisi) )


to active scripting les?<P>kali einai an kai mono stamata na kanei streaming i selida sta v24 SERIALZ (ekei episis mou bgazei link sto keno .... tora esy to ebales?)<BR>kathos kai sto alstalavista bgazei ta javascripts pou exei ekei (bgazei kai text alla liga).<P>ebala san keyword 'window' dokimase to na deis.


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by sh4dow:<BR><STRONG>to active scripting les?<P>kali einai an kai mono stamata na kanei streaming i selida sta v24 SERIALZ (ekei episis mou bgazei link sto keno .... tora esy to ebales?)<BR>kathos kai sto alstalavista bgazei ta javascripts pou exei ekei (bgazei kai text alla liga).<P>ebala san keyword 'window' dokimase to na deis.</STRONG><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR>nai enoo to javascript ,gia ta v24serialz malon prepei na balo tin leksi window , windows os apagoreumeni gia search keyword tulaxiston gia to v24serials , to link sto keno den to eida pies mixanes eixes balei na psaxnoun otan to ides ? , mporeis na mou dikseis ton html kodika ? sto astalavista dn blepo java script , gia na sigoureuto ekana search ston html codika gia lekseis "script" "java" kai den to blepw .<p>[ 05-06-2001: Message edited by: zouzouni ]


eixa tis default.<BR>to link sto keno mou to bgazei akribos sto pali tou arithmou 1126 kato apo v24 SERIALZ kai deixnei <A HREF="http://www.ebolaviruscrew.net/crk/gc-gl.htm" TARGET=_blank>http://www.ebolaviruscrew.net/crk/gc-gl.htm</A> <BR>(kai mallon kai se alles paromies...)<P>tora oso afora to astalavista sou paratheto apospasmata: <B><BR>1.: <A HREF="http://neworder.box.sk/box.php3?gfx=newo...'>http://neworder.box.sk/box.php3?gfx=newo...'>http://neworder.box.sk/box.php3?gfx=newo...'>http://neworder.box.sk/box.php3?gfx=newo...'>http://neworder.box.sk/box.php3?gfx=newo..." TARGET=_blank>http://neworder.box.sk/box.php3?gfx=newo...</A>'>http://neworder.box.sk/box.php3?gfx=newo...</A>'>http://neworder.box.sk/box.php3?gfx=newo...</A>'>http://neworder.box.sk/box.php3?gfx=newo...</A>'>http://neworder.box.sk/box.php3?gfx=newo...</A> <BR> =4) {ts=window.location.pathname+window.location.search; i=0; Tv=0; while (i =4) '); document.write(' '); } else if (bV =3) {document.write(' '); document.write(' ');} } if (bN=='Microsoft Internet Explorer') document.write(' '); // -- <P>2.: <A HREF="http://neworder.box.sk/box.php3?gfx=newo..." TARGET=_blank>http://neworder.box.sk/box.php3?gfx=newo...</A> <BR> =4) {ts=window.location.pathname+window.location.search; i=0; Tv=0; while (i =4) '); document.write(' '); } else if (bV =3) {document.write(' '); document.write(' ');} } if (bN=='Microsoft Internet Explorer') document.write(' '); // -- <BR> In Memory Patching - A lenghty document regarding the Windows memory. Good programming knowledge recommended. (3049 hits) <P>3.: <A HREF="http://neworder.box.sk/box.php3?gfx=newo..." TARGET=_blank>http://neworder.box.sk/box.php3?gfx=newo...</A> <BR> =4) {ts=window.location.pathname+window.location.search; i=0; Tv=0; while (i =4) '); document.write(' '); } else if (bV =3) {document.write(' '); document.write(' ');} } if (bN=='Microsoft Internet Explorer') document.write(' '); // -- <BR> Autostart programs in Windows - Elf Qrin - Many programs, when installed, configure the system to make automatically start their useless and resources consuming preloads or archivers every time you boot up. Learn how to autolaunch programs in Windows, and how to clean up your system. (11369 hits) <BR> Hacking Realities - brief pro-windows essays bashing hackers, operating systems (660 hits) <P>4.: <A HREF="http://neworder.box.sk/box.php3?gfx=newo..." TARGET=_blank>http://neworder.box.sk/box.php3?gfx=newo...</A> <BR> =4) {ts=window.location.pathname+window.location.search; i=0; Tv=0; while (i =4) '); document.write(' '); } else if (bV =3) {document.write(' '); document.write(' ');} } if (bN=='Microsoft Internet Explorer') document.write(' '); // -- <BR> BOred 0.1 - it hides the taskbar and other windows things on the remote machine (2467 hits) <P>5.: <A HREF="http://neworder.box.sk/box.php3?gfx=newo..." TARGET=_blank>http://neworder.box.sk/box.php3?gfx=newo...</A> <BR> =4) {ts=window.location.pathname+window.location.search; i=0; Tv=0; while (i =4) '); document.write(' '); } else if (bV =3) {document.write(' '); document.write(' ');} } if (bN=='Microsoft Internet Explorer') document.write(' '); // -- <BR> BNC 2.6.4 for Win - windows version of irc bouncer (13956 hits) <BR> Wingate - one of the best proxies around for Windows, shareware (73265 hits) <BR> Winroute - decent windows proxy, shareware (21037 hits) <P></B><P>ie versio:5.00.2614.3500


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by zouzouni:<BR><STRONG> [..]Oso gia tin astalavista den fteo egw kita ta apotelesmata kai stin astalavista <A HREF="http://astalavista12.box.sk/cgi-bin/robot?srch=window" TARGET=_blank>http://astalavista12.box.sk/cgi-bin/robot?srch=window</A> .</STRONG><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>xaxaxa e tous blakes :P<BR>se ligo kairo teleiono mia pio anabathmismeni ekdosi tou id*** pou legame... otan einai sto stelno ;)


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