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Pedia,tha ithela na rotiso to eksis,an kserei kaneis site opou mporo na vro times gia to poso kanei h enikiash xorou gia na anevaso mia selida.

Ksereis kaneis kapia kali eteria me kales times?

Kapioi treloi mou eipan sthn galaxy net oti theloun 200000 to xrono ktl alla exo akousei oti mporeis na breis kai me 50.Alloste den exei kai megales apaithseis to site,me 3mb eimai ok.

Den thelo tzampa xorous ktl giati to site prokeitai na xrhsimopoihthei gia epagelmatikh xrhsh.

Tnx in advanced...


File mou den mas voithas poly.Prepei na peis ti akrivws theleis.Theleis to site na yposthrizei cgi? Na exei megalo bandwith? Na exei domain (px www.yourname.gr h .com h .net)? Dioti an den xreiazesai kati apo ayta h akoma kai na xreiazesai kalo tha htan na rixeis mia matia sto dwrean paketo ths www.brinkster.com pou den exei diafhmiseis kai exei arketa kales yphresies.Twra an epimeneis na plhrwseis einai allo thema....


Lipon ego ayto pou thelo einai to ekshs.

Tha exo onoma www.myname.gr kai tha to katoxiroso apo to panepistimio ths krhths me 15000 to xrono monos mou kai oxi meso eterias gia pollous logous.(An to paro meso eterias tha mou desmeysoun to domain kai den tha mporo na figo meta apo aytous an den mou aresoun oi ipiresies tous.)

Apo ekei kai pera giro sta 2mb thelo gia keimena kai photos,na einai grhgoro(gi'ayto thelo etairia)kai telos namhn exei banners ktl.Tipota allo.Ligo flash kai java tha pezei mesa kai o sxediasmos tha einai se frondpage kai dreamweaver.

OI kales prosfores pou exo brei einai ta 25mb kapou stis 55000 to xrono...

Den thelo tipota allo.Oute e-mail oute tipota...

A!episis an kserei kaneis pos mporo na kataxorhso th selida meta sto flash.gr kai sto in.gr<p>P.S Mou ipan oti kalitera na to anevaso se server linux..Ti lete?

Eyxaristo...<p>[ 15-01-2002: Το μήνυμα επεξεργάστηκε από: critter ]</p>


File mou opws vlepw den tha exeis kai kanena provlhma me to dwrean paketo ths brinkster.com pou dinei arketa mbs dwrean xwris kammia diafhmish h banner kai xerw apo proswpikh empeiria pws mexri kapoio arithmo xrhstwn einai grhgorh.Twra gia paketo pou plhrwneis yparxoun 5000000 me thn timh pou thes.Apla psaxe stis diafhmiseis gnwston sites kai sites tou styl banner.gr .Oso afora gia to linux ayto apaiteitai otan oi apaithseis tous site sou einai poly ypshles kai theloun yphresies yposthrixhs cgi kai eidikes parametrous diaxeirhshs ths selidas sou.Ayto profanws den isxyei sthn periptwsh sou opote eite o server trexei NT eite linux eite FreeBSD (pou einai kalytero apo to linux) einai to idio.



Ayto pou les critter ginetai alla proswpika to pws ginetai to xerw mono se .com kai oxi se .gr .Alla sthn telikh pisteyw pws an einai na glitwseis kapoia xrhmata kai ena aplo redirection pou mporei eykola na ginei pisteyw pws tha sou kanei thn douleia sou.Bye<p>[ 16-01-2002: Το μήνυμα επεξεργάστηκε από: dimosb ]</p>


Critter an se endiaferei ena aplo redirection tote pigene sto www.tip.gr<p>Pio kato einai ta links me tis ipiresies analitika kai me tis times tou.

Einai safos pio ftina apo to na kaneis hosting.

Omos kata tin gnomi mou gia aytin tin ipiresia ine kapos akriva afu me liga xrimata parapano kaneis kai ena aplo hosting.<p>Esi fisika tha dialexeis ti einai ayto pou sou teriazei.<p>

Απλή προώθηση domain και email<p>Πλήρη διαχείριση domain<p>Τιμοκατάλογος<p>Episis vrika xthes kai ayto an se endiaferei:



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