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Mass Effect 2

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Mass Effect 2 - Making Debut at GDC 09


In Mass Effect you set out on an adventure to save the galaxy from imminent destruction. Wrought with treachery, heroism, difficult decisions and a universe filled with unique and colorful species, Mass Effect delivers a truly compelling storyline. Project Manager Corey Andruko and Lead Technical Designer Dusty Everman will be introducing the sequel at GDC 09 during their "The Iterative Level Design Process of Bioware's Mass Effect 2" panel duscussion.

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Mass Effect 2 Coming Next Year


BioWare's Mass Effect 2 and a sequel to DICE's Battlefield: Bad Company will arrive in the first three months of 2010, Electronic Arts CEO John Rictiello has revealed.


Ricitiello appeared to confirm a multi-platform release for Mass Effect 2 in today's conference call, suggesting that it will hit both PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 at launch.


The first Mass Effect was a console exclusive for Xbox 360, trailed by a PC release a few months later. BioWare has suggested the sequel may follow that model.


The Battlefield: Bad Company sequel will presumably follow in the footsteps of the console-only original, which hit PS3 and Xbox 360 in the summer of 2008.


Both games will be released during the fourth quarter of the publisher's 2010 fiscal year, which runs from January 1 to March 31.


Το πρώτο τα έσπασε και λογικά το 2ο θα πρέπει να τα σπάσει ακόμα πιο πολύ :-D



Χλωμο το κοβω. Η bioware εχει πεσει με τα μουτρα στο star wars mmo και προβλεπω τα παιχνιδια της που ερχονται να ειναι προχειροδουλειες


Θέλω να πιστεύω πως θα το καθυστερήσουν λίγο,για να του δώσουν την απαραίτητη προσοχή(να μην το καθυστερήσουν πολύ είναι το θέμα)

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Διάβασα στο gameguru (http://www.ggmania.com) πως θα μπορείς να πάρεις παλιό χαρακτήρα από save (εμ, Sheppard τότε; ). Δεν έχω δει κάτι επίσημο πάντως.

Λέτε να παίζουμε με αυτόν/η για κάμποσο και μετά να πεθαίνει, don't know... Και από ένα απλό Geth ;!


Mass Effect 2 dev: “Hang on to your Mass Effect 1 saves”


BioWare QA chap Jack Lamden has confirmed that those hankering for Mass Effect 2 will benefit from hanging onto their progress from the first games.


“Hang on to your Mass Effect 1 saves,” said the developer in a forum post.


How saved from the first game will affect play in the sequel is unconfirmed.

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