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Giati na mhn kanoume to Inbox opos kai se alla fora opou sou leei an exeis kainouria messages,xoris na mpeis mesa???Mhpos epeidh den to yposthrizei h ekdosh ths UltimateBuletinBoard ths INSOMNIA????Yparxei kai h kainouria 6.xx alla den ksero apo pou mporeite na thn katebasete???!!<BR>


Den einai ta Cookies...<BR>dioti kai ta Cookies na sbhseis me to pou kaneis login tote sou leei posa new exeis...<P>oso gia ta Cookies Gary...nomizw by default einai energopoihmena...<BR>alliws tha riksw mia matia na thymithw apo pou ta energopoieis/apenergopoieis<P><BR>Filika<BR>Blackman


T a cookies energopiounte apo tools>Internet options>security>custom level>allow cookies that are stored on your computer>enable<BR>Ego ta ekana afta ala pali den dixni tpt...<P>------------------<BR><FONT face="Comic Sans MS">D.K. and Fuck the U.S.A.</FONT f><BR><B>Misita ladhm</FONT c></B>


???<BR>??<BR>? <BR> confused.gif<BR>Ti les more c Gary den katalaveno xristo???<BR>Pou ta exases???<BR>Mas doulevis??? frown.gif<BR>Plaka kanis???<BR>Den xanonte ta cookies me format otan mpenis se mia selida epanerxonte... mikra arxiakia...<P>------------------<BR><FONT face="Comic Sans MS">D.K. and Fuck the U.S.A.</FONT f><BR><B>Misita ladhm</FONT c></B>


Re c, otan kaneis loggin sou petaei ena cookie me mia timi mesa tin opoia elegxei argotera...<P>Dyo provlimata (sovara) exo dei sto pm:<P>1)Otan kaneis loggin sti grammi dieuthinseon tou browser fenetai to username kai to password. Ara oute encryption yparxei, oute random id kai poly eukola mporoun na klapoun autes oi plirofories...<P>2)Den mporo na katalavo pote kanei expire to cookie kai afou ksanampo sto insomnia forum meta apo ora me exei kanei automata loggin.


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