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Dante's Inferno


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Dante's Inferno Announced - Trailer




Developed by EA Redwood Shores, known for Dead Space, Dante's Inferno is a third-person action adventure adaptation of the medieval epic poem The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri, telling the tale of Dante who journeys through the twisted, menacing nine circles of hell in pursuit of his beloved Beatrice.


The dark fiction gave birth to the Tuscan Italian dialect and is widely considered the work that has defined the western world’s contemporary conception of hell and purgatory. The poem tells the tale of Dante who journeys through the twisted, menacing nine circles of hell in pursuit of his beloved Beatrice. Dante’s tortured and tormented world is an ideal setting for this 3rd person action and adventure of a video game, Dante’s Inferno.


Written in the 14th Century, The Divine Comedy was published and read aloud in Italian (unlike the Bible), thereby making the poem accessible to the mass public. The poem delivers a striking and allegorical vision of the Christian afterlife and the punishments of hell. In part one, known as Dante’s Inferno, Dante traverses all nine circles of hell; limbo, lust, gluttony, greed, wrath, heresy, violence, fraud and treachery.


The time is right for the world of interactive entertainment to adapt this literary masterpiece, and to re-introduce Dante to an audience who, until now, may have been unfamiliar with the remarkable details of this great work of art,” said Jonathan Knight, Executive Producer for Dante’s Inferno. “It’s the perfect opportunity to fuse great gameplay with great story.”


EA has yet to confirm formats or a release date, but the studio's last outing - Dead Space - was for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.

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Dante's Inferno: First details

PSM3 scoops first words on EA's God of War-inspired action game


PSM3 has published the first details on Dante's Inferno, which the mag bills as 'God of War meets Dead Space'.


As previously reported, Dante's Inferno is being developed by Dead Space dev EA Redwood Shores. It's a third person action game that tells the tale of Dante and his journey through the twisted, menacing nine circles of hell in pursuit of his beloved Beatrice.


"Button-for-button the controls are identical to GOW's - from using the right stick to evade, to regular and heavy attacks being mapped to Square and Triangle," says PSM3.


"Holding R1 and pressing Square lets you knock enemies into the air Devil May Cry-style and keep them hovering with a volley of rapid, light attacks," it adds.


Combos are "easily strung together by simple presses of the light and heavy attack buttons".


"When enemies die they leave behind health and magic orbs, which can also be found in chests, opened by holding Circle," says the preview.


The game also uses QTE events, such as when Dante climbs the mane of a 20-foot monster to take out the demon rider and assume control of the beast for himself.


PSM3 likes what it's seen so far. "What really sets this apart from God of War is the setting. Dante's trip through hell is altogether more unpleasant, twisted creatures burst from doorways, lava spews from inverted crosses and bottomless fiery pits yawn deep beneath your feet."



Προβλέπω λαλακία :P


Το σκέφτηκες πολύ αυτό που είπες;


Εγώ πάλι επειδή έχω διαβάσει Δάντη, περιμένω κάτι αξιόπιστο, αρκεί να μην ξεφύγει πολύ.






Χαχα, το ότι θα ξεφεύγει τετρατωδώς είναι το μόνο σίγουρο!!! :D


Κατά τα λοιπά, εξαιρετικά ατμοσφαιρικό το trailer.. Γενικά, πρέπει να είναι λίγο ψυχανώμαλοι-διαστραμμένοι σε αυτό το studio, Dead Space και τώρα αυτό... :D:D


Φοβερο trailer, αν και ξεσκιζουν το story. Ο Dante μονο ατρομητος πολεμιστης του καλου δεν ηταν. Ενας χεστης ηταν που λιποθυμουσε συνεχεια και βασιζοταν στον Virgil που τον εσωζε συνεχεια. Επισης οσοι ηταν αβαπτιστοι πηγαιναν στο πρωτο επιπεδο που δεν ηταν ακριβως κολαση ,αλλα ουτε παραδεισος. Εδω δειχνουν μωρα με μαχαιρια στα χερια......


Σιγουρα θα το αγορασω και θα παιζω με σβηστα τα φωτα για να χεστω και λιγο :P


Y.Γ Το game θα βγει σιγουρα και στο pc. Μπηκα στο site της ΕΑ και το εγραφε

  • 2 εβδομάδες αργότερα...

Dante's Inferno - Hands On


You have to wonder why it hasn't happened more often. Plenty of games have been 'inspired' by a good root around the library, but wholesale appropriation of literature has never really been the done thing. Could EA, then, not exactly known as a creative trend-setter, become just that with Dante's Inferno? ...


... Dante's Inferno is due out on PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 in 2010.







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