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Windows 7 Beta/RC Πρώτες εντυπώσεις (build <= 7600.16384)


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις

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Εγω εβαλα windows 7 rc 64bit μιας και εχω 4gb στο laptop.

O internet explorer 8 64 παει σφαίρα παντως!

Δε μου λετε ρε παιδια για antivirus ποιο βαλατε?

Εκανα μια βολτα απο το site της eset αλλα δεν εχει βγαλει version για το nod32 σε windows 7 !

Εγω εβαλα windows 7 rc 64bit μιας και εχω 4gb στο laptop.

O internet explorer 8 64 παει σφαίρα παντως!

Δε μου λετε ρε παιδια για antivirus ποιο βαλατε?

Εκανα μια βολτα απο το site της eset αλλα δεν εχει βγαλει version για το nod32 σε windows 7 !


το nod32 v4 δουλευει αψογα στα windows 7


Αυτο με τους 2 Program Files folders τι ειναι παλι?

Υπαρχει ενας κανονικος και ενας με X86 extension.

  • Super Moderators
Αυτο με τους 2 Program Files folders τι ειναι παλι?

Υπαρχει ενας κανονικος και ενας με X86 extension.


αυτό υπάρχει από τα 64bit Vista...


όσα προγράμματα είναι 64bit μπαίνουν στον "κανονικό" και όσα είναι 32bit μπαίνουν στον x86...

αυτό υπάρχει από τα 64bit Vista...


όσα προγράμματα είναι 64bit μπαίνουν στον "κανονικό" και όσα είναι 32bit μπαίνουν στον x86...


Το daemon tools lite παντως οταν τελειωσε την εγκατασταση εβγαλε μυνημα οτι 'the installation of daemons tools tile 64bit finished'.

Παρολα αυτα το εχωσε στο χ86.

Kaspesrky έχω εγώ και δουλεύει μια χαρά.


...και εγώ Kaspesrky έχω μια χαρά δουλεύει.


για να εχετε τα δικα σας codecs:


As everybody knows' date=' this was a pain in the ass from the beginning. Since build 7100 is out, you can stop those integrated codecs in windows 7. Here's how I did it.

On my laptop I have Win 7 build 7100 x86, and on my desktop I have the same build x64.


First of all, you need to take ownership of the files you want to change. You can do that by installing this into registry: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/add-take-ownership-to-explorer-right-click-menu-in-vista/ After that:


I. For the x86 based systems:

Go to Windows - System32 and look for msmpeg2adec.dll and msmpeg2vdec.dll. Right click and take ownership of this two files. Then rename them to msmpeg2adec.dll.bak and msmpeg2vdec.dll.bak. Now you should be able to use ffdshow or any other codec you want.


II. For the x64 based systems:


1. Go to Windows - System32 and look for msmpeg2adec.dll and msmpeg2vdec.dll. Right click and take ownership of this two files. Then rename them to msmpeg2adec.dll.bak and msmpeg2vdec.dll.bak.


2. Go to Windows - SysWOW64 and look for the same two dll files. Take ownership and rename them the same. ( msmpeg2adec.dll.bak and msmpeg2vdec.dll.bak ).


This solution seems to work only on build 7100.


Another way, without renaming the dll files:


Go to Start - Run and type regedit. Press enter. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Media Center\Decoder and replace the values from PreferredMPEG2AudioDecoderCLSID and PreferredMPEG2VideoDecoderCLSID with the ones you want. You can find the values using RadLight’s Filter Manager or DSFMGR. As far as I know, radlight works only for x86 based systems.


FOR x64 builds: Do the above registry settings and then go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Media Center\Decoder and do the same settings.


Here's a picture with the default values from registry.




You replace those two values with the ones from your preffered decoder. At PreferredMPEG2AudioDecoderCLSID, you can leave the default setting. It doesn't affect anything at all.


Some people told me that those registry settings didn't work for them. For some people they work and for some they don't. Here's another method, a method that worked for everybody.


You have to take ownership of the registry keys. These keys can't be modified if you are not the owner.


For 32 bit builds: Go to Start - Run and type regedit. Press enter. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DirectShow\Preferred and change the value for {31435641-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}. Put the ffdshow CLSID. You can find it with DsfMgr.


For 64 bit builds: Go to Start - Run and type regedit. Press enter. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\DirectShow\Preferred and change the value for {31435641-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}. Put the ffdshow CLSID. You can find it with DsfMgr.




Enjoy! Every setting is tested. Works.


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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