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share Δίσκο και όχι μόνο κάποιο Folder


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις



Ενώ έχω κάνει Share αρκετά Folders σε μηχανή με Vista Home, και τα βλέπουν κανονικά χρήστες με Xp Pro και Vista Home, ΔΕΝ μπορώ να κάνω κάποιον δίσκο ολόκληρο Sharing.

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Βάλε XP


ωραία απάντηση...


φυσικά και γίνεται share....


advanced sharing....


You can create your own shares to share your drives from the root of the drive, but Microsoft highly recommends that you share only the folders that you need to, rather than the entire drive.

To share the root of a drive, right-click the drive in the Computer window, and then click Share. Windows Vista displays the properties for the drive with the Sharing tab selected. The Share button and the File Sharing dialog box are not available. However, you can click Advanced Sharing. In the Advanced Sharing dialog box, click Share this folder and specify the share name, permissions, and other settings as needed. When complete, click OK, and then click Close.

Because the “driveletter$” shares already exist, you cannot share the root of a drive with the name “driveletter$”. However, you can share it with another name, such as “driveletter”. For example, you cannot share the root of your C: drive as “C$”, but you can share it as “C”.




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