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How to copy Dreamcast Games ?


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Gia na antigrapseis paixnidia apo dreamcast prepei na exeis kata proto logo mia consola dreamcast.Na sindeseis tin consola me ton ypologisti kai na peraseis to paixnidi apo tin consola sto skliro sou se image arxeio.Na to patcareis me ta patch pou kikloforoun kai na to grapseis.Basika psakse sto <A HREF="http://www.gamecopyworld.com" TARGET=_blank>www.gamecopyworld.com</A> kai tha breis poio polles plirofories.


kala re paidia sovara milate?prepei na exw consola dreamcast gia na antigrapsw paixnidia ths??original ennoeite,etsi???ola ta cdz tou 8eloune patch???to boot disk pou lene douleuei gia ola ta cdz??an,oxi tote prepei na to tsipareis???<P>------------------<BR>members.fortunecity.com/icecut<BR>go.to/icecut<BR>come.to/icecut


meta apo to prwto mhna kukloforias ths konsolas ola ta paixnidia pou exoun bgei den 8eloun boot.tsipakh gia dreamcast uparxei alla den sumferei xaneis thn egkuhsh.


den iparxei tropos antigrafis gia ton aplo home user.den einai thema kalodiou.einai thema eidikou hardware pou ton exoun 5-6 group pou kanoun tis kiklofories se iso oste na xorane kai se apla cd me to na periorizoun th deigmatolipsia ston ixo kai alla tetia.mhj to psanxeis.kalitera na ta pairneis etoima.


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by gameboy:<BR><B>den iparxei tropos antigrafis gia ton aplo home user.den einai thema kalodiou.einai thema eidikou hardware pou ton exoun 5-6 group pou kanoun tis kiklofories se iso oste na xorane kai se apla cd me to na periorizoun th deigmatolipsia ston ixo kai alla tetia.mhj to psanxeis.kalitera na ta pairneis etoima.</B><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Lathos.Ola einai thema kalodiou.Ax kai na euriska auto to kalodio...ola ta alla einai paixnidaki.<P><P>------------------<BR>


Basika pigente sto parapanw link pou edwsa kai ekei epilekste to section me to dreamcast.Ekei brika kai katebasa odigies apo kapoious tipous pou eksigoun (sxedon) akribws pws sindeeis ta kalodia kai pws antigrafeis.Ayta ta diastaurwsa me alla site gia dreamcast(ta opoia distixws den ta simiwsa kai den ta thimamai) kai oloi lene peripou ta idia.Twra gia to kalodio den kserw pou tha to breis.File gameboy eksigei kai pws tha katafereis na to xwreseis se ena cd giati ontws merika paixnidia einai poio megala.Sas parathetw to keimeno pou exw.(_____ .__ __________________________________________________ / \ |__|/ _____/\__ ___/\_ _____/\______ \_ ___ \ / \ / \| |\_____ \ | | | __)_ | _/ \ \/ / Y \ |/ \ | | | \ | | \ \____ \____|__ /__/_______ / |____| /_______ / |____|_ /\______ / \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ TuS _____|______________________________________________________________ __|____ | | `- Proudly Presents:....Dreamcast Ripping Guide v.1.0 [NON CDDA] Game.....: N/A Origin...: N/A - Filename.....: misterc_ripping_guide Released.: 02.02.2001 - Format.......: .txt Platform.: Sega Dreamcast (DC) - CD(s)........: N/A CD1 Info.: 1 txt file / ?? MINS - Ripped.......: N/A - --- Release Notes ------------------------------------------------ This guide is in no way intended to be used for piracy, and is in no way associated with or endorsed by SEGA, use of this guide is for educational puposes only, I will not be held responsible for any damage caused by using it, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! Ok first things first, things you need before we start 1 DC- Firstly I would recomend that you configure your chosen COM port, the settings go like this: (e.g. COM 1 ) Bits per second: 115200 Data bits: 8 Parity: None Stop bits: 1 Flow control: Harware - --- Let It RIP!! ---------------------------------------------------- OK so now connect your DC to your PC with your cable, Done it? Good! Now boot up your Serial/Slave image, leave it until you see the blue border TeraTerm Pro, set up as follows: Select: SETUP, SERIAL PORT and set: Baud rate: 57600bps Data rate: 8bit Parity bit: None Stop bit: 1bit Flow Control: Hardware Select the correct COM port and OK Select : SETUP, TERMINAL SETTING and set: Transmit new line: CR+LF Select OK Press enter in the terminal window and you should see this . Now Select : FILE, SEND FILE and select (e.g.) G:\Dreamrip\dreamrip.srec (you will now see lots of these in the terminal window whilst the file is sent) When the file is sent you will see a message "Please set to 115k and hit OK" Now Select: SETUP, SERIAL PORT and set: Baud rate: 115200 Select OK Select: CONTROL, MACRO and select (e.g.) G:\Dreamrip\dcrip.ttl. The file will now be saved and the XMODEM Recive window will appear. When complete you will have a file or files called trackxx.xxx.gz. trackxx.iso.gz this is the data (game) file, trackxx.raw.gz is the CDDA (audio) tracks. OK, Now I am not going to kid you here this process can and probably will take anything from 2 up to 24 HOURS so be carefull you DC doesnt melt. - ---Prepare the ISO!! ------------------------------------------------- WOO HOO so far so good. Load WinZip and unzip the file trackxx.xxx.gz to your (e.g.) G:\Dreamrip\whatever directory you will be left with trackxx.iso. Then open your DOS window and change directory to where ever you have your files e.g. G:\Dreamrip\dciso Type ..\extract ..\trackxx.iso. All the files from the GD will be extracted to your chosen directory. it is likely you have chosen the directory you have your Dreamrip and Extract exe files. - --- Not So Fast!! ---------------------------------------------------- So you have your files and all is good until you realise that your files are to big and cant get them to fit on a CD-R. That is where the tools (Sfd2mpg,Adx2wav,Wav2adx)mentioned in No.6 of the requirements list come in these can be used to downsample Audio/Video etc etc instructions can be found in the readme files in each of the tools respectivley.... - --- MMmmm FREE GAME!! ------------------------------------------------- If you have followed the above to letter you will now have an ISO or the extracted files of a GD on your hard drive, if your image doesnt need downsampling in any way you can use Echelon's self boot guide to help you hack your ip.bin/ 1st_read.bin and play your newly backed up game once burned, however if you have to work on it (Downsample 'n' shit) you will have to experiment encoding and decoding to downsize various files/audio/video etc etc. And remember Do believe the hype this method works onehundred% sweet. Thats it now you go play - --- GREETS!! --------------------------------------------------------- dRUNKeN mASTeR, rOSSCo, cAMP aL, NICKy, DAZ BERO, MC, tHE dENTIST, BLAH BLAH blahh AND ALL OF THE GROUPS THAT HAVE KEPT THE MASSES HAPPY ON THE DC SCENE <P>Exw alla 2.An ta brw tha tasteilw alla lene peripou ta idia.<BR>


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