FallenAngelGR Δημοσ. 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2009 Δημοσ. 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2009 Πως αποκτας prestige στο campaign?
Super Moderators Snoob Δημοσ. 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2009 Super Moderators Δημοσ. 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2009 Από ό,τι διαβάζω εδώ, εξαρτάται από το σενάριο. Σε κάποια, σου αναθέτει ο βεζίρης αποστολές και, εφόσον τις εκπληρώσεις, κερδίζεις prestige. Σε κάποια άλλα μπορείς να αγοράσεις έγγραφα που σου δίνουν prestige.
lalexoulhs Δημοσ. 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2009 Δημοσ. 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2009 Οταν παιζεις campaigns και εκτελεις τις οδηγιες κερδιζεις prestige points. Οταν παiζεις αποστολες τοτε αγωράζεις prestige points απο τον merchant.
FallenAngelGR Δημοσ. 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2009 Δημοσ. 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2009 Ναι αλλα μου λεει να χτισω καποια κτηρια και για να τα ξεκλειδωσω θελει prestige!!! και χωρις prestige δεν μπορω να προχωρησω στις αποστολες!
Super Moderators Snoob Δημοσ. 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2009 Super Moderators Δημοσ. 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2009 Σε ποια αποστολή έχεις το πρόβλημα αυτό;
FallenAngelGR Δημοσ. 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2009 Δημοσ. 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2009 Σε αυτην που ξεκινα και δειχνει την Ιωαννα της Λωρενης. Μια γυναικα με πανοπλια και απο πισω κατι πλοια. Πιστευω εγινα κατατοπιστηκος γτ δεν τα παω καλα με τα νουμερα και ειμαι ακομα noobas στο συγκεκριμενο παιχνιδι ---------- Το μήνυμα προστέθηκε στις 08:36 ---------- Τελικα παλι το βρηκα. Ηταν ενα χειρογραφο στις αποθηκες μου... Μου φαινεται θα παψω να ρωταω τοσο ευκολα!!! ---------- Το μήνυμα προστέθηκε στις 12:17 ---------- Οταν παιζεις campaigns και εκτελεις τις οδηγιες κερδιζεις prestige points. Οταν παiζεις αποστολες τοτε αγωράζεις prestige points απο τον merchant. Οταν λες αποστολες εννοεις τα Scenarios ετσι?
polonos1313 Δημοσ. 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2009 Δημοσ. 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2009 Ρε παιδιά στην πρώτη αποστολή του campaign πως γίνεται να δώσω φαϊ στον λαό.Ενω στο warehouse δείχνει οτι τα ψάρια έχουν πάει στο max ο λαός μου κάνει εξέγερση λόγω πείνας.Τι δεν κάνω σωστά ???
chek2fire Δημοσ. 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2009 Δημοσ. 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2009 Εχείς φτιάξει δρόμους για πρόσβαση στα σπίτια και στο warehouse. Είναι αρκετά συμαντικό οι δρόμοι γιατί μερικές φορές νομίζεις ότι τα σπίτια η τα κτίρια έχουν πρόσβαση αλλά θέλουν την προσθήκη ένος δρόμου ακόμα.
chill Δημοσ. 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2009 Δημοσ. 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2009 Αν δεν κάνω λάθος το warehouse δεν χρειάζεται να επικοινωνεί με τα marketplaces. Το θυμάμαι γιατί σε ένα νησί δεν το είχα συνδέσει με την παραγωγική ζώνη και παρόλα αυτά όλα αγαθά στοιβάζονταν μεταφέρονταν κανονικά από τα πλοία μου. Μήπως απλά έχει επιλέξει να μην τρέφονται οι κάτοικοι του? Κλικάροντας το σπίτι αυτής της "τάξης" βλέπεις τις ανάγκες που καλείσαι να ικανοποιήσεις, τσέκαρε το μήπως έχεις πατήσει Χ στην τροφή.
FallenAngelGR Δημοσ. 27 Σεπτεμβρίου 2009 Δημοσ. 27 Σεπτεμβρίου 2009 (επεξεργασμένο) Το ποιο πιθανο ειναι να το εχει ξεκλικαρει! Ειμαι στο 5 μερος του campaign και ενω εχω παει το πλοιο μου στο νησι με την αμμοθυελα δεν μπορω να βρω τα κουτια!!! Τι γινετε??? Επεξ/σία 27 Σεπτεμβρίου 2009 από FallenAngelGR
FallenAngelGR Δημοσ. 28 Σεπτεμβρίου 2009 Δημοσ. 28 Σεπτεμβρίου 2009 Το εχει παθει κανενας αλλος? Μερικες φορες οταν φωρτωνω το save κυριος οταν ειχα το Dx10 και ΑΑ χ2 γινοταν αυτο... Οι φανερες περιοχες στον χαρτη ηταν κανονικα φανερες μεσω καμερας αλλα πανω στο mini map ηταν σημαδεμενες σαν ανεξερευνητες... Το εχετε παθει και εσεις?
kostacurtas Δημοσ. 8 Οκτωβρίου 2009 Μέλος Δημοσ. 8 Οκτωβρίου 2009 Κυκλοφόρησε το patch 1.1 για το Anno 1404. Η λίστα με τις αλλαγές: The most important changes: - A crash while saving a game could result in the online profile being lost. This error has been fixed. - The use of special characters within the Windows user name, profile name or savegame name caused several errors (eg invalid savegames or crashes). This error has been fixed. - Memory errors could lead to invalid savegames under specific hardware configurations. This error has been fixed. - Ships which have destroyed a target now wait at that spot for new orders rather than returning to their starting point. - The AI was unable to settle some islands. This error has been fixed. - A function was implemented allowing the items offered at all three ports to be changed. The player now has the opportunity have the Items on offer changed upon payment of a fee in gold. - Military influence areas and firing radii were visually improved to further simplify use of the military. - Norias no longer worked properly after buying the "Mystery of the nomads' achievement. This error has been fixed. - The "Scroll through Ships" and "Scroll through Warehouses" buttons were moved to a more prominent position above the minimap. - The achievements "We have no time to lose" and "The Emirate" have been adjusted. The Imperial Cathedral must now be built in 7 hrs and the Sultan's Mosque in 5 hrs (previously 8 hrs and 6 hrs). In return, the condition requiring the people's satisfaction level to be "adequately satisfied" or better was removed. General: - It was possible to delete savegames and screenshots in the "Gateway to the World" from within the game. This function is not planned. Effective immediately, savegames and screenshots can now only be deleted locally. If you want to delete savegames and / or screenshots online this must be done directly in the "Gateway to the World". - Old games from an online profile could be loaded even without successful login to the "Gateway to the World". This function is not planned. Savegames from an online profile can now only be loaded once login to "Gateway to the World" was successful. - In some cases, when creating an online profile identical ID's were given to different profiles. This could lead to a new online profile overwriting another one. This error has been fixed. - Some special circumstances occasionally resulted in performance downturns. Errors causing this problem have been fixed. - An error causing some interface elements to react to external input (eg, volume control on the keyboard, connecting a Logitech USB headset) has been fixed. - In rare cases the "Fog of War" was not displayed correctly after saving / loading a game. This error has been fixed. - In some menus the confirmation button was within the text box. This error has been fixed. - The info bar for quests / messages has been shifted slightly upwards, so that more orders can be displayed when the bar is expanded. - Some interface elements were still visible in Pause mode. This error has been fixed. - There were rare cases of ships sailing through islands. This error has been fixed. - Pigs and cows are now shown the right size on the farthest zoom level. - Some messages were not properly / fully communicated. This error has been fixed. - There were various minor bug fixes. (Incorrectly positioned cooldown displays, tool tips, typos, incompletely displayed text, etc.) - It is no longer possible to use online profiles or create new ones with modified versions [MODs] of the game. - Some interface graphics (confirmation buttons and sliders) were replaced. - The current status of a ship is now also displayed in a tool tip in the ship selection drop-down menu in the strategy map. Continuous play/Scenarios: - In some cases, quest rewards were not properly transferred to the players. This error has been fixed. - The Carpenter was still able to repair buildings during battle. This was not planned. Buildings currently involved in combat you can no longer be repaired. - Assignments requiring the player to pay gold can now only be accepted if the player's balance allows it. - In rare cases, a few menu items (for example, the menu of a production building) were not displayed correctly. This error has been fixed. - In rare cases, there was a significant delay before the caravel was given to the player after the delivery of the first gift for Al Zahir. This error has been fixed. - The player could still purchase ships from Hassan ben Sahid even after their ship limit had been reached. This was not planned and has been fixed. - In rare cases, the Trebuchet also took damage when bombarding a building. This error has been fixed. - In rare cases, some Market buildings did not send out Market carts to pickup goods. This error has been fixed. - The effectiveness of ranged combat units (especially against military buildings) has been slightly increased. - The effectiveness of naval bombardment against land units has been slightly reduced. - The Emperor's Quest "Nurturing the Alliance" has been simplified. Instead of 75 contracts only 40 contracts must now be completed. - The base chance of a ship on an expedition being successful has been reduced. - In some cases where several ships were ordered in one shipyard, the ship limit points spent on them were not refunded if the shipyard was destroyed before the ships were completed. This error has been fixed. - In rare cases, transport ships were unable to build castles. This error has been fixed. - The maintenance costs for Military buildings and Castles are now correctly booked correctly under "Military" instead of under "Buildings". - The effect of the attainment "Binding handshake" at level 3 has been corrected. Before it had the same effect as at level 1. - In rare cases, ships that were part of an assignment appeared inside an island. This error has been fixed. - The Corsairs no longer sink ships required for quests. - Items which the reduce building / vessel maintenance costs no longer reduce those costs to a negative level. Artificial Intelligence - In some cases the AI was able to build within the player's influence area. This error has been fixed. - In rare cases the AI was able to demolish roads within foreign influence areas. This error has been fixed. - The use of a trade route allowed more goods to be bought from AI players than they had put up for sale. This error has been fixed. - In some cases AI transport ships just stood still when attacked. This error has been fixed. - Ship AI has been improved. AI ships (especially in larger ship formations) now behave more intelligently when under fire. - Military AI target selection has been improved. - In rare cases the AI was able to withdraw its units even though they were in combat. This error has been fixed. - In some cases the proceeds from the sale of "favorite articles" to the AI players were not calculated correctly. The AI players now pay the corresponding (higher) price. - The AI can no longer build a castle when the corresponding transport ship is in combat. - The AI no longer puts "0 t" of an Item up for sale. - The AI now builds its walls more efficiently, making it more difficult to capture an enemy AI settlement. - The AI now also builds Carpenters at Patrician level (and higher). This improves the AI's cityscape, especially at higher levels of civilization. - In rare cases active trading did not function properly at AI Harbors. This error has been fixed. Campaign: - In rare cases the game crashed when loading mission 6 or 8. This error has been fixed. - In rare cases, the game crashed at the end of mission 8. This error has been fixed. - Under some special circumstances, no gift was given to the player in Mission 4. This error has been fixed. - In rare cases, players were unable to obtain the Black Pearl in Mission 7. This error has been fixed. - In some cases the attack in the side quest "Preservation of knowledge" in Mission 5 did not start correctly. This error has been fixed. - The quest "Glassworks" in Mission 5 was not completed if all the necessary manufactories were built before the start of the quest. This error has been fixed. Achievements/Medals: - In some cases the achievement "Man the battlements!" was awarded under false premises. This error has been fixed. - In some cases the achievement "The road map in your head" was awarded under false premises. This error has been fixed. - The achievement "Turn the hose on!" did not always unlock properly. This error has been fixed. - In some cases the medal "Order of the Treasurer" was awarded under false premises. This error has been fixed. - The requirement for the achievement "Who is this Robin?!" has been lowered. Now only 50 Bandit camps are needed. - The requirement for the achievement "Eureka!" has been lowered. Now only 75 attainments are required. - The counters in the tool tips for some successes have been corrected and now show the actual values required.
kostacurtas Δημοσ. 25 Νοεμβρίου 2009 Μέλος Δημοσ. 25 Νοεμβρίου 2009 Anno 1404 Venice Expansion Pack Announced Today Ubisoft announced Anno 1404 Venice, the add-on for Anno 1404, the acclaimed real-time strategy and simulation game released earlier this year. Anno 1404 Venice will combine the signature gameplay mechanics of Anno 1404 and the richness of the Venetian culture. In addition, gamers will now be able to play Anno 1404 with their friends thanks to the new online multiplayer mode. The add-on is due to release next February 2010 in EMEA territories. “With Anno 1404 Venice we are proud to bring a whole new dimension to gamers by letting them experience new multiplayer challenges online with their friends” said John Parkes, marketing director EMEA at Ubisoft, “we're confident that this add-on will please fans of the series as well as newcomers to the franchise.” Key Features of ANNO 1404 Venice: - The rich Anno 1404 environment gets complemented with a new Venetian setting offering new possibilities of interaction: * Build two new Venetian ship types: the small and big tradesman cog * Develop secret cabinets, infiltrate your enemies and sabotage their expansion * Take control over enemy cities thanks to your influence in the cities’ council board - Play Anno 1404 online in a multiplayer mode: * Choose to play versus or coop to defeat the AI by combining your techniques * Up to 8 players - New challenges and quests: * Up to 60 new items and 300 new quests with two new types: trading race and ship boarding * Discover and exploit a new type of island, the Volcano island * New scenarios to face new challenges with new achievements, medals and crests
FallenAngelGR Δημοσ. 16 Μαρτίου 2010 Δημοσ. 16 Μαρτίου 2010 Κανένα σύστημα να σου δείχνει πόσο καταναλώνουν και πόσο παράγεις.. π.χ από κρασί, υπάρχει?
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