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PC Gaming Alliance


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PC Gaming Alliance


PC Gaming Alliance will be the Authoritative Voice of PC Gaming World Wide. We will make data that highlights and promotes the PC platform to analysts, press and the public.


We will promote the PC Gaming Industry and the PC as a gaming platform, provide web and event based forums to discuss, debate and influence all aspects of PC development for gaming for all regions of the world, and guidance to help resolve industry-wide challenges such as: Piracy, Cheating, Security, Consumer experience.


PC Gaming Alliance will also provide guidelines to simplify hardware specifications and speed the introduction of new technologies, as well as improve Consumer PC Gaming Experience by working with developers and publishers and PCGA members to maximize the PC gaming experience in all ways possible.




PC Gaming Alliance Q&A

We try to find out what the organization has been up to.


Since the PC Gaming Alliance made itself known at the 2008 Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, we've all been curious what they've been up to. According to its official site, its mission is to promote the PC as a gaming platform and provide some form of leadership in an attempt to solve issues game developers and publishers face. It claims to be the "Authoritative Voice" when it comes to PC gaming. However, as of yet, we haven't really heard what it's doing.


To find out what's going on, we pitched a few questions over to Randy Stude, president of the PCGA and director of Intel's Gaming Program Office, and Roy Taylor, the PCGA's CTO as well as VP of content relations at Nvidia. The question and answer exchange took place via email...


Οι μεγάλες απουσίες είναι η Valve και η Blizzard. Ίσως με τον καιρό να συμμετάσχουν και αυτές σε αυτόν τον σκοπό.


Πάντως η μεγάλη έκπληξη είναι η Epic. Μετά από το GoW και το φιάσκο που ονομάζεται Unreal Tournament 3 απορώ πώς θα στηρίξουν το PC.

Οι μεγάλες απουσίες είναι η Valve και η Blizzard. Ίσως με τον καιρό να συμμετάσχουν και αυτές σε αυτόν τον σκοπό.


Για την Valve απο το Q&A του IGN που εκανα post λιγο παραπανω:


IGN: Why isn't Valve part of the PCGA? Have you talked to the company about joining? Has Valve talked to you?


Randy Stude: We have spoken with Valve. You will have to ask Valve why they are not a member.


Roy Taylor: We are all in touch with Gabe [Newell] and Doug [Lombardi] and they have many views in common with us. We are sure they will find the Horizons Report interesting. We look forward to them joining when they are ready.


Οσον αφορα την Blizzard απο τις 10 Ιουλιου 2008 μαζι με την Activision αποτελουν πλεον μια εταιρεια. Την Activision Blizzard.


Οποτε ισως δεν εχουν αλλαξει ακομα το logo στο site της PCGA.


Αλλωστε η Blizzard στηριζει και στηριζεται απο το PC οσο λιγες εταιρειες.


Με το World Of Warcraft και τα StarCraft II και Diablo III που ερχονται.


Και τα τρια ειναι πολυ μεγαλοι τιτλοι που βγαινουν αποκλειστικα στο PC.


Πάντως η μεγάλη έκπληξη είναι η Epic. Μετά από το GoW και το φιάσκο που ονομάζεται Unreal Tournament 3 απορώ πώς θα στηρίξουν το PC.


Θα το στηριξει με το καινουργιο παιχνιδι που εχει υπο αναπτυξη και με το Gears Of War 2.


Εγώ απορώ με την EA..

Έχει τις Myhtic, BioWare, Maxis ενώ συνεργάζεται με τόσες άλλες εταιρίες που παράγουν pc games (πχ Crytek) και ακόμα να συνεργαστεί με τις υπόλοιπες...


PC Gaming Alliance Illuminates the State of PC Gaming Worldwide with Release of Horizons Report

Exclusive PCGA study shows PC gaming a $10.7B industry, reveals explosive online growth.


The PC Gaming Alliance (PCGA) today unveiled the key findings from its first "Horizons" Report, an exclusive research study of the PC gaming industry worldwide. Speaking at the Games Convention Developer's Conference in Leipzig, PCGA president Randy Stude announced that PC gaming was a $10.7 billion industry during the year of 2007, with retail sales accounting for just 30 percent of total revenues. According to the report, growth was largely driven by online revenues from Asia, the world's largest market, which is approaching half of total worldwide sales.


Online PC gaming revenue led the way in 2007 with $4.8 billion, nearly double the worldwide retail sales numbers for PC games. Digital distribution sales approached $2 billion, while advertising revenues from websites, portals, and in-game ads accounted for $800 million. Both are expected to grow substantially as major developers and publishers begin to adopt formal strategies to take advantage of new online opportunities.


"Our analysis clearly shows incredible growth in online PC gaming, proof that this industry is far stronger than anyone has reported," said Stude. "Today's consumers shop where they live - online."


According to DFC Intelligence, there is even more room for growth as the broadband market matures.


"By pioneering new business models, the PC has quietly remained the single leading platform for games, not only in terms of consumer usage, but revenue generation," said David Cole, an analyst with DFC Intelligence. "The most fascinating thing about PC gaming is its ability to attract such a diverse audience, both demographically and geographically. The real key has been the rapid growth in penetration of broadband-connected PCs in all markets around the world. Broadband-connected PCs are the key driver of growth for PC gaming. DFC Intelligence estimated that by the end of 2007 less than one-third of households in the top 20 markets for games had a high-speed Internet connection. That clearly indicates that there is still plenty of growth to come. The initiatives of the PCGA will be a key enabler of growth as they will help the industry identify key trends and opportunities in this rapidly emerging market."

  • 11 μήνες μετά...

PC Gaming Alliance Welcomes New Member


The PC Gaming Alliance (PCGA), the non-profit consortium created to promote the PC Gaming Industry and be the authoritative voice of PC Gaming world-wide, is pleased to announce that eight new members - BFG Technologies, Bigfoot Networks, Flextronics, GameStop, GameTap, Gas Powered Games, Howie's Game Shack and InstantAction - have joined our rapidly growing alliance.


These new members bring a wealth of experience to the PCGA, as they provide numerous products and services that enhance and expand the PC gaming industry. By joining the PCGA, they are demonstrating their support for the PC Gaming industry and their commitment to improving the PC gaming experience for users world-wide.



Πλέον η κατάσταση των μελών της PCGA έχει ως εξής:




  • 6 μήνες μετά...

PC gaming topped $13 billion in 2009 - Report


Study finds worldwide retail, downloadable, and advertising revenues for computer games up 3 percent; retail now less than 20% of PC market.


Last year was a rough one for the gaming industry as a whole, with market research firm The NPD Group finding that the US retail sector's total gaming revenues for 2009 slipped 8 percent year-over-year. Despite that, the PC Gaming Alliance today is saying that its own corner of the market not only weathered the storm but managed to grow in the process.


The trade group today--whose stated mission is "to develop and promote solutions that drive the PC gaming industry forward"--released a report prepared by DFC Intelligence that found worldwide PC gaming software revenues were up 3 percent for the year to $13.1 billion. Besides retail, that includes downloadable sales, subscription and microtransaction fees, and online advertising, none of which is included in the NPD numbers.

  • 11 μήνες μετά...

Δεν με αφήνει να ψάξω με το 'PC Gaming Alliance' οπότε αν υπάρχει thread της, ας μεταφερθεί εκεί πέρα.




Ployhar said he doesn’t believe that the departures will affect the PCGA, which is shifting from being a research-led group to an organisation that will be more active in trying to assist game developers, publishers and hardware companies create better PC games. Whether or not this is true, there is one thing we are certain of. The image of PCGA was damaged. We hope that the alliance will keep up and bring more developers to the PC platform!


  • 4 εβδομάδες αργότερα...

φύγανε γιατί απλά από τι λένε δεν υπάρχει λόγος να υπάρχει αυτό το ally καθώς η αγορά των pc games πάει πλέον περίφημα. Ο θάνατος του pc σαν gaming πλατφορμα πλέν ξεπεράστηκε μέχρι να βγει η επόμενη γενιά από κονσόλες και να τον ανακαλύψουν ξανά.


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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