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Chat with an Alienware Seller...


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Chat with an Alienware seller named "Kristian V."(Nick is myself[NIXZ])


####@@@@START@@@@ @@@####


Kristian V.: Hi, my name is Kristian V. How may I help you?


Nick: Theres a lot of new hardware released this month

from Intel: new proccessors and nVidia: new graphics cards.

Im not asking for you to say something about Alienware's new

notebook (the m19x i dont know how you will call it) cause

i already know that Alienware will release something new but

when will Alienware realese those new notebooks with new

hardware included ???


Nick: Anybody there?


Kristian V.: There has not been any news as to when that will

be available. Once there is an announcement will be posted on

our website and through our newsletter.


Nick: So you are saying to me that Alienware will just keep

selling the old notebooks with the old hardware at the same

prize with those brand new notebooks with the new hardware

that other companies like hewlett packard and MSI sell.

Will Alienware drop the prize for the m15x or what ???


Kristian V.: Unfortunately we have not yet announced what

we will be doing. Please keep checking the site daily.


Nick: Im infront of my PC waiting for an answer and if you are

not an artificial inteligent code (script) written to give answers

you probably are in a room full of Alienware sellers, Alienware

notebooks and you have access to files about new releases that

i dont...you have the information that i seek so will you tell

me something new or keep trying to avoid the questions asked ???


Nick: Hello!!!!


Kristian V.: We do not have any information on future products.


Nick: Come on!!! Give me a clue thats the purpose we are all chat

in this so called "room" to abstract some well hidden info...

Why do they call it a chat when the sellers does not answer to crushal

questions and they just trying to bypass them ???


Nick: Anyone there?


Kristian V.: We are not allowed to disclose any information on future



Kristian V.: We only have information on our current hardware.


Kristian V.: Is there anything else that I may help you with?


Nick: "We are not allowed" ??? Come on You dont even like your job its

never late to become what you never were...you are saying whatever they

tell you to say (like a script) im talking to a well programmed script

(flesh and bones included) it takes at least 3 minutes to answer to my

question when you saw that you ve comment something like "not allowed"

you quickly wrote that "We only have information on our current hardware."

thats retarted...are you paid to do this ???


Nick: let me guess your next answer:


Nick: i dont understand what you are saying is there anything else that

i may help you with...


Kristian V. Has Disconnected[/b]


####@@@@END@@@@ @@####


He was typing a respone to my last question for about 30 seconds but he finally

choosed "Hang Up" to Disconnect...at least i ve tried booohahaha!

Info abstracted:

1. No New Notebooks...

2. Alienware will not drop the prizes...

3. I was talking to a well programmed script(flesh and bones included)...

4. No Purpose of chatting...

Have fun safety first!(dont forget to leave a comment...)




Το παλικάρι λοιπόν θεωρεί τον εαυτό του μάγκα επειδή πίεσε έναν υπάλληλο να αποκαλύψει on the record πληροφορίες που δεν του επιτρέπει η εταιρία του να αποκαλύψει.


Μπράβο! Φαντάζομαι ότι αν ο υπάλληλος έπεφτε στη λούμπα και έλεγε κάτι που δεν έπρεπε και απολυόταν ο φίλος μας

α) Θα τον ταίζε μέχρι να βρει δουλειά

β) Θα του έδινε τη γυναίκα του να πηδήξει μιας και η δικιά του θα τον παρατούσε.




Ποιο είναι το επόμενο βήμα του Nick? Να πάει να δείρει καμιά ανυπεράσπιστη γριούλα ίσως;


Το Chat έγινε για Informational και Entertainment Perposes only....

Just a Clue αυτός ήταν ο πραγματικός σκοπός γιατι να πληρώνεις 1800 ευρώ για Alienware με τα ίδια χαρακτηριστικά με ένα Multirama Notebook (1000 ευρώ) δεν είναι το ίδιο...


Δε πιστεύω να σου έδινε κανείς τέτοιου είδους πληροφορίες όσο και να πλήρωνες και μάλιστα με το τρόπο που έγραφες.

Απορώ πάντως με την υπομονή του υπαλλήλου πως συνέχισε να σου απαντά.


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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