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Star Wars: The Old Republic

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Bounty Hunter class confirmed for The Old Republic


Speaking in an EGTV video, BioWare’s confirmed a Bounty Hunter for The Old Republic.


Each class in the Star Wars MMO will get its own epic story arc, in addition to the main storyline of the game, said lead writer Daniel Erickson.


“You’re going to have as much choice in that one class as you would have had in an entire Bioware game before, because every single class gets its own story, and that’s a story personal to the player. He gets to have his own Star Wars trilogy,” Erickson said.


No date on it yet.




Παιδιά, δε ξέρω άμα έχει ξαναειπωθεί αυτό, αλλά τι μας εμποδίζει να φτιάξουμε όλοι jedi στο game?

π.χ. θυμάμαι τις πρώτες μέρες που είχε βγει το Star Wars Galaxies, υπήρχε permadeath, που άμα πέθαινες ως Jedi σβηνόταν ο χαρακτήρας.

Υπάρχει κάτι ανάλογο και εδώ ή μπα;

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Θα είναι ένα απλό class οι jedi προφανώς.

Στο Galaxies ήταν αρκετά uber (αν θυμάμαι καλά), μετά τους έριξαν nerf και buff-αραν τους Bounty Hunters με αποτέλεσμα οι Jedis να έχουν πρόβλημα πάλι. :P


Και τώρα στο Galaxies είναι κι αυτοί ένα class σαν tank όπως έχω διαβάσει.


Εφόσον λοιπόν το πιο πιθανό να μην έχουν κάτι σπέσιαλ σε σχέση με τα άλλα classes τότε είμαστε εντάξει. Δεν έχουμε όλοι το κόλλημα, να γυρνάμε με ένα σπαθάκι. :-D


Για μένα από τα πιο αναμενόμενα παιχνίδια... Το μόνο ΜΜΟ με το οποίο θα ασχοληθώ για πάνω από μια βδομάδα :D!


χωρίς να θέλω να ξενερώσω ρε παιδιά. Και προλέγω ότι και εγώ το περιμένω. Αλλά τι πραγματικά ξέρουμε ; τίποτα. μόνο μερικά documentaries. Αυτή τη στιγμή υπάρχουν πολύ καλύτερες προτάσεις (βλ. eve) ή παιχνίδια όπως το Earthrise που φαίνεται να έχουν κάτι το μοναδικό.


Φοβάμαι ότι το SWTOR ένα απλό point & click simple leveling MMO θα είναι.


Απ'ότι έχουν πει το κάθε class έχει ξεχωριστή ιστορία στην οποία έχεις το δικαίωμα επιλογής της εξέλιξής της.

Τώρα δε ξέρω κατά πόσο είναι αλήθεια αυτά, αλλά μακάρι να τα υλοποιήσουν.

  • 4 εβδομάδες αργότερα...

Star Wars: The Old Republic

Timeline Trailer




---------- Το μήνυμα προστέθηκε στις 12:35 ----------


Star Wars: The Old Republic Meet Ord Mantell


New screenshots from Star Wars: The Old Republic, this time showing off the latest planet to be revealed, Ord Mantell. A hazardous planet known for battle and political Conflict, you can read your history lesson here.





Star Wars: The Old Republic

WoW is the target for The Old Republic, says LucasArts and EA


Both EA and LucasArts have confirmed to VG247 that the target for BioWareʼs newly announced Star Wars: The Old Republic is to make an MMO with a larger userbase than World or Warcraft.


“We have very high expectations for this,” said EA Games president Frank Gibeau, speaking this week at LucasArtsʼ HQ in San Francisco.


“Just look at the base of Star Wars fans, plus what BioWare can do. Trust me: we want to win. EAʼs reputation is for wanting to win.


“This is going to be a powerful category and thereʼs lots of ways to compete in this category. [blizzard] created a much larger opportunity for everybody else, but that doesnʼt mean itʼs going to stay that way.”


LucasArts online boss Tom Nichols concurred, saying that the firm is banking on The Old Republicʼs storytelling component to bust through WoWʼs 11 million subs record.


“When World of Warcraft came out, everybody thought, ʽNo, the market is only this big, because thatʼs as big as EverQuest was.ʼ Blizzard showed that it could be much larger,” he said.


“Our goal is to show that by bringing storytelling to the genre that we can attract an even wider audience. Plus, we have the benefit of this huge brand, which has done very, very well for nearly 30 years.”


When asked specifically if he believed the game will be bigger than World of Warcraft, Nichols said all the ingredients were in place.


“I think this game has that potential, with a premiere developer behind it; with a clear differentiating feature being story and something thatʼs very compelling, and being a feature thatʼs true to BioWareʼs expertise as well as the Star Wars brand; plus the power of the Star Wars brand, which is still doing very, very well 30 years after it started,” he said.


“The opportunity is there for us to do that.”


Star Wars: The Old Republic is a PC-only MMO set in the KOTOR Star Wars timeline, and was shown for the first time in California earlier this week.


The game has no release date.


πλακα που εχουν μερικοι !!!


το μόνο που μπορούν να καταφέρουν είναι

να αυξήσουν τον ανταγωνισμό και να αναγκάσουν

την blizzard να μας δώσει άλλο ένα αριστούργημα στο μέλλον


ps: από φώτο καλά πάμε να δούμε και από gameplay όμως...

  • 3 εβδομάδες αργότερα...
  • 2 εβδομάδες αργότερα...

Star Wars: The Old Republic Q&A - The Republic Trooper Character Class


LucasArts grants us some insight into the latest character class to be revealed for this highly anticipated online game: the Republic trooper.


Although most massively multiplayer games offer gigantic worlds full of monsters to kill, treasures to find, monsters to kill, and even more monsters to kill, developer BioWare is going in a different direction with Star Wars: The Old Republic. This new game, in development at BioWare's Austin, Texas studio, will attempt to combine the vast exploration and social networking of a massively multiplayer game with the in-depth, character-driven story of a single-player role-playing game. That would sound almost too ambitious...except that BioWare itself has authored some of the most popular single-player role-playing games in recent years, including 2003's Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Among other characters that you'll be able to play in the game, one will be the subject of this interview: the Republic trooper, described here by principal lead writer Daniel Erickson and lead combat designer Damion Schubert...






Μπαινω στο official site συχνα και διαβαζω . Μαλλον το παιχνιδι θα αξιζει ... Η τουλαχιστον ετσι εχω καταλαβει εγω .

Μπαινω στο official site συχνα και διαβαζω . Μαλλον το παιχνιδι θα αξιζει ... Η τουλαχιστον ετσι εχω καταλαβει εγω .


Αυτοί στο official site δηλαδή τι λένε; Καλό; :P


(χιουμοράκι, χωρίς παρεξήγηση ελπίζω ;))

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