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Singularity (FPS by Raven Software)


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First Singularity details materialise


Activision has released the first details of sci-fi shooter Singularity.


The PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 game will be set on a mysterious island occupied by Russians during the Cold War, according to the February Game Informer teaser. And it's here that a US pilot uncovers the terrible secrets behind the element E99 tests of the 1950s.


We've no idea what they are, but the central theme involves using time as an aid and a weapon. Apparently enemies can be rapidly aged and decomposed on the spot.


Raven Software of Quake 4 and Wolfenstein credit will be creating Singularity, and use the Unreal Engine 3 to save some time.


Activision unveiled the shooter back at E3 with a trailer but offered little else.


More soon, we hope.



  • 4 εβδομάδες αργότερα...

Singularity: New shots, details


New shots and details have emerged on Raven's time-travelling FPS Singularity, from the latest issue of PC Zone.


It's the "most amazing shooter you'll play in 2009" (in the very literal sense), says PC Zone, as you'll be blasting objects into the 1950s with chronostasis and shooting pure time at baddies with your fingers. What's more amazing than that?


The game begins in 2010 with your character, US Air Force pilot Nate Renko, being flown to investigate strange readings from a mysterious ex-Soviet Union island.


Here he discovers Element 99, a secret weapon developed by the Russians during the Cold War, and the Time Manipulation Device which lets him conduct all sorts of chrono trickery.


"The TMD can project items dusted in E-99 into a future state, or revert them to a previous state," says PCZ. "For example, as enemies rush across a bridge to attack you, the glove can be used to propel the bridge through time, across hundreds of years in a matter of seconds. The effect? Well, the bridge decays under their feet and they fall to their doom."


You can even age enemies on the spot until they're nasty, crumbling skeletons, which looks cool.


What's more, mysterious timewaves on the island occasionally blast Nate back into the past - the 1950s to be exact - standing in the exact same spot but 60s years earlier. Expect Prey-style portals, grenades which 'freeze' time and even big, bug-like 'time ticks' to shoot at.









  • 2 μήνες μετά...

Singularity has age control, not time travel


Bet you all thought Raven’s Singularity was just going to be “another” time-travelling shooter, didn’t you?


Not so. The nuclearafied Cold War FPS allows you to control the age of objects, not the flow of time.


We know because we asked. See:


VG247: The whole “time-control” mechanic is pretty well-worn now. How will Singularity freshen it up?


Jon Zuk, Singularity creative director: Using the Time Manipulation Device or TMD, the player can control the age of objects but not time itself. Many objects can be manipulated and these changes in age are permanent in most cases. When an object is changed in time, it can shift between the current day state and a state as it existed some 60 years in the past, when an accident occurred on the island. The TMD is an amazing piece of equipment, developed far, far ahead of its time. It uses E-99 as a power source, enabling you to effectively change the time-state of different objects, and beings, on Katorga-12. You can use the TMD on objects like ammo crates, gas-filled barrels and electrical equipment, for starters. Aging and renewing things like chains or even concrete supports can let loose heavy or explosive objects to fall on unsuspecting enemies. The TMD also has a Time Stasis feature that allows you to grab items and sustain them in time. A practical and rewarding use of the Time Stasis is grabbing enemy grenades and throwing them back at them – the stasis field nullifies the grenade’s timer so it won’t explode while you’re holding it.


Sound puzzlery.


Singularity is set on a Soviet island after a nuclear experiment goes wrong.


The game’s one of three new IPs Activision’s releasing this year, the other two being Radical’s Prototype and Bizarre racer Blur.


Watch for more from E3.


Το frame rate πέφτει ορισμένες φορές ή έχει πρόβλημα o flash μου;; :P


Θέλει μάλλον λιιιίγο optimization το παιχνίδι.

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οι καλοι αμερικανοι σωζουν τον κοσμο απο τους κακους ρωσους για αλλοι μια φορα.... αμαν πια!


το παιχνιδι φενεται καλο παντως!

  • 3 εβδομάδες αργότερα...

Singularity Gets Pushed to 2010


Activision has decided to push Singularity's original fall 2009 release date to Q1 2010 in order to not compete with its own Modern Warfare 2.


"The level of excitement for Infinity Ward's Modern Warfare 2 coming out of E3 well exceeded our expectations and therefore we have decided to move Raven's upcoming sci-fi first person action title, Singularity, from 2009 to Q1 2010. We believe that the March quarter will provide a better opportunity to establish the new cutting-edge action IP as a "must-have" title and clears the way for Modern Warfare 2 to dominate this holiday season."

Singularity Gets Pushed to 2010


Activision has decided to push Singularity's original fall 2009 release date to Q1 2010 in order to not compete with its own Modern Warfare 2.


"The level of excitement for Infinity Ward's Modern Warfare 2 coming out of E3 well exceeded our expectations and therefore we have decided to move Raven's upcoming sci-fi first person action title, Singularity, from 2009 to Q1 2010. We believe that the March quarter will provide a better opportunity to establish the new cutting-edge action IP as a "must-have" title and clears the way for Modern Warfare 2 to dominate this holiday season."


Ε, εντάξει απολύτως λογικό το βρίσκω... Απέναντι στο MW2, ούτε νέο Halo ή νέο Doom δε θα τα πήγαιναν τόσο καλά...


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