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Apo capture ---> Divx... Ginetai?


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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by TreckeR:<BR><STRONG>Egw pali exw to anti8eto problima.Otan kanw grab me to tv-tuner apo to virtual-dub me realtime divx to framerate anebainei panw apo ta 25fps,gyrw sta 30 kai etsi to video bgainei san na kanw fast-forward!!Den mporw na kratisw sta8ero to fps!!(Duron 850) shocked.gif" border="0</STRONG><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Fantazomai oti exeis ry8misei to VirtualDub gia 25fps. An oxi, ginetai efkola sti kato-dexia plevra tou programmatos. An nai, mas koufanes megale!<BR> confused.gif" border="0 Den mou exei symvei pote


Loipon epeidi ta exo trabisksei afta pou lete tha sas po pos kano ego capture Real Time Divx kai piano ta aparaitita fps.to prog legetai camtasia.tou rithmizeis codec video kai hxo kai dialegeis to parathiro pou thes kau auto arxizei capture.analoga me tin cpu megaloneis to parathiro.ego kano capture apo to parathiro tou programatos tou tuner.episis gia tous ypologistes kai 15 frame einai arketa kato apo 15 paratireis spasimo.to pc mou einai PII374.an exetai apories just ask!


i mean oti otan kaneis capture me auto to prog mono otan pefteis kato apo 15 blepeis spasimo!exo kanei capture oloklires tainies me 16 frames kai pane mia xara dokimase to prog kai tha deis!


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