Sta Δημοσ. 31 Μαΐου 2001 Δημοσ. 31 Μαΐου 2001 Vre pedia otan hmoun mikros,prin kamia 10aria xronia eblepa ston ANT1,mia seira "diasthmikh" typou Star Trek as poume,htan me kati typous pou ebazan th gro8ia tous sthn kardia kai elegan "power" nomizw kai energopoiountan h aspida pou eixan... Den xerw an sas fwtisa...Mhpws 8umatai kaneis pws thn elegan?Eixa poro8ei tote.
LL_NEO Δημοσ. 31 Μαΐου 2001 Δημοσ. 31 Μαΐου 2001 Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future an thumamai kala. O Lord Dred itan polu mouri.
Pads Δημοσ. 1 Ιουνίου 2001 Δημοσ. 1 Ιουνίου 2001 Xe xe poli wraia seira!!..pou th thymithikes...<BR>Ola ta robot eixan ena fwteino tetragono sto thwraka<BR>An den kanw lathos yphrxe kai ena lightgun gia na paizeis sto kanape kathws parakoloutheris th seira
crAss Δημοσ. 1 Ιουνίου 2001 Δημοσ. 1 Ιουνίου 2001 An einai ekeini i fasi me to lightgun tin thimame amidra...<BR>Thimame otan pigaina deutera-triti dimotikou pou to pername apo to video club me to pistoli kai xairomastan kai nomizame pos skotoname tous kakous stin tileorasi...<BR>E re orees anamniseis...<P>crAss
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