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Need For Speed Undercover


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Need For Speed Undercover


John Riccitiello has unveiled the next Need for Speed game and confessed to "torturing" developers working on previous instalments in the series.


Need for Speed Undercover, as the game is titled, will have been in development for considerably longer than its predecessors by the time it's released later this year.


Speaking in an investors meeting, Riccitiello confirmed that the NFS team worked on 12-month development cycles for eight years in a row before bosses took pity on them.


"Last summer we added head count and split the team in two, so now there are two teams on a 24 month cycle," Riccitiello stated.


"We were torturing a very talented group of people up in Vancouver, which makes it harder to be as innovative every year. So, I think we are going to get better from here."


Riccitiello is confident Need for Speed Undercover will "a much better game" than the previous instalment in the series, thanks in part to a richer storyline. Doesn't sound like he was too impressed with Need for Speed Pro Street, which came out last November.


"I thought it was an okay game, in terms of gameplay. It's not good," Riccitiello observed. He's not wrong.


"But who wanted Pro Street? It was a sort of made up, put numbers on the side of your car and pretend to drive your Ferrari where? Or your Porsche where?"


Undercover, according to Riccitiello, is instead taking cues from action films. "For those of you who ever saw movies like The Transporter - it's sort of a cult classic among people with a B-movie mentality, which fits me perfectly," he said.


"I liked it. I apologise. For those of you with no taste, and you liked it too, we can go have a Schlitz after this." Love to.


There's no word on which platforms Need for Speed Undercover is in development for, but chances are it's more than one. Or eight.

  • Απαντ. 302
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Ευχαριστα νεα. Μακαρι να εχουν καταλαβει τα λαθη του παρελθοντος και να φτιαξουν ενα νεο παιχνιδι ανταξιο του ονοματος της σειρας.


Ο John Riccitiello της ΕΑ αποκάλυψε ότι η εταιρεία του εργάζεται ήδη στον επόμενο τίτλο της γνωστής racing σειράς, που θα ονομάζεται Need for Speed Undercover. Όπως αποκάλυψε ο Riccitiello σε μια συνάντηση μετόχων, οι ομάδες ανάπτυξης των NFS παιχνιδιών εργάζονται 12 μήνες πάνω σε κάθε τίτλο.


Αντίθετα με τα μέχρι σήμερα δεδομένα, η ομάδα του NFS Undercover, που εδρεύει στο Vancouver, εργάζεται πάνω στο νέο μέρος της σειράς εδώ και 2 χρόνια. Η εταιρεία εκτιμά ότι ο φετινός τίτλος θα είναι αρκετά καλύτερος απʼ οποιονδήποτε προηγούμενο, με την εκτίμηση του Riccitiello για το Pro Street να είναι η εξής: «Πίστευα πως το Pro Street ήταν καλό παιχνίδι, από άποψης gameplay. Δεν ήταν, όμως».


Τέλος, αξίζει να αναφερθεί πως δεν έγιναν περαιτέρω ανακοινώσεις, όπως ημερομηνία κυκλοφορίας ή συστήματα για τα οποία θα είναι διαθέσιμο...




φαντασου ακομα και αυτοι καταλαβαν οτι το pro street ητανε πατατα.

Αντε να δουμε τι θα κανουνε σε τουτο.

  • 1 μήνα μετά...

Need For Speed Undercover dated, Christina Milian confirmed


First Teaser


Unlike NFS: Pro Street, which was heavily hyped throughout the course of 2007, the upcoming NFS: Undercover seem to trying to stay below the radar. However, it now seems EA are finally ready to start the hype-train for the game by releasing the first trailer for the title on YouTube.


Seeing as the trailer for the game is all live-action / CGI, it really does not tell us much in regards to the content of the game, and what the gameplay will be like. However, in the trailer Christina Milian makes an appearance, which pretty much confirms she will be this years poster-girl for the game. Actress Maggie Q also appears in the trailer too. The trailer ends by confirming a release date for this game, Novemeber 18th, and showing a link to a website - Whichroadtotake.com


Previously, Electronic Arts CEO John Riccitiello stated that Undercover is taking inspiration from action films such as The Transporter to tell the games story. John Doyle, from EA Black Box also hinted that the game will have a “Most Wanted-ish” sandbox style of gameplay.


Riccitiello also previously commented that ProStreet didnʼt live up to EAʼs hopes for the game, which is a pretty candid statement for a CEO to make about one of his own games. As a result this game has being granted a longer period in development - 18 months instead of the usual 12.


Πιο πολύ για ταινία κάνει παρά για παιχνίδι. θα δούμε πάντως το τι θα λέει, είναι νωρίς ακόμα να το κρίνουμε. και από ότι θυμάμαι συνήθως στις ημερομηνίες τους για τα nfs ήταν μέσα, ε? Ωραία.


Απο τοτε που σταματητσαν να βαζουν ferrari και και μερικα καλα οπως diablo-countach επεσαν πολυ τα nfs προφυλακτηρες αεροτομες και σκ@τουλες μπλε

  • 3 εβδομάδες αργότερα...

Need for Speed Undercover unveiled in CA, first details


EAʼs confirmed that Need for Speed Undercover is playable at its Studio Showcase in California today, and has released first details on the racerʼs next step.


“Need for Speed Undercover takes the franchise back to its roots and re-introduces break-neck cop chases, the worldʼs hottest cars and spectacular highway battles,” said the firm.


“The intense action racing title scheduled for release this holiday will feature international movie star, Maggie Q, as the lead character in the big-budget live-action sequences that propel the gameʼs original story forward.”


Undercover is a cert for Leipzig next week, so weʼll bring you plenty from Germany.


Need for Speed Undercover - Developer Interview


WP: Who has the honor to speak with us? State your name, rank, and occupation!


I'm Scott Nielsen, and I'm one of the producers on Need for Speed Undercover...




Need for Speed Undercover - First Screens


EA Black Box announced Need for Speed Undercover, an intense action racing title starring international movie star Maggie Q as the lead character in the live-action sequences that propel the original story forward, taking the franchise back to its roots and re-introduces breakneck cop chases, the world's hottest cars and spectacular highway battles.


Need for Speed Undercover is being developed by Black Box in Vancouver, B.C., and is slated to be in stores North America on November 18 and in Europe on November 21.






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