S_DECATHLON Δημοσ. 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2008 Δημοσ. 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2008 Ποσο sim ειναι ενα ποδοσφαιρακι που αγνοει τη συμμετοχη του διαιτητη; Εδω βγαζει φιφα στριτ τι λεμε τωρα...Αυτη η εταιρια εχει αποτυχει να βγαλει αξιο sim οχι μονο στο ποδοσφαιρο, αλλα και στο μπασκετ καθως και στα μηχανοκινητα. Ειναι ολα (σχεδον) "αμερικανιες", αυτη ειναι η γνωμη μου. Παιξε το φιφα 09..Εχεις μια 2η ευκαιρια να το ξανασκεφτεις;)
papeipa Δημοσ. 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2008 Δημοσ. 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2008 Νεες φοτο στο gamespot εχει και ολυμπιακο αεκ με πατσα ετοιμο να πυροβολησει και Δελλα!!!!!Ριμπο!!!!!Ανανεωση των ροστερ?http://www.gamespot.com/pages/image_viewer/frame_lead.php?pid=949452&img=1&popup=1
MiltoZ Δημοσ. 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2008 Δημοσ. 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2008 Έχει πάρει licenses κάι για το uzbekistan?
MiltoZ Δημοσ. 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2008 Δημοσ. 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2008 Όχι μωρέ, καλύτερα εκεί που πήγε ο παπούς να γλυτώσουμε κι εμείς οι φίλαθλοι από την ταλαιπωρία, να βρει κι αυτός την ησυχία του σε μία πολιτισμένη χώρα.
alou Δημοσ. 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2008 Δημοσ. 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2008 Φυσικα. Τα εντυπωσιακα μενου ηταν κατ εξοχην χαρ/κο του φιφα. Κατι τετοιο προσπαθησαν να περασουν και στο προ08, ακομα και η μουσικη, η αναφορα των music tracks κ.οκ. ειναι καθαρα EAgame-ιστικο στυλ. Nαι, σιγουρα αντεγραψε. Ολοι κανουν λαθη, ειδικα οταν πρεπει να κρατησεις την κορυφη μετα απο τοσες συνεχειες. Ποσο sim ειναι ενα ποδοσφαιρακι που αγνοει τη συμμετοχη του διαιτητη; Εδω βγαζει φιφα στριτ τι λεμε τωρα... Αυτη η εταιρια εχει αποτυχει να βγαλει αξιο sim οχι μονο στο ποδοσφαιρο, αλλα και στο μπασκετ καθως και στα μηχανοκινητα. Ειναι ολα (σχεδον) "αμερικανιες", αυτη ειναι η γνωμη μου. Αυτο ειναι σωστο. Περιοχή: κρεβάτι Όταν ξυπνήσεις και πιείς ένα πολύ δυνατό καφέ τα ξαναλέμε. (άλλο σκεφτόμουν να πω για την περιοχή που δηλώνεις αλλά είπα να μην το χοντρύνω ) Δεν έχεις τελειώς άδικο να φαντάζεσαι αυτά που αναφέρεις βέβαια, αλλά παραμένουν μόνο φαντασία όσον αφορά το Fifa09. Άμα μπείς στον κόπο να τσεκάρεις τι παίζει θα αλλάξεις γνώμη είναι σίγουρο.
MiltoZ Δημοσ. 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2008 Δημοσ. 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2008 Άμα μπείς στον κόπο να τσεκάρεις τι παίζει θα αλλάξεις γνώμη είναι σίγουρο. Καθόλου σίγουρο δεν μου φαίνεται με βάση τα επιχειρήματα που παραθέτει. Και εντάξει για την Αμερικανιά και τους διαιτητές, αλλά στο επιχείρημα του fifa street τι μπορείς να αντιπαραθέσεις, ε?
polakis21 Δημοσ. 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2008 Μέλος Δημοσ. 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2008 Καθήστε να δούμε το ντέμο του pro πρώτα και βλέπουμε. Είπαμε είναι και τα 2 πολύ καλά παιχνίδια φέτος. Το λένε και όλα τα review/preview. Από εκεί και πέρα είναι γούστο του καθενός. Δεν μπορείς να βγαίνεις και να λες, πω πω είναι μούφα το pro2009 ή το αντίθετο... Ο χρόνος θα δείξει...
anamenos Δημοσ. 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2008 Δημοσ. 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2008 Καθήστε να δούμε το ντέμο του pro πρώτα και βλέπουμε. Είπαμε είναι και τα 2 πολύ καλά παιχνίδια φέτος. Το λένε και όλα τα review/preview. Από εκεί και πέρα είναι γούστο του καθενός. Δεν μπορείς να βγαίνεις και να λες, πω πω είναι μούφα το pro2009 ή το αντίθετο... Ο χρόνος θα δείξει... άντε να το δούμε και αυτό...
dp@pa Δημοσ. 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2008 Δημοσ. 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2008 ρε παιδια, δεν ειναι τα ιδια! .ΤΕΛΟΣ...μην λεμε πολλα...αλλα μην λεμε και πραγματα που δεν ισχυουν! ΤΟ ΕΝΑ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΣΙΜ για την 100στιι φορα και το αλλο ARCADE. Και αυτο το λενε ολα τα review! παντα φιλικα!...
anamenos Δημοσ. 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2008 Δημοσ. 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2008 ρε παιδια, δεν ειναι τα ιδια! .ΤΕΛΟΣ...μην λεμε πολλα...αλλα μην λεμε και πραγματα που δεν ισχυουν! ΤΟ ΕΝΑ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΣΙΜ για την 100στιι φορα και το αλλο ARCADE. Και αυτο το λενε ολα τα review! παντα φιλικα!... παλιά πάντος ήταν όλα όμορφα και ωραία που κράζατε το FIFA χρονιά έμπενε , χρονιά εβγενε, τα πραγματα όμως έχουν αλλάξει και δεν αλλάζει τπτ ότι ο Ρεαλισμός είναι δουλειά της ΕΑ πλέον, το Pro είναι για τους fan και όσους τους φαίνεται πολύ δύσκολο να παίξουν FIFA09...
polakis21 Δημοσ. 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2008 Μέλος Δημοσ. 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2008 Εγώ πάντως παίζω και τα δυο με την ίδια άνεση... Αφήστε που τελικά φτιάχνω δική μου ομάδα για να σας ξεφτιλίσουμε στο fifa09! LOL
dp@pa Δημοσ. 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2008 Δημοσ. 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2008 Εγώ πάντως παίζω και τα δυο με την ίδια άνεση... Αφήστε που τελικά φτιάχνω δική μου ομάδα για να σας ξεφτιλίσουμε στο fifa09! LOL BRING IT!.. -----Προστέθηκε 30/9/2008 στις 04 : 30 : 14----- Εγώ πάντως παίζω και τα δυο με την ίδια άνεση... Αφήστε που τελικά φτιάχνω δική μου ομάδα για να σας ξεφτιλίσουμε στο fifa09! LOL μην ανήσυχης και εμείς παίζουμε με άνεση και στα 2..απλά το ένα είναι απλά ξενερα!
polakis21 Δημοσ. 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2008 Μέλος Δημοσ. 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2008 Για σένα είναι ξενέρα. Για άλλους είναι εξίσου καλό και για άλλους τέλειο. Προσωπικά για μένα το pro2009 θα είναι ένα arcadosimulation παιχνίδι. Και αυτό δεν μπορείς να το λες έτσι απλά ξενέρα, επειδή σου αρέσει μόνο το φιφα. Μην λέμε πάλι τα ίδια... Είπαμε είναι και τα 2 πολυ καλά παιχνίδια...
privateer Δημοσ. 1 Οκτωβρίου 2008 Δημοσ. 1 Οκτωβρίου 2008 Ok, here it goes. I played PES 2009 (review copy, top player difficulty) for about 4 hours today on PS3. What follows are the initial impressions of the game, mainly about the gameplay because I didn't have much time to play with the various modes and competitions. First and foremost: PES09 runs like a dream on PS3. I can't remember the last PES I enjoyed with no slowdown at all (I think it was FE on the Cube) but this one certainly runs like it should. There was no drop in the frame rate in any situation I encountered. No slowdown in areas when too many players are gathered, no slowdown in the midfield, no hiccups when the ball crosses the line, etc. There is no noticeable slowdown in replays either. I tested it in wide camera and in traditionally "slowdown" stadiums, with one and two players co-op and vs, with bad and good weather, day and night. The game is rock solid in that department. Graphics: There are some improvements but nothing too great and certainly nothing that matches FIFA09. Some players seem better designed than others (like always) and pitch textures are a little improved. Rain effects are very well done and the lighting changes convincingly in the various stadiums and conditions. It's all very subtle but distinguishable. Animation is more organic than PES08 but the players still seem stiff when they run, again not in par with FIFA09. There are some new animations like players intercepting the ball by stretching their legs or controlling it with a small header but all in all nothing major. If you don't have many expectations (and frankly who has with PES) you will not be disappointed or blown away either. Sound: Still shit. Commentary and general atmosphere are still shit with the same old chants and fx. There are some new pain sounds when a player is tackled too hard and the crowd seems a little more alive but nothing major. There is also a small delay when you score before the crowd goes wild (which is idiotic) but I'll have to test it more to be sure. Licensing: Same old shit. Very few teams are licensed. Some stadiums have their right names and there is the inclusion of the Wembley which is impressive. Champions League: The music and the flag waving is there. All matches are done at night and it starts at the group phase. There are home and away games (you can change that if you want to) but I didn't have time to play past the groups to see if the rules apply properly (hopefully I will know more tomorrow). The game has no concept of seeding and it randomly places teams on groups. My impression was that it picks amongst the ones which are licensed (hence the "CL with 32 licensed teams" Konami tagline) because Arsenal or Chelsea were not automatically picked. You can create your own groups of course but the mechanism for doing so is cumbersome (when you pick a team to be replaced it brings a rotating menu in front of you to pick the team you want to enter but there is no way of knowing if the team is already picked. Lots of looking to the groups to see if the team you want is there or not. Also, there are no names under the teams at this phase, just logos, which makes it more time consuming). As far as the rest it plays like any other competition with stats, rankings, etc. I did not have time to verify if it is integrated in the ML but it has been confirmed by the OPM that it's not. Master League: I didn't have the time to see it but with CL not being integrated it remains pretty much the same boring stuff. Gameplay: Now this is where things get interesting. First and foremost: Konami has integrated the stupid mechanism of having to press L1 to change to the player who receives the ball. If you do not press L1 then the player who receives the pass is controlled by the AI until you press L1. This was done in order for us to be able to control the player w/o the ball s and make runs. Unfortunately I didn't understand what is the use of it since the AI does not do anything special by itself. There were few times that managed to pass me a good ball while most of the times it failed. In order for it to do something I had to initiate it before hand (like a 1-2 pass) which mainly makes this mechanism useless. Also, it is irritating and breaks the flow of play having to press L1 after each pass you make. True, this needs more testing in order for its usefulness to be revealed (if it has any) but to me it seemed like a stupid implementation. In addition, I hate not having control over my players and I feel it would be much more sensible to use the FIFA mechanism to create runs. Fortunately this can be turned off by using "semi-assist" in the cursor settings, thus returning the game to the state we all know. The pace of the game is slower. Its speed seems to strike a balance between PES6 and PES08. This initially feels perfect but after a while players with great pace could not be distinguished very clearly. Still, extraordinary players like Messi or Ronaldo seemed to outpace others (though not with the expected ease). I fear for the appearance of the "catching up defenders" which I hoped Konami was smart enough to get rid of. Another area that needs more testing. Dribbling is more difficult (but certainly not impossible) than last year which is a good thing. Passes are the same and crossing seems a little more random. Crossing in the box remains satisfying but shooting still feels out of the player's control in some cases, mostly in long shots. Still, there is power there and some beautiful shots were made. The slower pace makes the build up play more realistic (and important) and collision detection had more hits than misses. Defenders have more weight but I believe they need a little more to reach PES6 levels. Keepers have been slightly improved but they are not steady enough yet, not catching the ball in some easy shots. Last but not least the referees: they are strict and hard challenges automatically get a yellow. There were also two reds for a last defender foul. I am hoping this proves useful in online matches. Initial impressions suggest that gameplay feels much improved than last year's but it is mainly more of the same old PES since the fundamental mechanics remain unchanged. This feels like an evolution from PES6 than a continuation from PES08. And for those who care, the AI is still laughable. http://www.rllmukforum.com/index.php?s=&showtopic=187296&view=findpost&p=5441717 At last year's PES-gathering for media I spoke with some overly intoxicated european KONAMI-associates. Theyexpressed a frustration about KONAMI in Japan not really understanding what is important in Europe and that they are desperately trying to get more influence. In PES2008 they started to get more ideas through, like a licensed menu song for instance. In 2009 there is a detail that says alot about the PES series. There are now alot more licensed music, but instead of writing out the songname and artist, which would be the natural way to do it, they continue with their system of writing songname and the genre (rock, techno, etcetera). As if that is interesting. The same peculiar way of thinking is unfortunately found alot in PES2009. Improvements, but without a feeling for how to best please us the players. Repairs: The defensive line Among the worst things with PES 2008 was that the defenders all too often were completely absent and wrong in their runs which could lead to the opponents getting free passage to a scoring opportunity. It is much better this year. This is despite the fact that Seabass refused to recognize the problem last year. Your teammates also move significantly better this year and holding L1 before passing often leads to the passer making a nice long run. It is also a bit more unusual for goalkeepers to make big blunders and, above all, the refresh rate has improved since last year's version, which was almost unplayable. Improvements: Ball physics The biggest improvement is that overall the ball is more alive. As the players are now stretching more after balls, there will be more somewhat failed balltouches. Someone may get a toe in, and the ball is "free" on the pitch. An attempt to stand in the way of a ball might instead become a embarassing tunnel. Players try, but fail completely to reach a ball. Shots bounce on players standing in the way and in duels and overcrowded areas anything can happen. It may, because of this, sometimes become even more messy in tight situations in the penalty area and it will probably take a long time before you learn that it can be dangerous to have too many people in the same area. On the whole more balls become "loose". In PES 2008 to PS3/360 the ball was more often pegged to a player. It is a delicate balance. We do not want the ball to be an entirely free entity as in Sensible Soccer, but Konami found a really good balance in PES 2008 for PS2. Unfortunately, it is not quite as free and successful in PES 2009, but it is better than the last to PS3/360. New: Player Control An interesting new feature is that you can now choose to only switch players when you press L1. With this setting you do not automatically switch players when a player receives a pass. This means that you can let the computer play the ball around before you become one of them to pass the ball to someone you have started a run with. Not simple to get used to, but there is clearly a point to the feature. Another new feature is that you can decide which players you want to be able to control on the pitch. For example, an attacker, a sidemidfielder and the defensive midfield. Then, when you change players with L1, you will only switch between these players. In this way, you and up to six friends (in the PS3 version) can split the team between you if you want. In the case of feints and tricks alot of them are now performed automatically as long as you move with technical players. Ronaldo may, for example, make a stepover feint while changing direction. Otherwise, the control is familiar. Better, but not enough? This is one of the most permanent impressions I get, this is better than last year, but not as good as PES 2008 for PS2. There Konami found a balance between a free ball and a play on the pitch that completely depended on the player. In the versions to 360 and PS3, it happens too often that stupid players on the plan or big goalkeeper bloopers cause conceded goals. The awkward and bad passing game remain, and may even have worsened. Either the direction control for the passes is too sensitve, or KONAMI has implemented a too large random factor during passing since they still can end up all over the place. Certainly not in every situation, but too often. Become a Legend: the basics Konami is this year trying to outright copy EA's Be A Pro. Create a player as midfielder or attacker. Then choose a league or create your own with the teams you want. Now you're always controlling the same player and initially you play a test game. You observe the action on the pitch from a slightly zoomed-in camera that follows your player, and it's your job to perform as well as possible. To become more involved in the game, you can request a pass with 2 quick presses of R2 (or if you change the configuration). But unlike FIFA's Be A Pro mode, your teammates do not pass immediately. Instead, they pass a little when they feel like it, which can lead to the opportunity already having passed by the time you get the ball. Once again, KONAMI completely ignores the "accessibility aspect" of the game. Become a Legend: in a larger club After the Test, you get bids from various teams and must choose one of them. The wacky thing is that you end up in a major club from the start, and your player is easily worse than any of your teammates in the starting 11. I choose to play for Everton (Merseyside Blue), and at first I am playing an internal training match against the others in the team. I do fairly badly even though I am taking a lot of responsibility. I miss some important passes and miss the 2 scoring opportunities I create. But I still manage a 7.5 rating which is best in my team. To make a long story short, after about 20 matches (that is, around 1800 minutes) I had been able to get subbed in in about half of the matches, and rarely more than fifteen minutes per game (total playing time is approximately 150 minutes of 1800 minutes). The rest of the time, I have had to watch the matches from the bench. While one can increase the tempo of the matches to four times as fast, it is still about five minutes per game. Become a Legend: failed joke? The sad thing is that when I do get to play I almost always get a better rating than my fellow players, and I both score goals and deliver assists. After a bunch of games most of my teammates are almost completely drained of energy and their form-arrows point straight downhill. Despite all this I still don't get to start matches. It would have been okay if I had developed my player so far, but after 20 games, he has not yet received a single improved stat. The fact is that he has not even had a half step in any stat. Hopefully, Konami forgot to inform me that this is an unfinished game mode which will be fixed before release. Otherwise, this is nothing more than a failed joke. Master League: as usual Us Master League-enthusiasts have by now become accustomed to Konami ignoring us every year. The career mode has barely evolved over the past five years, and it is the same thing this year. The only thing that changed is that the negotiations now take place in two stages; first with the club, then with the player. More specicially, first a transfer fee with the club, and then salary and contract negotiations with the player. Otherwise, nothing has happened and it is as frustrating as usual. The graphics and sound: better Graphically there has been some improvement. The players look a little better, the audience may be a little more alive, framerates are clearly improved, many new animations have been added, the menus at least have some kind of design this year and facial expressions are more alive. Sound-wise, besides a few songs that are actually sort of OK, there are also more chants included in the arenas (even though they become a bit repetitive after a while). Online: confusion Choose name, favorite team, favourite players and a signature before you go serverhunting. It is divided into British, German and a few other variants. You can see where there are people, and how many they are. Then you go into different lobbies and find players. I spent an hour trying to get up and running it, but hopefully it is simply not ready yet and Konami have forgotten to tell me. From the menus, however, I can figure out that it should be possible to play two against two online (in 2003 Seabass said in an interview that they could fix eleven against eleven online on PS2), and there is a Legend mode in which it seems possible to bring in your "Become A Legend" players and be one of four that play in the same team. Exactly how it works, we have not yet been able to test. The Edit mode: same In PES2009, as in the past, it is possible to change team names and go in and fine-tune players in everything from appearance to behavior. For example, there are 16 different shoes (no custom creation), about as many settings as last year when it comes to facial hair, hair, facial models and more. Faces can be modified quite alot, but hairstyles and beards are still lacking in numbers a bit. To set the dribble and freekick styles feels extremely pointless, but the 71 different goal celebration styles is as fun as last year. It is possible to import a picture with the Playstation Eye, but it does not appear to be improved from last year, and us who have beards can forget trying to include it with the player. Licensing: fewer The big news is that Konami seems to have lost the entire Spanish league. They have the wrong team names and wrong kits. In England Liverpool and Manchester United should be confirmed, but the names are still wrong in this versions. Bayern Munich has been replaced for Zenit St Petersburg and in the Nordic countries Helsingborg have had to leave room for Brøndby (left are Hammarby, AIK, Rosenborg, Helsinki, IFK Gothenburg and Copenhagen). In other words, not one licence has been added without atleast one other being dropped. Other short impression: • Replays can now be viewed even after a break in play. • Still quite "steered"/controlled who has the ball. • The runs are still a bit "stilted". • Still running in eight directions only. • Simply holding X and square works alarmingly good to steal the ball from the computer. • As in 2008, it happens a little too often that players are on the totally wrong place on the pitch. A DMF up at the offensive throw-in, for example. • Online Games requires Konami ID - at least in the PS3. • Jostles can end in several/more ways. • The players still do not understand where the sidelines are. • Players sometimes stop for almost a second when they miss a reception/trap or duel. • Must still by myself check what match comes next and what applies in it. Conclusion: almost all the way Much has been improved since 2008, and except for when I was playing Become A Legend, I have had a lot of fun with PES 2009. It is much better than 2008 on many of the key points, but I am still a little disappointed. This is what PES 2008 should have been. Now, I had expected yet another step farther. One step closer to the gameplay "feel" the PS2 version had last year, a lot more additional licenses, less rigid animations on the pitch, smarter players and much more. Instead, Konami invested in a number of new game modes, which hopefully was not functioning as they would in the unfinished version I tested. To sum up: really good, but not the cracker I was hopeing for.
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