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BioShock Infinite

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Αναρωτιέμαι αν θα εχει καμια σχέση με τα προηγούμενα 2 Bioshock.


edit: Ο Γουικις λεει

Though BioShock Infinite shares the same name with the other two games, Levine has stated that this is a new direction, and was coy to answer if they shared the same universe. Levine referred to the term BioShock not as a specific location or setting, but a concept conjoined by two ideas: the exploration of a fantastical setting, and the use of a large number of tools and abilities in creative manners to survive. Levine affirmed that with the similarities between the games, "It would be dishonest to say this is not BioShock".

Κρατήστε αυτό το video για να δείτε πόσο θα αλλάξει το παιχνίδι σε UI, HUD,main character movement (πχ, δείτε στο 2:39 πως κινείται), η χρήση του plasmid στο 6:13 και cam controls


* You play as a man named Booker De Witt (complete with actual backstory and personality - a first for series protagonists), given an offer by a mysterious man to rescue a woman trapped in Columbia: Elizabeth, the lady from the trailer.


* Elizabeth is a psion with very great potential, learning to control her powers as you progress through the game and bond with her. Freeing her from confinement is only the start: the rest is escaping Columbia alive, and working with her to combine abilities will be key in combat and exploration.


* There will be NO Big Daddies. The creature at the end of the trailer is currently only referred to as "Him", and he serves as the sole flying watchdog of Columbia, keeping Elizabeth captive under orders for 15 years. As a result, they're the only friends that each other has had since then, and your actions threaten the life he's had with her in his eyes. Reconciling the relationships between Him, Booker, and Elizabeth will be the core of the story.


* The first creature seen in the trailer is called an Alpha. What was seen was only half of its body. Think of a human that had everything but its head and vital organs replaced with robot parts, and you've got an Alpha. They're huge and hit hard, and have the power to revive other Alphas.


* To the world at large, Columbia represents an ever-looming threat of U.S. nationalism and technological progress for the sake of world power, underneath the cover of a peace symbol. Said pursuit of power led to an unknown event, leading to Columbia breaking ties with the U.S. and vanishing in 1912.


* Columbia is undergoing a civil war between two factions: the ruling party working to maintain the demented status quo of corrupt nationalism, and the Vox Populi working to rid Columbia of its inherent xenophobia and nationalism by ANY means possible. Elizabeth and her abilities will serve as the key point on which the outcome hinges.


* A brand-new engine is being utilized for this game. Any buildings or objects you see in the distance exist in real-time, and any floating building is subject to physics regardless of distance.


* The radial menus are gone now, meaning that you're no longer limited in your weapon selection, requiring you to be more adaptable to the environment and enemies.


* Combat has also been modified to give more of an urgent pace, especially with the addition of skyline combat, moving along automated zipline tracks from building to building, and track to track, while fighting passing enemies both melee- and ranged-style.


* In addition to abilities granted through upgrades, certain powers are now granted temporarily by drinking bottles called vigors. Each one has a set number of uses, with weaker ones having more uses and stronger ones having less. One new power, called Murder of Crows, allows crow-summoning attacks at a distance.


* Since Columbia will have people that mostly won't shoot first, you can walk into certain hot spots and listen to conversation, gaining hints and little tidbits about Columbian life... until either you or somebody else decides to open fire.


* The upgrade system has been revamped, making any upgrades you choose permanent, and thus affecting the types of vigors you can obtain as well. Each choice you make will also have a moral and political impact that is being kept secret at this time.


* Multiplayer is currently unconfirmed. Apparently, Ken Levine and the team haven't yet come up with anything fitting enough to take place in the world of Infinite, but they're not ruling out the possibility.


* The revival mechanism will currently be returning to the Bio Shock 1 aproach: no option to shut it off, but no penalty for dying either. This may not stay that way, however, as the team behind Infinite is working to see if they can make it better.


* The title is significant. This isn't being considered a Bio Shock 3, but the significance of it being called Infinite will be revealed in due time...



Απλά φανταστικό δεν εχω λόγια, φοβερή η ολη σύλληψη του παιχνιδιού πιστεύω πως ειναι η τέλεια συνέχεια του παιχνιδιού κατα την γνώμη μου μετα το bioshock 1 το 2 ''έπρεπε'' να είναι τούτο.

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