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Crysis Warhead


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E δεν το πιστευω!! αντι να το κανουν πιο ελαφρυ το εκαναν ΑΚΟΜΑ ΠΙΟ ΒΑΡΥ????:mad::mad::mad: Ακους εκει 4 gb ram γα να παιξει στο high? Αυτο ειναι το optimiaztion που μας ελεγαν???? Δηλαδη εγω και οι εχουμε συστημα με 2 gb ram δεν θα μπορουμε να το παιξουμε στο high????:mad::mad:

  • Απαντ. 606
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

Aναγκαστηκα να κανω αναβαθμιση για να μπορεσω να παιξω το crysis στο high και τωρα σε λιγοτερο απο χρονο πρεπει να κανω ΚΑΙ ΠΑΛΙ ΑΝΑΒΑΘΜΙΣΗ???? ΕΛΕΟΣ!! ΔΕΝ ΝΤΡΕΠΟΝΤΑΙ ΛΙΓΑΚΙ???? Δυστυχως επειδη μεχρι του χρονου το καλοκαιρι δεν υπαρχει περιπτωση να αγορασω νεο pc αναγκαστικα θα παιξω το crysis WARHEAD στο συστημα της υπογραφης μου...:shock::confused: Τι να πω ειλικρινα με απογοητευσε η crytek. Μου φαινεται θα τους στειλω κανενα email να τους τα ψαλω!! Ετσι θα μαθουν να μην τα βαζουν με τον SHREDDER!!

  • Moderators

Εδώ έχει λίγο TDM (& Interview στα γερμανικά αν δεν κάνω λάθος. Δεν έχω ήχο -στο γραφείο-)



Edit: Καλά φαίνεται να πηγαίνει εδώ.

Grenade launcher το νέο Gauss Rifle;

(γιατί ξέρουμε ότι μόνο με 1-hit kill όπλα παίζουν οι "hardcore"...)

  • Super Moderators
Αφου πιο πανω λεει οτι εγινε gold. Οτι ηταν να κανουν το κανανε


Η συγκεκριμένη λέξη δεν περιλαμβάνεται στο λεξιλόγιο τους.


Since the version was a prerelease one, it could be that Crytek did not optimize it yet.



από εδώ το διάβασα...


Crytek comments on RAM requirements


As they got aware of it, Crytek commented on our article about the memory requirements of Crysis Warhead. Crytek meant: "Crysis Warhead will not require 4 GiByte RAM of course. The pre-release version displayed in Leipzig had specialized settings and was not optimized in any way. Because of this it needed a lot more memory than the final version will do. With the 2 GiByte that are recommended (1 GiByte minimal) by Crytek, the framerate performance of the final Crysis Warhead will be comparable to what you saw.


Crysis Warhead - Multiplayer Details


With Crysis Wars as a different game included in the Warhead box we want to establish a new franchise that is all about multiplayer. Warhead has been developed by the new team in Budapest, Hungary whereas Wars was created by a dedicated team in Frankfurt, Germany. This allowed us to have the focus geared towards both games to provide the best possible result for each.


The following is a rough summary of the most important content of Wars. In the upcoming days and weeks we will feature those points with a lot more detail on the community web site:




1. New Features


* New game mode TeamInstantAction

* Auto-downloader of maps embedded into the game

* Auto patching system embedded in the installer which always checks for the latest game version

* Fixed most critical bugs requested by the community


2. TeamInstantAction


* New intelligent spawn system for TeamInstantAction that spawns you the furthest away from any enemy and the closest to your team mates.

* Implemented score system for both the teams and the individual player

* Implemented overtime in the case both teams have the same amount of team score at the end of a round

* Developed maps tailored for the experience with more vertical gameplay in order to feature the nanosuit abilities


3. New & Improved HUD elements


* Game status bars for each of the game modes showing all necessary information at once

* Added kill message in the middle of the screen (also added kill count)

* Added dynamic objectives in PowerStruggle for a better readability

* Improved visibility of team mates

* Improved radar readability


4. Map Pool


* Total number of 21 maps for launch (9 PowerStruggle maps and 12 IA/TIA maps)

* Includes 7 all new maps

* Includes 5 improved maps from the Crysis Christmas Map pack

* Includes 9 re-balanced/improved maps from Crysis Multiplayer

* All original IA maps can be played in TIA as well and vice versa


5. Enhanced Server Support


* Added multiple console variables for a more in-depth server administration

* Improved server startup with a list of most important commands to get a server running


6. Weaponry Changes


* Re-worked complete weaponry behavior to make every weapon useful for a specific situation

* Increased damage output to kill enemies easier which allows a more fluent gameplay

* Added FGL-40 weapon from Warhead

* Added dual-wielding AY-69 weapon from Warhead

* Removed incendiary ammunition


7. Vehicles Changes


* Re-worked vehicle damage system

* Improved vehicle control system

* Re-balanced VTOL to match up with the strength of other vehicles

* Added weak zones to every heavy vehicle where it can be damaged by rifle ammunition

* Added ASV Anti-Infantry & Anti-Vehicle versions from Warhead


8. PowerStruggle Improvements


* Added alternative winning condition based on the highest amount of energy collected

* Added overtime in the case no team destroyed the enemy HQ and both teams have the same amount of energy

* Added spots to the maps from where to shoot the best in order to destroy the enemy HQ

* Re-worked TACGun to fire directly instead of having a ballistic

* Re-worked base turrets to act more effectively on short range against invaders

* Simplified end-game scenario by making only one end-game weapon available to the players (TACGun or TACTank depending on the prototype factory size in the level)




First Crysis Warhead review is in

"Five hour tour-de-force that's plugged the holes in Crysis with diamonds," says PC Zone.


PC Zone has issued the first review for stunning FPS follow-up (or spin-off, whatever you want to call it) Crysis Warhead, awarding it a respectable 92%.


Warhead, says PC Zone, remedies many of the issues that players had with the first game; the sometimes dodgy AI, unspectacular aliens turning up... Very high praise follows...


"With its budget price and improved multiplayer, there's more than enough here to cheer nay-sayers," says the mag,


"One of the most striking things about Warhead is the way it shakes the template Crysis snowglobe and has its constituent parts drift and settle into surprising new patterns. In Crysis encounters with enemies were heavily cordoned off from each other, in Warhead anything goes.


"It's a frenzy of intelligent and original level design, far away from the Far Cry model that Crysis aped," the review continues.


Nanosuited enemies, revamped aliens, bog-standard Koreans and a whole bunch of the monolithic Hunter tentacle beasts all turn up in an unpredictable order says PCZ, making for some "awe-inspiring" battles.


"Warhead encourages you to be constantly on the move, often in vehicles with big guns, and always with fire and broken fuel storage tanks left in your wake. However, this is not to say that you can't take your time if you want to."


But are the aliens better? "A fairer question might be 'are the aliens as oddly unexciting as last time round?' - the answer to which is a straight no. They're a lot more dynamic now, they get into scrapes with the Korean army and they jump from rock to rock with AI routines that have a lot more in common with your be-nanosuited foes.


"The game does stumbles somewhat in its mundane tale of camaraderie with a rogue pilot called Sean O'Neill," the review continues, adding that story never quite dips into a naffness that particularly harms the game.


"Warhead honestly is the finest burst of action gaming released so far this year, and if you're canny then you'll be able to pick it up for a mere £15 from online retailers. It's a five hour tour-de-force that's plugged the holes in Crysis with diamonds."


We're very keen to get our hands on it. Read the full review in PC Zone issue 199, in the shops on Thursday, September 11 (and subscriber's hands now).


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