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Crysis Warhead


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Υποστηριζουν οτι θα ειναι εφικτο με καποιες αλλαγες που εχουν κανει στην μηχανη γραφικων.


Οποτε μην το συγκρινουμε με το Crysis. Μπορει να φερουν αυτες τις αλλαγες και στο Crysis.


Σιγουρα η CryEngine 2 δεν ειναι η πιο βελτιστοποιημενη μηχανη γραφικων που υπαρχει οποτε εχει περιθωρια για optimization.


Αλλα και σε μενα μου φαινεται λιγο αισιοδοξη αυτη η δηλωση... θα δουμε.

  • Απαντ. 606
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

Αν υ η μηχανη γραφικων του crysis warhead ειναι πιο βελτιωμενη σε σχεση με το crysis αυτο σημειναι οτι θα τρεχει πιο γρηγορα στο συστημα μου με ολα very high απο το crysis?? Εγω περιμενα το crysis warhead θα ηταν πιο απαιτητικο απο Crysis.


Crytek boss Cervat Yerli has said that Crysis: Warhead will run at high settings, at 30-35 frames per second on a ?400 PC.


Όπως λέει .. στο high.


Σίγουρα θα έχουμε very high όπος και στο προηγούμενο.


Η πλάκα θα είναι να προσθέσουν και ένα Super Duper Badabam Ultra Extra Yupeeeee HIGH


Παιδια εγω πιστευω πως ολο αυτο ειναι ενα τρικ της crytek. Μονο ο χρονος θα μας πει αλλα καλο ειναι να θυμομαστε πως οπου λαλουν πολλα κοκορια αργει να ξημερωσει


Crysis Warhead info from PC Gamer

  • Crysis Warhead is a PC exclusive
  • Warhead is a full sized game, following Psycho during the events of Crysis. Not just a standalone expansion
  • Psycho's known appearance allows for 3rd-person cutscenes. Don't scoff - they could be used to teach you nanosuit techniques. I'll believe it when I see it though...
  • Prophet's story isn't touched in this game, but his story could be in yet another "sidequel". Ugh, what about addressing the cliffhanger ending?
  • Game starts when Psycho leaves Nomad (main character from first game) about half-way through the first game. Ends sometime before he shows back up on the aircraft carrier
  • Single player campaign of about 8-10 hours, beefed up multiplayer game (I'll go over it later)
  • Crytek's aim with Warhead is specifically to satisfy critics of the first game
  • Yerli admits that designing the game with future scalability was a "mistake", and that they should have released those higher settings later with a patch
  • "If you were able to run Crysis, you'll be able to run Warhead better" -Cevat Yerli
  • In addition to better performance, Warhead includes a new "global ambient lighting" system, lighting and shadowing improvements, and new particle effects - none of which impact framerates on current-gen machines
  • You don't need Vista and DX10 this time around for the highest-end effects - you can max out the graphics with DX9 on XP
  • AI improvements - aliens have more human-like organizations, enemies have better group tactics, korean combat chatter improves
  • Unlike Crysis' linear focus towards the end, Warhead maintains scripted and sandbox aspects, better integrated throughout the game. Vehicles remain important throughout it
  • You'll never be forced into a vehicle - they always remain options in Warhead
  • Yerli admits that announcing Crysis too early may have hurt the game - Warhead will ship this year, and from now on, he hopes to announce games merely 3 months before their release
  • Psycho's suit abilities will be the same as Nomad's, but Crytek says there might be a surprise later in the game.



  • Warhead includes everything that Crysis has, including stuff added to the game post-release
  • Includes a third mode to the first Instant Action and Power Struggle modes
  • New mode isn't named yet, will be less complex than Power Struggle, but be more involved than instant Action
  • New maps feature more vertical environments, wide gaps to encourage strength jumps and such
  • All vehicles - including the new amphibious APC - will be available in multiplayer


Interview clips

  • Doesn't agree with Brad Wardell on piracy, says the problem is people choosing between spending money on hardware or spending money on software. Basically hopes that now that people have the hardware, they'll spend their money on Crysis
  • Says that yes, Crysis sold well, Crytek/EA made a profit despite the big budget of the game, but sales could have been better. Yes, 15-20 pirated copies for 1 sold copy doesn't mean they could have sold 15-20 times as much, but he thinks selling double the amount isn't an unreasonable estimate
  • Crysis 2's development depends heavily on Warhead's success
  • Cross-platform development would involve two teams, avoiding the "distilled, easier to access experience" that console games need on the PC version
  • Crytek's previous GDC announcement involving PS3 development is not Crysis-related
  • Pushing PC hardware? "I think we wouldn't be Crytek if each platform didn't have its technology pushed."

  • Super Moderators
You don't need Vista and DX10 this time around for the highest-end effects - you can max out the graphics with DX9 on XP


ε ναι μετά το φιάσκο με το πρώτο game...


Yerli admits that announcing Crysis too early may have hurt the game - Warhead will ship this year, and from now on, he hopes to announce games merely 3 months before their release


όπα για 2009 δεν ήταν να βγει το game? τώρα λένε 2008?


Crysis Warhead First Look

We go to Budapest to check out Crytek's action-heavy follow-up to Crysis.


Consider the warhead, an object that is both explosive and incendiary. A warhead is about destruction, pure and simple. Recognizing that is one of the key things to understanding Crysis Warhead, a stand-alone follow-up to last year's acclaimed first-person shooter Crysis. Keep in mind that this isn't a direct continuation of Crysis; it's not one of the trilogy hinted at by Crytek's CEO Cevat Yerli. Instead, Warhead is an offshoot story that focuses on one of Crysis' supporting characters. And since that character's nickname happens to be Psycho, you could rightfully expect some crazy things to happen...


Crysis Warhead is on track for shipping this fall.





Cevat Yerli Q&A

Crytek's CEO looks back at Crysis, talks about the new game Warhead, and discusses the company's future as a PC developer.


With the recent unveiling of Crysis Warhead, German developer Crytek wants to expand its acclaimed first-person shooter franchise in new directions. As our recent preview notes, Warhead promises to be a much more action-heavy game than last year's Crysis. You'll play as Sergeant Michael Sykes, aka Psycho, one of the supporting characters in Crysis as you experience a whole new set of adventures. During our visit to Crytek's Budapest studio, where Warhead is being developed, we had the chance to sit down with Crytek CEO Cevat Yerli. We asked him about Crysis, Warhead, and the company's future as a PC developer. Excerpts of our conversation can be found below...


Crysis Warhead - Teaser







Crysis Warhead - Preview

Preview: Bigger. Badder. And cockney.


I'd spent half-an-hour back in the frosted glades of Korean-patrolled paradise when the Wizard of Oz's curtain was pulled back on the PC I was using.


Despite the fact that I was playing Crysis Warhead on high settings with a smooth frame rate and barely an ounce of pop up, the guys from Crytek dropped the information that I was playing on a machine they'd bought for the Euro equivalent of £380 pounds.


You see, over the past year they've tamed the beast that is the CryEngine 2 and now I was apparently getting high settings from 2GB of RAM, an Intel Core 2 Duo E6750 processor and an NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT video card...


Crysis Warhead - New Screens





AY-69 hand gun:

The AY-69 is a close combat weapon with high damage output on short range. Due to its high fire rate but low accuracy its preferred operational areas are urban environments and inside buildings. Once picked up the weapon replaces the SOCOM hand gun by allocating the first weapon slot in the playersʼ inventory.



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