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Hacking Xbox 1


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Αμα χερει κανεις πως μπορω να αλλαξω σκληρο και να βαλω ενα παλιο hdd απο εναν παλιο pc που να εχει xbmc και Halo 2 MP maps



(Το εχω ανοιξει ηδη περιμενω pms)

αν δεν εχεις τσιπακι ξεχνα το.δεν γινεται



Φυσικα και γινεται με softhack Υπαρχουν ειδικες οδηγιες θα τις βρω να τις ποσταρω


Φυσικα και γινεται με softhack Υπαρχουν ειδικες οδηγιες θα τις βρω να τις ποσταρω


εχεις δικιο,το ειχα ξεχασει.


μπραβο ρε urezin για κανε το καλο γιατι οταν χαλαρωσω λιγο απο τη δουλεια θελω να ασχοληθω με το xbox.




First off, if you're not on Xbox Live and you have an Xbox, there's no reason your Xbox shouldn't be modded. You might as well go ahead and do it, especially seeing as how the next gen systems are coming out in a few months. At least you'll still have some great new functionality out of your current Xbox. This tutorial uses what I believe to be the best and most stable (not to mention NOOB PROOF and easy to use) softmod auto-installer available, LTools Package. On to the tutorial....


Necessary Equipment:


An Xbox w/ Xbox Live Tab - If you donʼt have an xbox live tab then you can update your xbox by running a xbox live enabled game and installing the updates. Don't worry you don't have to sign up for anything. You also need to know what kernel and version your xbox is. To find the kernel go into MS Dashboard settings and select "System Info". Just let it scroll until you see something like this: "k:1.00.4981.67" and use that info to find out the xbox version.


Mechassault, Splinter Cell or 007-Agent Under Fire(you only need one) - Mechassault (Has to be the original version, You can tell what version you have by the laser etching on the back, if you have MS02301L you have the original, if it is MS02308L you have the new version which will not work.) Adversely, you can use the original Splinter Cell or 007 - Agent Under Fire. However, for sake of less typing, i'll refer to Mechassault as the chosen game throughout this tutorial.


A computer with a USB port


Action Replay - Get it at your local video game store


Ldots ltools Package v1.7.5 - There are 3 versions of this package depending on the game you wish to use. You will need to gain access to the Xbins' FTP to get the file. The directory in which it is found is: xbox/operating system/linux/distributions/ltools/


Once you have gathered your necessary materials, you may continue...


Modding the Xbox:


Open the Action Replay software and on your PC open the directory in which your version of the ltools package is saved. Then just simply drag and drop the .zip file into the middle column (PC Database). After this drag the gamesave (Run Linux) across to the left column which shows your memory card and it should copy across.


Take out the memory card from the docking station and put it into the top of your xbox joypad. On the Microsoft xbox dashboard choose memory and select the memory card with the gamesave on. Press right on the gamepad to go to the gamesave and click A. Then select Copy and copy the game to the xbox hard drive. Insert MechAssault and wait for it to load.


Select campaign and load up Run Linux by selecting it with A. Once loaded scroll down (Press B if you only see the name of the game that is currently loaded).


Select Backup from the main menu. This will allow you to restore your xbox to the original state if something goes wrong. When the Backup is complete go back to the menu and select UDE Install. This will open a prompt asking you to choose which UDE to install.


Choose which UDE to install by which Kernel you have, UDE1 should be used on kernels prior to 5713 (1.0 - 1.5 Xboxes) and UDE2 should be used on kernels 5713 and higher (1.6 Xboxes). The UDE2 only works on USA/Canadadian xboxes.


Next it will ask you to pick a bios loader/patcher, I usually use PBL-Metoo, as it's the fastest of the 3 loaders available.


After that it will tell you to choose which bios to install, use Evox M8 for version 1.6+ xboxes and X2 4981 for version 1.0 thru 1.5 xboxes.


Finally choose EvolutionX or MXM for the dashboard. Personally, i'd go with EvolutionX. Wait for it to finish installing, when it tells you to turn off your xbox, you can then turn it off. If your screen goes black or green and is garbled, it is normal, just wait for the xbox's lights to blink green on and off, that signals that it is complete.


Δεν εχω καταλαβει ακριβως τι θελεις να κανεις. Παντως οτι οδηγο θελεις μπορεις να τον βρεις εδω:




Στα Exploits/Softmod Guides εχει τρεις οδηγους για hotswapping:




Καλη τυχη κι ενημερωσε μας για την εκβαση της επιχειρησης! Ειναι να softmod-αρω το xbox1 ενος φιλου προσφατα οποτε με ενδιαφερει το θεμα....


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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