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[thinkingoutloud]Θα είχε ενδιαφέρον αν οι "εχθροί" είχαν το ένστικτο της αυτοσυντήρησης.

Δηλαδή,ας πούμε σου ορμάνε τρεια δαιμόνια,σκοτώνεις τα δυο και το τρίτο διστάζει και μαζεύεται ας πούμε στο σκοτάδι.

Για κάτι τέτοιο όμως δεν θα πρέπει ο παίκτης να'χει ολοκληρο οπλοστάσιο πάνω του αλλά περιορισμένο ammo.


Αν και δεν ξέρω αν θα ταίριαζε κάτι τέτοιο στο Doom..[/thinkingoutloud]

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Carmack: Doom 4 Sports Better Graphics Than Rage; Uses id Tech 5, Lower Frame Rate

Though powered by the same id Tech 5 technology as id's open-world shooter Rage, Doom 4 will be so detailed that it appears to run on "a totally new game engine," according to id co-founder and software engineer John Carmack.


The jump in graphical fidelity comes about as Doom 4 is targeted to run at 30 frames per second, whereas Rage will run at 60 frames per second. Carmack claims this allows id to throw "three times as much horsepower" at Doom 4.


"[Doom 4 is] going to be a 30Hz game," he told Maximum PC. "It's going to look like a totally new game engine on there, even though it's going to be built on the four years of effort that we spent developing this generation of technology."


No platform or release details have been revealed for Doom 4, which was unveiled in a surprise announcement earlier this year. However, the id Tech 5-powered Rage will arrive on PC, PS3, Xbox 360 and Mac, suggesting similar platforms for Doom 4.


ναι αλλά την ατμόσφαιρα που είχε το doom3 δε την είχε κανένα παιχνίδι...το να παίζεις βράδυ χωρίς φώτα με ακουστικά όλα τα λεφτά...μόνο το alien vs predator2 μου είχε δώσει αυτήν την αίσθηση (κορυφή άντε να δούμε πότε θα βγει το νέο) και σε μικρότερο βαθμό το fear

  • Super Moderators

και την ηλιθιότητα του να μην έχει ενσωματωμένο φακό στην καραμπίνα πχ δεν την είχε κανένα game :P


Ναι, αυτή ήταν όντως μεγαλειώδης ιδέα...ακόμα δεν έχω καταλάβει πως ακριβώς το σκέφτηκαν!

  • 3 εβδομάδες αργότερα...

Doom 4 "three times" Rage visual quality


Doom will "not be another four-year development period", said Carmack, but will have "three times the graphics richness" because it runs at 30 frames-per-second, rather than 60, which Rage targets.

Carmack later said clarified his comments, adding that the PC would have advanced so much by the time Doom 4 comes out that while the game will be 30fps locked on console, it could be 60fps or higher on PC, so "PC will be able to crow a bit over the consoles again".



Carmack: Doom 4 Multiplayer to Beat Doom 3's Modes

While Doom 4 details have been light at QuakeCon 2008, id's John Carmack did announce that the FPS sequel's multiplayer mode will be more significant than the online modes found in Doom 3.


Saying the Doom 4 multiplayer experience will have a "much larger presence" than that found in the previous Doom title, the id president said that his company should have enough resources to create a satisfying online component to match the single player campaign.


"[Doom 4 multiplayer] will not be as good of a multiplayer as Quake Live is, but it should still be good, and we will intend it to be better than Doom 3 or Quake 4 multiplayer," said Carmack.

Δεν πιστεύω πως θα'ναι πιο βαρύ κι απ'το Crysis.

Doom σχετίζεται με κλειστά περιβάλλοντα,ενώ το Crysis,όπως και το Far Cry ήταν κατ'εξοχήν ανοιχτού περιβάλλοντος,το οποίο σημαίνει πιο πολύ δουλειά για την GPU..


ακριβως το αντιθετο συμβενει φιλε μου...

Τα ανοιχτα περιβαλλοντα ειναι η που*** :P

στα κλειστα ειναι ευκολοτερα τα πραματα :-)


Next Doom May Not Be a True Sequel





The next Doom coming to gamers is so early in development that its creators haven't yet decided what exactly the game will be about or even what to name it.


"The next game in the Doom universe is in development," id Software CEO Todd Hollenshead told me earlier today. " We do have the core of the team working on it, under the direction of Kevin Cloud.


"We are working on what the story is going to be for the game right now, the logo (shown during QuakeCon) didnʼt have a four or a subtitle. We havenʼt made the decision about that yet. There is probably a let's not make a numeral game and some say we should make it one."


While there isn't a lot to tell yet about the upcoming Doom game, Hollenshead told me everything he was able.


The game will be built on the id Tech 5 and will remain true to it's roots, he said.


"There's going to be big guns, lots of blood and demons," Hollenshead said. "Thatʼs what we see as the core and thatʼs what that game is about.


While Hollenshead said the development team definitely want to innovate with the game, it's too early to tell how exactly that will be done.


"We are still working on the game and what itʼs going to be about," he said. "The goal for the game is that it will be the best game of its ilk when it's released.


"It will remain true to what Doom is about, this very visceral experience. But we still want to obviously be innovative within that."


Check back for the rest of our Hollenshead interview throughout the day.


Doom 4 to be 'Significantly Different' than Doom 3, Taking Elements from Doom 2 Formula

During an interview with Shacknews, id Software president John Carmack described Doom 4 as being "significantly different" than Doom 3.


When asked whether the game will be rooted in the horror genre, Carmack indicated that it will instead focus more on pure action elements a la Doom 2.


"One of the things that I come to in my limited contributions to the whole Doom 4 design process is, it has to still be you beating down the bad guys," said Carmack.


"It has to be a triumph of heavy weaponry over demonic forces in some way, and you have to be blowing demons all to hell all around you, and it's a more positive side of things there."


Carmack explained that he found some of the complaints of Doom 3's brand of horror to be "completely valid," saying that the "contrived nature of monsters hiding in a closet" and the extreme darkness were two things that caused the company to cancel its game Darkness and begin production of Rage.


Needless to say, there will be no scary little girls in the Doom 4.


"It's not that you're running around frightened down to your last bullet [in Doom 4]," added Carmack. "There will occasionally be that, but it should be much more of you winning, because that was always the point in Doom--you are the hero, and you are winning. You're going to beat back all the hordes of Hell using all the tools at your disposal."


Development of Doom 4 will be short, as very little of the id Tech 5 engine will be changed in the transition from Rage. The game will feature at least one "graphical hook," and should have three times the graphical fidelity of Rage due to a lower target framerate.


However, according to Carmack, the focus will mainly be on creating a solid gameplay experience. Carmack also reiterated that the game will most assuredly be M-rated, and that the game's multiplayer modes will be more extensive than those in Doom 3.


id is targeting a release within this console generation, as the game is expected to hit on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC.

  • 5 μήνες μετά...

Doom 4 writer revealed
British Fantasy author behind new Doom, CVG learns


CVG learns that British Fantasy award winning author Graham Joyce is penning id's new Doom.

Cast your minds back to May 2007 when id Software announced it was working on another entry in the Doom series. Not a lot was said apart from, "Doom is part of the id Software DNA and demands the greatest talent and brightest minds in the industry to bring the next instalment of our flagship franchise to Earth."

As true as that may be, the project's been completely under wraps for the best part of a year and a half. Nothing is known about where the series will go next, though it's presumed that Doom 4 will continue where Doom 3 left off (in space and hell, in case you forgot).

CVG can confirm that British Fantasy award winning author Graham Joyce is writing the story to the game as you read this, though he had signed his life away and was unable to tell us anything about the direction the game was taking. We did ask. "I can say that ID have hired me to help develop the storyline potential," was all Joyce would give us when contacted.

Joyce has published fourteen novels and twenty-six short stories to date. He even picked up a few British Fantasy awards, so he knows what he's doing. Does he know Doom though? We'll have to wait and find out.
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