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Google vows to fight Oracle lawsuit as Java creator speaks out


Google has vowed to fight Oracle's patent lawsuit over use of Java patents in Android, claiming that Android's Dalvik implementation is not covered. Meanwhile, Java creator James Gosling blogs that neither side in the lawsuit is without blame, but calls the suit a victory for "ego, money and power" at the expense of open software development, says eWEEK.


Java creator blasts Oracle -- and Google too


Two subsequent eWEEK stories by Darryl Taft report on blog posts about the lawsuit by Java creator James Gosling (pictured). The chief creator of Java, as well as a former vice president and fellow at Sun Microsystems, Gosling moved to Oracle after the Sun acquisition last summer, but resigned from the company this April.


On Friday, Gosling wrote that the suit was "not a big surprise." He added that "during the integration meetings between Sun and Oracle where we were being grilled about the patent situation between Sun and Google, we could see the Oracle lawyer's eyes sparkle." Added Gosling, "Filing patent suits was never in Sun's genetic code."


In this and a subsequent blog entry posted yesterday, Gosling took issue with Oracle's heavy-handed move, but also faulted Google for its own power-play tactics and refusal to settle with Sun.


"There are no guiltless parties with white hats in this little drama," Gosling wrote yesterday. "This skirmish isn't much about patents or principles or programming languages. The suit is far more about ego, money and power."


According to Gosling, Sun's main concerns were with the potential for Android's fragmentation, and what that might do to Java, the majority of which was open sourced by Sun in 2006. In addition, financial compensation was at issue, wrote Gosling.


"We wanted some compensation for the large amount we would be spending on engineering," Gosling wrote. "Google did have a financial model that benefited themselves (that they weren't about to share). They were partly planning on revenue from advertising, but mostly they wanted to disrupt Apple's trajectory, and Apple's expected entry into advertising."


Gosling went on to opine that Google, Apple, and Oracle have in recent years started imitating the strong arm tactics of Microsoft. These same Microsoft tactics have been vigorously protested by the same companies on behalf of the cause of open development.


By comparison with the recent moves of the "Borg wannabes," Gosling writes, Microsoft, which was successfully sued by Sun several years ago for meddling with Java, comes out looking pretty good. "It's a sad comment on the morality of large modern software companies that Microsoft, while I don't think they've gotten any better since Sun sued them, probably has the high ground," adds Gosling.




James Gosling




How corporate America went open-source


Rising tide lifts all boats


A Forrester Research survey of the business landscape in the third quarter of last year found that 48% of respondents were using open source operating systems, and 57% were using open source code, which are the building blocks of software. A similar survey of 300 large public and private companies conducted by Accenture this August found that half are committed to open source software, with 38% saying they would begin using open-source software for "mission-critical" applications over the next 12 months.


As Forrester Research analyst Jeffrey Hammond told those gathered at LinuxCon last week, "open source has crossed the chasm," adding that what was once the IT department's dirty little secret has now become "strategic adoption" in businesses both large and small. For instance, Amazon (AMZN) deploys open-source software for almost every task, Sabre travel network runs 32,000 transactions a second through it, Peugeot uses it on desktops and servers, and the New York Stock Exchange (NYX) bases its critical trading platform on the stuff.


Companies have become more comfortable using open-source as established technology companies, such as Oracle and IBM (IBM), have moved more aggressively into the space, often times improving the quality and heightening the profile of open-source options. Technology providers Novell (NOVL), Citrix (CTXS), Intel (INTC) and Yahoo (YHOO) have made robust open-source acquisitions over the last decade. Sun (prior to its sale to Oracle) raised eyebrows when it paid $1 billion to purchase the open-source database provider MySql in 2008. And, last week, when HP (HPQ) CEO Mark Hurd resigned, columnists opined that HP might finally embrace an open-source vision to grow its way out of its proprietary slump.


These established technology firms have also become active in nurturing open source projects. More than 100 of them, such as SAP (SAP), Nokia (NOK) and IBM, now work on the free distribution at the heart of one open-source development platform called Eclipse, and even open-source scourge Microsoft (MSFT) had tiptoed into the enemy camp, recently helping start the CodePlex Foundation to encourage open-source development and releasing 20,000 lines of its own proprietary code.


"This is one of the huge changes in open source over the last decade -- the move from mostly volunteer developers to corporate participation," says Jim Herbsleb, a professor of computer science at Carnegie Mellon University who has studied the open source movement. "It has provided a large infusion of resources. It has also created pressure for more discipline, for example in predicable release schedules, which makes open source more attractive."





Πείτε ένα ευχαριστώ στο Debian :-)




Welcome to Debian Appreciation Day. Our aim is to allow the many people that use and enjoy Debian in their lives, to thank those that make it happen.


Δηλαδη εμεις που δεν το χρησιμοποιουμε αλλα εχουμε εκτιμηση για καθε διανομη που ενεργα προσφερει στο Ελ/λακ να μην πουμε;

Δηλαδη εμεις που δεν το χρησιμοποιουμε αλλα εχουμε εκτιμηση για καθε διανομη που ενεργα προσφερει στο Ελ/λακ να μην πουμε;


Παρ' όλο που δεν το χρησιμοποιώ, το είπα το ευχαριστώ μου :-D


Google Launches Video and Voice Chat for Linux, Finally!


After 2 long years, Google finally releases Google Voice and Video Chat for Linux err.. not entirely though. Only a DEB package is available now. And hence only Debian based distros like Ubuntu can enjoy the merits of these changes for now.


Use Linux? Now you can video chat too






Google Launches Video and Voice Chat for Linux, Finally!


After 2 long years, Google finally releases Google Voice and Video Chat for Linux err.. not entirely though. Only a DEB package is available now. And hence only Debian based distros like Ubuntu can enjoy the merits of these changes for now.


Use Linux? Now you can video chat too





Linux distribution popularity trends plotted



In order to get a sense of the popularity of various Linux distributions over the past several years, we entered their names into Google’s search insights tool and grabbed images of the resulting graphs. The graphs display some fascinating trends and bode well for the future of Linux.


Graphs tracing the popularity of 14 of the most prominent Linux distributions appear below, along with our observations and comments. Bear in mind that the graphs do not represent distribution sales, downloads, or installed base; rather, the data is based entirely on the number of Google searches containing each distribution’s name per unit time as reported by Google’s search insights tool.


Top-tier distros: Debian, SUSE, Fedora, Mandriva, Ubuntu


The first graph shows the long-term trends of five mature, top-tier distributions: Debian, SUSE, Fedora, Mandriva, and Ubuntu. The meteoric rise of Ubuntu, which parallels the gradual decline of the more mature major Linux distributions, dominates the picture. Additional comments follow the graph.







Linux distribution popularity trends plotted



In order to get a sense of the popularity of various Linux distributions over the past several years, we entered their names into Google’s search insights tool and grabbed images of the resulting graphs. The graphs display some fascinating trends and bode well for the future of Linux.


Graphs tracing the popularity of 14 of the most prominent Linux distributions appear below, along with our observations and comments. Bear in mind that the graphs do not represent distribution sales, downloads, or installed base; rather, the data is based entirely on the number of Google searches containing each distribution’s name per unit time as reported by Google’s search insights tool.


Top-tier distros: Debian, SUSE, Fedora, Mandriva, Ubuntu


The first graph shows the long-term trends of five mature, top-tier distributions: Debian, SUSE, Fedora, Mandriva, and Ubuntu. The meteoric rise of Ubuntu, which parallels the gradual decline of the more mature major Linux distributions, dominates the picture. Additional comments follow the graph.







Microsoft: 'We love open source'


Everyone in the Linux world remembers Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer's famous comment that Linux is a "cancer" that threatened Microsoft's intellectual property.


Ballmer is still CEO of Microsoft, but that comment occurred in 2001, a lifetime ago in the technology market. While Microsoft hasn't formally rescinded its declaration that Linux violates its patents, at least one Microsoft executive admits that the company’s earlier battle stance was a mistake. Microsoft wants the world to understand, whatever its issues with Linux, it no longer has any gripe toward open source.

Microsoft/Linux milestones


In 2010 Microsoft is trying hard not to be public enemy No. 1 to open source proponents, in some cases by making key contributions to open source code and in other cases by making Microsoft products interoperable with open source software.

"We love open source," says Jean Paoli of Microsoft in a recent interview with Network World. "We have worked with open source for a long time now."


The mistake of equating all open source technology with Linux was "really very early on," Paoli says. "That was really a long time ago," he says. "We understand our mistake."


γιά φαντάσου ! :mrgreen:



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